• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015

Sudrian Engineer

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The Chipmunks and the Chipettes are transferring to a new high school in New York. There, they meet some new friends and reunite with an old one. Things are not well at their new school, however, as the local mean girl, Sunset Shimmer, is determined to make their lives a misery.

Can the youngest Chipette, Eleanor, get through her thick skull, and can the fashion diva, Rarity, convince Brittany to think of someone other than herself for once?

Chapters (2)

The following fan fiction you are about to read is a dream project of mine. Why did I choose this website? For its catering to MLP:FIM exclusive fan fictions unlike the more basic FanFiction.Net. As well as for the obvious fact that a VeggieTales-related fan fiction website doesn't exist.

I've known a world with VeggieTales as long as I can remember, which 90s babies growing up in a Christian home has never heard of the series? I learned all about biblical morals from VeggieTales that still resonate with me to this day as an adult, and as I mature even more fully into adulthood. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on the other hand first premiered when I just became a teenager, I never expected MIP: FIM to gain a major male fandom with fans even older than I am. It was nearly two years ago when I got curious over what the brony hubbub was all about, and then I was immediately hooked. The wholesome lessons that MLP: FIM taught gave me similar to vibes to VeggieTales. So that is what inspired me to create this crossover fan fic of my dreams.

There are several individuals I would like to thank, three of whom I've never met:

Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki for creating a video series of CGI anthropomorphic vegetables that taught me further about the faith that I follow.

Lauren Faust for reinventing a series I would've dismissed for being too girly and childish.

The rest of whom I've actually chatted with on this website:

Dinodisneylover1 for his kind personality and amazing crossover series that blended the magic of Disney of MLP:FIM, that became inspiration for my self.

extremeengima02 for yet another amazing crossover series in the world of cinema, as well as another inspiration for this fan fiction.

Dramamaster829 for his eloquent observations about the beauty of fan fiction, his editing of the Cinematic Adventures, as well as being the first user I actually chatted with. Despite our disagreements in the past, I've always found good fun in it.

ToonWriter for spicing up the comment sections of the Cinematic Adventures with his own commentary B-plots.

Phantom-Dragon for continuing the legacy that ToonWriter began, as well as a possible mutual interest in VeggieTales.

HunterBrony101 for becoming the first user to actually speak with me on this website when I first came on (although I was acting quite foolish at that time).

Jmaster49 for a fanfic series that shared my mutual disappointment in the lack of a redemption arc for Cozy Glow that will be more further explored in this fanfic.

Finally I would like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me the peace, strength, faith and wisdom in my life. As well as giving me the opportunity to share this faith-inspired fan fiction.

So sit back, relax and read all about this crossover of my dreams that combines Sunday morning values with Saturday morning fun!

Chapters (20)

A couple weeks after her first Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Twilight gets lost in the Everfree Forest all by herself, hoping to find a way back to town. As Twilight searches, she comes across a strange flower that sprays out some strange pink pollen. She inhales it, and gets a pain in her stomach. The pollen made her pregnant with a colt that looks like her male counterpart from another dimension (Dusk Shine from On a Cross and Arrow by Conner Cogwork).

Meanwhile, a kid who has been living with his abusive aunt and cousin make his life miserable when his parents are working in Europe. That young boy keeps getting treated like a slave, and barely gets any food. They even force him to clean up the house that they keep messing up, no matter if he was healthy or sick. Then one day, he gets really sick the day his parents come home, unexpectedly to the abusive aunt and cousin. He had a sickness that couldn't be cured. At least he saw his parents one last time before he passed. He then wakes up as the colt that Twilight Sparkle had given birth to.

Chapters (14)

Starlight had prevented the rainboom once again. Worse, she also destroyed the time travel spell. Now, with no way to reset things, Twilight and Spike will have to seek out each of their friends in order to help them earn their cutie marks. However, trying to put history back on track is a lot messier than it seems.

