• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015
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Sudrian Engineer

Sorry for being a worthless failure...

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  • 2 weeks

    If revenge is sweet, and a dish best served cold, is revenge Ice Cream?

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  • 9 weeks
    Possible Plothole

    Celestia and Luna raise and lower the sun and moon, but any time we see that happen on screen, their horns light up as they use magic to do it...

    The question I have is this...

    How do the Sun and moon move across the sky during the day/night?

    They aren't using magic 24/7 to move them, or their horns would be glowing.

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  • 18 weeks
    Special Shape

    If you know what this shape is a reference to, reply with the word Yes, don't spoil it thought.

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  • 43 weeks

    Remember to be the version of you that Mr. Rogers would want you to be.

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  • 49 weeks
    New TTTE x MLP Crossover Idea

    Thomas sadly puffed along the tracks around Great Waterton, full of regret over what he had done to Stanley, and the trouble he had caused the other engines. He had made mistakes before, but they all seemed to plae in comparison to what he had done earlier that afternoon. The anger Sir Topham and the other engines had hurt him on a level it never had before. It felt as if they never wanted to

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Possible Plothole · 4:36am May 20th

Celestia and Luna raise and lower the sun and moon, but any time we see that happen on screen, their horns light up as they use magic to do it...

The question I have is this...

How do the Sun and moon move across the sky during the day/night?

They aren't using magic 24/7 to move them, or their horns would be glowing.

If the sun and moon can move across the sky by themselves... why do Celestia and Luna need to raise and lower them, when they would naturally do that on their own...

Report Sudrian Engineer · 51 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I always assumed that it was like a "barrier" or something that makes the Sun and the Moon in one side of the planet, and they just have to use their magic to move it to the other side

Maybe it's a momentum thing, they give em a bug pish twice a day and then just check in now and then throughout the day to make sure they stay on the right track?

That is fair, something else I just remembered is that, in Equestria Girls, Luna specifically says "When the moon reaches it higest peak on the third day," or something similar to that, so we know they move.

This is just nitpicky, but my one question is, why is the Barrier placed so perfectly that it has to be passed for the Sun and Moon to be over Equestria specifically...

Maybe, but that makes it sound like they are just playing a weird game of catch

I've definitely seen fics where the sun and moon just kind if travel by themselves but have to definitely be raised and lowered by Princess :trollestia: and Princess no emiticon :(.

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