• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015
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Sudrian Engineer

Sorry for being a worthless failure...


Question · 8:16am July 8th

If revenge is sweet, and a dish best served cold, is revenge Ice Cream?

Report Sudrian Engineer · 31 views ·

Possible Plothole · 4:36am May 20th

Celestia and Luna raise and lower the sun and moon, but any time we see that happen on screen, their horns light up as they use magic to do it...

The question I have is this...

How do the Sun and moon move across the sky during the day/night?

They aren't using magic 24/7 to move them, or their horns would be glowing.

If the sun and moon can move across the sky by themselves... why do Celestia and Luna need to raise and lower them, when they would naturally do that on their own...

Report Sudrian Engineer · 51 views ·

Special Shape · 12:37am March 23rd

If you know what this shape is a reference to, reply with the word Yes, don't spoil it thought.

Report Sudrian Engineer · 69 views ·

MOST IMPORTANT BLOG POST EVER · 12:18am Sep 24th, 2023

Remember to be the version of you that Mr. Rogers would want you to be.

Report Sudrian Engineer · 108 views ·

New TTTE x MLP Crossover Idea · 10:19pm Aug 12th, 2023

Thomas sadly puffed along the tracks around Great Waterton, full of regret over what he had done to Stanley, and the trouble he had caused the other engines. He had made mistakes before, but they all seemed to plae in comparison to what he had done earlier that afternoon. The anger Sir Topham and the other engines had hurt him on a level it never had before. It felt as if they never wanted to see him again, oe Sir Topham would make an exception to his no scrapping policy to punish Thomas.

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Report Sudrian Engineer · 147 views ·

Yes, that is all you need. · 2:39am Jul 25th, 2023

Report Sudrian Engineer · 100 views ·

Interesting Fact Part 2 · 7:18am Jul 16th, 2023

Now... a quick recap for those who see this blog post, and not the other:

I REALLY like to finish things, no matter how long it takes, and how hard it seems. Usually, things I don't finish are things that are truely impossible.

In regard to this story, I need to specifiy something. If the task I wish to accomplish becomes too hard, I modify the task the create a better chance of completion.

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Report Sudrian Engineer · 98 views ·

Interesting Fact. · 7:08am Jul 16th, 2023

Something interesting you should know about me is that, unless something becomes truely impossible, I usually am quite determined to finish things I start, and this applies to stories as well.

Sunset is, and has been for a long time now, my favorite character, and this story has been nagging me in the back of my mind for months. College sucks, it really does, but other times, I am just feeling Lazy.

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Report Sudrian Engineer · 131 views ·

July 4th · 7:27pm Jul 4th, 2023

I could leave some long message about today, what it means to me, and how important it is, but I want to keep things simple:

This country may have problems, and it may not be the very best country in the world...

But it is a DAMN good country, and I am fucking PROUD to be an American.

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I worked for all my life
And I had to start again

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Report Sudrian Engineer · 75 views ·

Story Idea · 12:37am May 23rd, 2022

I had this idea stuck in my mind, and I wanted opinions:

Instead of being arrogant and such, what if Sunset explained her frustrations to Celestia and they talk things out. Deciding a vacation of sorts would help her student, Celestia allows Sunset to go through the mirror for a 30 mooms cycle, them using the journal to communicate/keep in touch.

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Report Sudrian Engineer · 190 views ·