• Published 20th Oct 2019
  • 8,109 Views, 340 Comments

Bizarre Happenings - Art Inspired

Cozy Glow is released from her stony prison only to lose her memory of who she once was.

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Prelude: Cold Stone

"There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!"

Cozy looked straight at Celestia knowing that she had been bested, and this time, perhaps for good. Then, she watched as Discord hastily, and pleasantly whispered into each of the Princess's ears.

"Oh, that does seem fitting," Luna said sounding content with the proposal.

"May I help?" the draconequus to Cozy Glow's right asked.

"Please???" the other Discord to the left begged.

The Princesses didn't even answer him. They ignited their horns quickly, and Discord's paw and claw flared with his chaotic aura. Before Cozy Glow's very heart could make its next beat, she and her acquaintances had begun turning to solid stone, and the last thing that would flash through her head would be the realization of how cold it felt. Not the loss, or the fact that she'd never get her revenge on Twilight after all, but how truly, bone chillingly cold the air felt as the spell struck the three of them. Still, she persisted in her evil ways, and even managed to make herself look so innocent as she hardened.

Just like that, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis were no more. Harmony had returned once again to all of Equestria.