• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
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Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


Starlight is better written than Tempest in my opinion · 3:58pm Jul 23rd, 2023

I’m not going to make a lot of friends with this, but I think Starlight is a lot better written than Tempest is and I know it sounds unfair to compare a character who’s been around for four seasons to someone who made one movie appearance but since there is some debate out there with Tempest being seen as better written, I have no choice but to believe this is something that can be compared.

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Animated Atrocities #5: All Bottled Up · 10:19pm Jul 17th, 2023

Animated Atrocities #5: All Bottled Up

I’ve been meaning to cover a StarTrix episode for quite some time now to show why I can’t ship them. I just couldn’t find a good stinker. Road To Friendship and Student Counsel were good episodes, To Change A Changeling was mainly focusing on four leads, and so it came down to this or Horse Shoe In, and ultimately this one was worse.

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Animated Atrocities #3: Basic Straining(Total Drama Island) · 1:50am Jul 10th, 2023

I know people love this episode, but this is going to be a major unpopular opinion because I really don’t like it that much. And it all boils down to one simple factor, Duncan is a majorly unsympathetic prick and he’s the leading role today. Oh what joy./s

So let’s begin the episode shall we?

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Animated Atrocities #2: Timmy’s Secret Wish(Fairly OddParents) · 12:10am Jul 10th, 2023

Animated Atrocities #2: Timmy’s Secret Wish(Fairly OddParents)

So, Today we're going to be covering one of The Fairly Oddparents worst episodes. Timmy's Secret Wish. This episode is an hour long special based on the mysteries and lore of how Timmy fucked up majorly. No, I’m not kidding, that’s what happens.

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Animated Atrocities #1: A Matter Of Principals(MLP) · 10:16pm Jul 9th, 2023

Animated Atrocities #1: A Matter Of Principals(MLP:FIM)

I noticed a certain trend in seasons eight and nine with Starlight in MLP. It’s not as bad as something like SpongeBob where they torment Squidward or the arbitrary ways the fairies lose their wands in the Fairly OddParents but it’s still a concern to me. Today, we’re going to go over the catalyst of this trend. A Matter Of Principals.

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I made a new group · 3:32am Jul 22nd, 2022

Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216523/unrequited-love

The theme of this group is Unrequited Love. Basically it’s a story where one character is in love with another but the other character doesn’t feel the same way. I figured this might be a unique idea to try out. Hopefully you enjoy it.

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Ranking The Starlight Focused Episodes Part 1(16-9) · 12:11am Mar 26th, 2022

Didn’t think you’d see me again did you?

Ah Starlight. She’s a very mixed bag with the fandom, on the one hand she gets a fair amount of love on the other hand people think she’s a washed down Sunset and a terrible character.

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Any ideas for my new idea Glimmering One Shots · 12:42am Oct 21st, 2021

I plan on making a story called Glimmering One Shots, it’s basically one shots that involve Starlight Glimmer, they can be about romance, friendship, or basically anything I approve of, requests are welcome but no clop.

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A Canterlot Wedding Analysis Part 1 · 3:26am Aug 24th, 2021

Welcome to my analysis of A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 out of 2, I know a lot of people have talked about it but I want to get some stuff off my chest about it.

This episode starts off with Spike giving a letter to Twilight and her friends about a wedding between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and (gasp) Twilight’s brother Shining Armor.

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I made a new competiton · 6:39pm Aug 10th, 2021


It's a Twilightx Starlight competiton. Just make sure to submit your stories to the group if you plan on competing.

Report Starlight Fan · 209 views ·