You know the darkest day somepony can have in Equestria? It’s when a dragon who’s a friend to all of Equestria loses his memory. It’s amazing how just one singular creature has such a big effect on everyone. Today we’re all going to learn that as we take a glimpse at how the world fares when Spike gets amnesia.
I'm looking foward to see how this story develops.
Better start running.
I thought Twilight would be more upset since she's known him since he was born.
le gasp
I already love this story. One of my favorite story themes is someone losing their memory. The tension, the emotions, it's just fun (and sad) to read. I'm looking forward to more chapters.
Twilight’s trying to be more patient with Trixie after season six.
Ah, makes sense.
Now this story got my attention. We'll see where it goes after a few chapters. Keep it up!
As a big Spike fan myself I'm jealous at how great of a story this looks to be so far.
Super Excited to Read more
Im also looking forward to how this would end. Amnesia related spike fics are rare in itself. The ones that exist never got any closure or any development to more than 4 or 5 chapters that honestly fans of such fics are often left dissapointed. We will see how this goes. I already love the plot of the first chapter.
An okay start. Why does your Starlight get more mad at moments when I feel it'd be unwarranted than when she actually should.
Well this story is dependant on direction. An interesting concept is nothing without proper execution.
Her friend lost her memory. I imagine she’d be pretty fucking pissed.
Yes, I agree, like when her friend dies lol.
This story has a good beginning. I will wait for more
I can't wait to see how this turns out if or when the next chapter comes out my good friend
next chap?
Might be dead
I could remake it lmao
That is true
You want me to remake it and rewrite?
It's not my place to say. Ask the creator first
Fair enough, I suppose I'd have to ask
I heard from the creator that she won't be coming back to this anytime soon so you can do what you want
Don't i need to ask?
Yes, but i thought you might want to hear that
I'll just credit them then. I'll start copying the first chapter then I'll write the second chapter.
Yeah, you can do that.
woah really? Thanks alot! But might need some details for the second chapter if you want?
Sure. I can hear you out
Sure send Dc
Send dc!!
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Can't wait for the next chapter.
Love the amnesia trope, I'm wondering if Spike will get his memories back or if he'll become a different person they'll have to accept.
Bro if Rarity found out she woulf lose her shit. Heck If in your Universe she actually liked him back its all ogre.