Edited by: Nebbie

Additional Editing/Proofreading by:
-Knight of the Raven and Berry Delight (Chapters 1-3)
-IAmADeliciousPotato (Chapter 7)

Cover Art by: Me (and Frown Factory for the Spike vector)

Chapters (9)

One lonely night, Starlight decides to release Cozy Glow from her stony prison, and plans to let out some of her frustrations on the vile filly until she discovers that Cozy Glow can't seem to remember who she is anymore, or much of anything else from her past.

Could this be yet another trick conjured up by this scheming pegasus? Can she really be trusted?

The cover art was done by VectorVito. The account on DeviantArt has been deleted. The cover art was used with permission.

Click this Soundcloud link if you wish to listen to music inspired by the story.
The music was made by Vector_Monster.

Chapters (20)

Lukas has been a brony for about as long as he could remember, and sure, kids at his school have ridiculed him for enjoying a show aimed at a younger demographic, but he's still proud to be a brony. Like any other brony, Lukas dreams about getting the chance to go to the magical land of Equestria, but little does he know, his dream would soon become a reality.

Chapters (5)

Hellhounds are dark creatures that inhabit the pits of the Underworld and punish the souls of the damned. Sometimes, they are sent out to drag the souls of the damned to the Underworld where they proceed to devour them over and over again. Sometimes, they are sent out alone, but others sent in packs. Either way, it's a terrifying experience to have a Hellhound hunting you. No matter where you go, a Hellhound will find you.

Frightfang is a Hellhound puppy who's simply trying to live his best life possible. Due to the nature of his species, he spends as much time fighting his siblings as he does playing with them. One day, a bunch of colorful mortal creatures actually come to the Underworld without being dragged there by one or more Hellhounds. When he accidentally follows them outside the gates, he tracks them back to Ponyville. The populace becomes terrified of the demonic pup. However, before the mob could do anything, a creamy Pegasus steps in and saves him.

How will Fluttershy handle a creature from a species that are naturally dark and destructive?

This story is in honor of my dog Maggie, who sadly passed away from old age earlier this year. RIP Maggie!

Chapters (12)

During the time Thorax and Ember left ponyville after their argument with Spike, Ponyville is unexpectedly attacked by strange apes that have come for something, they proved to be a strong and deadly foe against the mane 6 which brought fear to everyone, but they weren't here for them, they were here for a certain purple dragon.. Spike. Spike tries to escape the monster's grasps, but he unfortunately is captured by them, and he is taken to a different world before his friends could rescue him, leaving him trapped in a new world.. alone.

Spike wasn't one to give up though, he came up with a way that got himself free from the apes, and he fled for his life to live, it left the apes to start searching for him after he fled, while their master is waiting for the report. During Spike's escape, he runs into a Purple Dragon like him after escaping into a swamp, the dragon's name is Spyro, and with nowhere to go, and Spyro having a kind heart, Spike's taken in by him and joins him and his little brother Sparx with. Spike's life has changed completely, and he and Spyro are about to go on a journey that will change both they're lives forever..

Chapters (24)

After graduating college, Maya was eager to start her social work career helping disadvantaged youth, but got pulled into the whimsical pony world of Equestria while dressed as Posey Bloom for Halloween. Though now an earth pony herself, she finds purpose using her counseling talents to mentor the Mane 6 ponies. Maya's traumatic childhood left her craving friendship and wonder, which she just might find in this colorful new home.

Spoiler/Warning tags: Human to pony(fairly immediate)

Chapters (18)

Starlight Glimmer had all she could want. She was in charge of a village of ponies, and she had convinced them all to give up their cutie marks in pursuit of what she believed was true and irrefutable friendship.

Now though, the house of cards has come crashing down. Starlight is revealed as a fraud and captured by the element bearers. Her villagers reclaim their cutie marks and renounce her beliefs. However, one of the ponies formerly living under her rules decides she needs a punishment most befitting of her crime.

This story is part of a group of stories I'm calling the Taste of Their Own Medicine series. In all of these stories, the message is clear: It ain't so great to have a taste of your own medicine.

Chapters (11)