Applejack gives her son a tour of Sweet Apple Acres, and thinks about the kind of pony he'll grow up to be.
This story was written for the second A Thousand Words Contest.
The cover art is by Graphene. This story was read aloud by Lotus Moon for Mother's Day of 2024 here.
Who's the father?
Not even born and already he has a connection with the trees. He'll do just fine.
Trivia: "Apple Seed" was Apple Bloom's original name, and she appeared as such in the 2009 Official Show Bible.
that’s definitely a very Apple Family thing.
thank you for writing!
There’s some unfortunate timing here, since I read an AJ x Anon entrant shortly before this one and I have to keep telling myself that 4chan isn’t the father.
Woe betide the changelings who dare challenge an eleven-month-pregnant Applejack at the royal wedding…
The bit at the end was quite cute. I can definitely see it as a tradition among mothers in the Apple family.
In all, a lovely little tale that is, appropriately enough, straining at its confines. There’s a lot more to tell here than you could fit in. Still, thank you for it.
I think that's suppose to be up to the reader.
This is a sweet story. I liked the part when Applejack ponders for a moment if she will suffer a similar fate as her mom the most. Worrying about the future..... If she can be the pony who her son needs..... I can relate to this right now, in a different context, worrying about the future and if you can be the pony someone needs you to be. Or more precisely, in my case, if the person I am talking about will let me be that pony for them again. I relate to this part of the story.
This mention makes me wonder about the timeline of this story. Did Applejack become pregnant after they defeated Discord? And it's still before Chrysalis came to Canterlot? Or did the other villains never attack in this timeline? Or do they perhaps not even exist there? Applejack later says that the danger of Discord is long gone, I can see both, that a long time passes in this timeline before Chrysalis would attack or that the other villains never attacked for some reason.
That's an interesting piece of worldbuilding here and it makes me curious if these events happen in a different timeline.
Is this a reference to apples and apple seeds falling to the ground and growing new apple trees there? Or was Applejack being sarcastic about looking down at the ground when something is bothering you?
I love the last sentence. It's beautiful and it's poetic, being proud of a pony you never met before. And impressive too, how Applejack's son can buck a tree from out of the womb and how Applejack could do the same when Pear Butter was pregnant with her. He's going to be a great bucker before Applejack knows it.
I came to this story after waking up from a horrible nightmare; I went at my computer and checked my feed to find distraction, saw you added it to the "Stories with Audio Readings" group, clicked on it because I noticed your name, took in its description and then felt a warm, pleasant feeling and I had to read it. It helped and calmed me down a little. Thank you for writing it and for adding it to the group when you did.