• Member Since 21st Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 58 minutes ago


I prolifically produce prurient pregnant pony prose, previously per Pregchan, presently preferring here and there. I'm currently commissionable.

Blog Posts

  • 8 weeks
    Rainbow Dash Artwork

    The associated story is a $75 commission for Explodium, whose payment more than paid for the cover art by CowsRTasty. However, I've recently commissioned additional artwork which now serves as the cover art, so I preserve the original cover art here:

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  • 16 weeks
    Cigusa's SubscribeStar

    I asked Cigusa for permission to advertise his SubscribeStar account like this. It can be found here.

    I pay for his highest tier, Congressman, to make recommendations, but those are put up for a vote. Currently, there are two people in the similarly-limited Voter tier.

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  • 17 weeks
    Queen Chrysalis Artwork

    Given its unusual nature, I'm currently the sole commissioner of Queen Chrysalis artwork depicting her gestating live young with a translucent womb, and may be the one author who has written any stories about her to this effect. The inspiration for all of this was an old piece by 0particle which is roughly a decade old now:

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  • 101 weeks
    Nine Months Later

    It took me nearly nine months but, with my thirteenth story uploaded, I've now finished uploading all of my major works to this account. Of those thirteen, only the last was written after this account was created, but I've several incomplete works I expect to be able to upload soon enough, within the year.

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  • 119 weeks
    Winter Wrap Pack

    A new charity art pack has been released today, Winter Wrap Pack, which has an obvious Winter Wrap Up theme. No one, myself included, was able to think of a better name, although I thought "Wendigo Away" was close. I wrote a Pinkie Pie story for it, the only story in the pack.
    It may be downloaded from here.

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  • 130 weeks

    I'm now open to accepting commission work. I do this not out of a need for money, but purely as a way to build up funds for commissions I wish to make of others; I'm open to discussing the use of story payments to fund cover art for the same stories.

    I accept payments and donations at the following address:

    I stress that I'd prefer to trade stories for drawings, paintings, and the like, so this is always preferable, to any artists interested.

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  • 139 weeks
    Making an Account

    Market research has shown that posting My Little Pony erotica exclusively in art packs and the My Little Pony thread of the furry board on pregchan.com for three years doesn't result in a wide audience for those who like to read about wide ponies. One can build it, but that doesn't mean many will come. Following, I now find myself with this account. I'll begin by uploading my stories, in the order they were written, and then releasing here as I release elsewhere.

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Comments ( 4 )
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Perfectly Insane

I'm a sucker for alliteration and your bio has some of the best I've seen with the letter P. Have a follow and a pleasant rest of your day.

Piss off, brat.

Well now, it's nice to see another pregnancy fetishist on the site! Best of luck with your stories! =)

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