Me lately · 11:50pm Feb 14th, 2023
I know that I'm not breaking new ground by writing a blog post to complain about writer's block, or voicing frusturation about the quality of my own work,
A Young Homosexual Alone in The Corner, Crying – Suttree, Cormac McCarthy.
I know that I'm not breaking new ground by writing a blog post to complain about writer's block, or voicing frusturation about the quality of my own work,
Get it? Saddle? Because this is a website about fictional worlds filled to the brim with colourful, talking horses? A-Heh-Heh-Heh... Yes, no, I can show myself out, thanks...
It's only been, like, 8 years since I did anything related to FIM, and I was shocked at how strong and active the community here still is. Sadly, it seems like a lot of my favourite writers and readers have left, but I can assume that's to greener pastures and that sort of makes me happy to think about.