• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015

Sudrian Engineer

Sorry for being a worthless failure...

Fetishy Favorites 16 stories
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These are my stories entered in the monthly Flashfic contest. I like to take the prompt for each month and interpret it under a similar lens.

Each story is a cute glimpse into the life of a pregnant mare, in one way or another, as the prompt permits.

I commissioned the cover art by Jargon Scott.

Chapters (13)

Pinkie Pie is almost at the end of her pregnancy, and there's no doubt that it has taken its toll on her. Carrying twins is no easy task, and she's about to find out that delivering them isn't easy either. But she's thankful for at least one thing; she has her friends with her every step of the way. Oh, and her foals as well.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Relaxing

Another series of shot stores. Telling how the Equestria girls like to relax when they can.

Chapter one: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Edited by The Dark Wolf

Contains: wetting, Age play, desperation, and pull ups.

Chapters (2)

A series of shot stores. Telling how the Equestria girls like to relax when they can.

Chapter one: Rarity and Twilight.
Chapter two: Twilight and Rarity.
Chapter three: Pinkie and Sunset.
Chapter four: Fluttershy and Rainbow.
Chapter five: Rainbow and Fluttershy.
Chapter six: Applejack and Sunset
Chapter seven: Sunset and Applejack
Chapter eight: Sunset and Applejack

Edited by The Dark Wolf

Contains: Farts, wetting, messing, soap/washing, food play, pet play, Olfactophilia, and fun in the rain.

Chapters (8)