• Member Since 30th Jul, 2015
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Just falling through this tempest called life


Starlight Glimmer had all she could want. She was in charge of a village of ponies, and she had convinced them all to give up their cutie marks in pursuit of what she believed was true and irrefutable friendship.

Now though, the house of cards has come crashing down. Starlight is revealed as a fraud and captured by the element bearers. Her villagers reclaim their cutie marks and renounce her beliefs. However, one of the ponies formerly living under her rules decides she needs a punishment most befitting of her crime.

This story is part of a group of stories I'm calling the Taste of Their Own Medicine series. In all of these stories, the message is clear: It ain't so great to have a taste of your own medicine.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 65 )

Interesting! Can't wait to see the next chapter!
To be honest I did like Starlight as a villain better and I did think she got off way too easily anyways
Happy Christmas! 🎄⛄

This is actually a very interesting concept. I always did think some of the villains in mlp got off too easily. Merry Christmas🎄

That's ok, can't wait for the next chapter

Starlight scoffed. "Yeah, like I'd believe that coming from a pegasus that can barely fly!"

But she can fly. She just choose not to.

"And you! You seem to have telekinesis down pat, but what else can you do?"

If I can remember correctly she can track gems. Also, I find it ironic she says that because she can’t do ANYTHING anymore.

She's being spiteful because that's all she can really do at the moment

Oh reading this has made my day.

Bout time she learned the hard way

So when's the next chapter?

I can't say exactly. I have some other stories I'm working on, plus I started doing artwork to go with stories, which takes time to get done. The best I can do with a time frame is probably sometime before summer. Can't be any more specific than that.

Nice for a second I thought Rainbow Das was Pinkie Pie , But let's see how she does with Starlight

How about karma for starlight when she gets her backstory revealed and told off for how pathetic it is that she overrreacted and went full blown dictator just because a friend moved away

Starlight watched for a moment before scowling and turning away from Twilight. The alicorn smirked. Normally, she wouldn't be fond of taunting ponies in such a way, but with Starlight's attitude, it felt justified in some small way.

It kind of is.

Starlight turned to sneer at her. "Oh, you really care? Well, you certainly care enough to rip away my village I worked so hard to build! You care enough to turn my ponies against me! You care enough to take me prisoner and march me across a desert so I can get on a train and get taken before the princesses!"

Just punch her one time.

"Not that I really care all that much" the farm pony adds as she looks away into the darkness of night surrounding them.

That would be me.

"It represents her gentle nature" Applejack corrects. "Fluttershy got this after she calmed a whole mess a critters down after our friend Rainbow made her first Sonic Rainboom. Ever since that day, that filly has been workin' with all the critters in the forest to get 'em to live peacefully."

I’m gonna be honest I thought it just meant she was good with animals.

Starlight rolls back over and looks at Applejack with a glare. "At least I won't have you six trying to shove your misguided morals down my neck."

Hey pot, kettle called and he says your black.

"You lost your mommy and daddy as a filly. Big deal! There's ponies out there that lost parents as foals. I should know since I lost my mom as one too!"

Punch her one time, applejack. I promise you you’ll feel better.

Starlight took the time to see the hurt on Applejack's face. "Good" she thought to herself. "Maybe now I'll get some damn peace and quiet."

I hope when she tells them about sunburst applejack says the same thing as revenge.

One, so far so good. Especially the first chapter when Twilight acts like a responsible adult and future ruler instead of naive emo brat.

And my hope is when its Rarity's turn she goes for the jugular.
Just point out to Starlight that, as the owner of a business, she had to learn a fair bit about Equastrian law. And that one of the oldest laws on the books just happens to be one that states "removing a ponies cutie mark by any means including force or guile, save by a licensed physician with informed consent duly witnessed by an agent of the crown, shall be punished by beheading to be carried out not less than the next sunrise."
Then just happen to mention that since that time no pony had been dumb enough to actually try removing a mark. Bet that would give her real nightmares.

"You lost your mommy and daddy as a filly. Big deal! There's ponies out there that lost parents as foals. I should know since I lost my mom as one too!"

At least losing her parents is way more deeper and tragic than one lousy friend moving away for magic school all because of a stupid cutie mark! Or some village full of ponies you've spent years forcing your twisted beliefs on by brainwashing if they didn't see or do things your way!😠

Goes without saying that Starlight is rather self centered

She is coming off as a petty brat here, I know it's sad losing a friend but that doesn't mean she can take it out on others, even if they take away her village she brought it on herself

The story is titled what it is for a reason. Soon enough she'll learn her lesson.

Is this gonna be a series? Because I got some recommended villains.

It is. The original story was titled A Taste of Their Own Medicine. I did it a while back, but I'm going to rewrite that story at some point in the future. There is another story I have planned as well, but I haven't done any serious work on it yet.

Another story? What’s it about?

Rough summary - A changeling fails a mission and Chrysalis drains his love. He's locked up and reflects on what happened.

"You've made my friend unhappy. If you speak one more insult, I will turn you into a ponnequin and you can spend the rest of your life being prodded with sewing needles and pins as I fashion dresses and other garments on your body, and each time I poke you, I'll gain a small amount of satisfaction that you are receiving a punishment for your horrible acts."


I will turn you into a ponnequin and you can spend the rest of your life

Rarity? Is there something you want to tell your friends? Maybe corroborate an alibi in case some ponies come looking for their loved ones who were last seen headed to your shop?

Oooh Dang! Pinkie did NOT hold back!

Also I knew Starlight wouldn't have let the ponies leave even if they voiced their unhappiness and wanted their cutie marks back

Can't wait for the next chapter

.... yep. Thats the Rarity that became my favorite.

A definite drama queen, averse to dirt, and a few other flaws. But willing to do whatever is required to right a wrong. And she has a dangerous combination of cunning, esoteric knowledge, and talent that means she will find the flaws on your plan and drive the mother of all seam rippers through them.

Starlight, I highly suggest you shut your mouth and do exactly as the white unicorn says. She isn't bluffing.

I loved pinkie pie in this. She may be bubbly, naive, and sometimes a airhead, but she’s not stupid. Everything she spat was facts. I also loved rarity, sometimes villains need threats to be put in their place and starlight is one of those villains.

"Why not just tie me to a rock and leave me out here?" Starlight proposed snidely.

I wouldn’t mind that idea.

Rainbow glared back at her. "Because I want to see how Celestia looks at you after we tell her about all the nasty stuff you were doing to ponies in that village. You might even be sent to the moon for a thousand years like Princess Luna was."

To be fair she forgave luna, discord, and sunset so I doubt she’s gonna do anything too bad.

"What? No food for prisoners?"


"Kinda hard not ta understand that," Applejack pointed out. "After all, we're takin' her to what's probably gonna be a jail sentence."

That she deserves.

"Prison sentence," Twilight corrected, "but I think we all get it."

Is there a difference?

"You're gonna let her do this to me?" the mare asked Twilight.


Starlight's retort is cut off by a hoof across her jaw. While most would agree that the unicorn had it coming, everypony is surprised by the one to finally do it.


"We. Are not. Starving you." Fluttershy seethes, rubbing her now sore hoof. "You have refused to eat. You have been insolent to all of my friends, and even me."

If your hoof is hurting after punching then you need practice.

"But Twi," Rainbow whined,"I'm a pegasus! I can fly up and see the lay of the land! Twenty bits says I can see the train station at the end of the line from here and fly there and back in under a minute!"

She has a good plan. She doesn’t even need to separate from the group. Fly up and call out the directions.

"We. Are not. Starving you." Fluttershy seethes, rubbing her now sore hoof. "You have refused to eat. You have been insolent to all of my friends, and even me."

If your hoof is hurting after punching then you need practice.

Fluttershy doesn't normally punch things, so I doubt she has much knowledge about things such as proper form.

Oh finally! I've been hoping for another chapter!

Good point. Also, you forgot to hit the reply button.

I am SO HOOKED on this!!!

Well Glimmer, congratulations.
You just made sure that the rest of your trip to prison is going to a literal hell of thirst, starvation, sleep deprivation, exposure, and being dragged across every patch of rough ground and patch of cacti they encounter. There is a reason smart career crooks don't fight when they're arrested.
Hope you look good in bandages and chains....

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fluttershy, I know the signs of methane poisoning, and I haven't experienced any of them yet. Trust me, if I even get a little bit light-headed, we're turning around and leaving Starlight to her fate."

Fluttershy looks at Twilight in shock. "Y-You would do that?!"

Fluttershy, I understand you’re the element of kindness, but sometimes you’re too nice.

Hope they throw her into prison and if she does try to fight again, I kind of hope it shows that was only successful in fighting before when she caught them unaware and they’re re holding back because I hated how much starlight matched twilight in that season finale

Honestly, I never understood it either.

Yeah. That is the big reason I dislike her in cannon. She's not kind. She's bloody naive. The sort of person who keeps forgiving, and demanding others forgive, no matter how monstrous the perpetrators actions or how often they relapse. Too many really good people get killed or worse because others don't want to accept the ugly side of reality. Seeing it waved about as some kind of virtue just ticked me off even more.

And nicely done. Show might have held my interest past the first season if Twilight had been a bit more like this and not some Pollyanna-ish Mary Sue.
Though maybe next time break her horn. Sun butt will probably reverse her mark being removed given said failures idiotic tendency to forgive ponies for the stupidest reasons. Busted horn however seemed to be beyond her given Tempests case.

Although I haven’t seen her force forgiveness on someone else I have seen it in other stories. And you’re right. I’m a huge fan of equestria girls and a pattern I’ve seen is no matter how bad sunset is she still gets forgiven. There have even been time where the others would even try and force forgiveness. So I 100% agree with some of the things you’re saying.

Comment posted by EvilTreerat deleted Jul 7th, 2023

Bravo. I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that this is perhaps the only proper way to reform Starlight. It always felt cheap to me that she never had to experience what she did to the inhabitants of 'Our Town'. Also, not to say I necessarily have anything against canon!reformed Starlight, but I think this could believably lead to a version of her who's more considerate about how she uses her magic.

Yes, it’s back.

I’ve felt that way about her and a lot of villains.

I think this warrants a "Teen" rating since it's a bit violent for an E rating, including the swearing. Maybe also an "Alternate Universe" tag since the Mane 6 are more aggressive than they are in canon, plus I can't exactly see Starlight becoming good friends with them after this.

Interesting twist...

Is this Luna's doing? This feels like an orchestrated dream, considering what's already happened. Now sure how she knows about the connection between Sunburst and Starlight, though. It's either that or timey-wimey, like a time loop a la Groundhog Day, which might have been plausible up until Sunburst showed up. That's too big a difference. Unless the Mane Six are there to, and they just brought Sunburst with them and he went in first. Though I think Double Diamond would have mentioned there being multiple visitors, having been Starlight's enforcer during her rule of Our Town.

I’m a little upset that it was just a dream, but I’m curious on where this goes.

Nope. Just nope.

I really REALLY dislike (to put things mildly) this whole "it was all a dream" bit you have going on. Even if the first part did in fact happen and this is really Luna tearing through Starlight's mind. Aside from being a cliche, it does nothing for the overall story but distract and drag matters out. Neither does anything for a story but cause readers to get bored and leave.

I would suggest either A) breaking the first set out into their own story with this "it was all a dream" section as a sequel/ alternate or B) cut the dream section to one chapter maximum.

Just because an idea seems cool does not make it a good idea.

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