Bizarre Happenings

by Art Inspired

Chapter Thirteen: Ocellus's Struggle

Rain slapped the glass that was right in front of Cozy Glow. It had been storming outside nearly ever since Cozy had arrived outside of the Clubhouse of Friendship. After heading inside, she watched as Ponyville was washed away by all of the water and sighed. She had gone there in order to relax, and to be with a few of her new friends, but all she found within the clubhouse walls was solitude and a dim setting.

She eventually wandered away from one of the downstairs windows and waited all alone, and at the end of the stairs to see if anypony else would come walking in through the doors, but she knew that thanks to the rain, nopony was probably going to visit that day except for herself. She frowned, and waited, but for a long time, nothing happened.

She finally stood from where she rested, and breathed before saying aloud, "It was such a sunny day not too long ago..."

The smell and especially the sound of the harsh rain began to bother her, but just before she started towards the doors in order to leave, and head out into the sopping wet mud that surely awaited her, the doors opened. Ocellus walked in. She shivered and tracked in dirt as she went. Cozy went ahead and grabbed her a towel, and afterwards, Ocellus thanked the filly just before going upstairs to dry off in her quarters.

For a couple of seconds, Cozy Glow stood by herself downstairs lost in thought while trying to figure things out. "Should I even bother her right now?" Cozy Glow thought curiously. "I mean, in all the time that I've pretty much known Ocellus, she's hardly said much of anything to me... But, then again, come to think of it, Ocellus doesn't say much of anything at all."

Cozy huffed, and thought some more, "The thing is... now's actually a perfect chance for me to ask her about Queen Chrysalis. Should I, though? I'm really not sure what to do."

"Say, Cozy?" A shy voice came from up above Cozy's head. She looked up, and although she couldn't see Ocellus from where she was standing, she heard the young changeling say, "If... you need to t-talk to me about my mother... you can." As Cosy advanced upwards, she continued to listen. "I think that I... that I pretty much know what you're about to do."

As Cozy Glow reached Ocellus, she stood with the changeling's back facing her. "What do you think I'm going to do?" Cozy asked.

Ocellus turned around slowly, and asked, "You're going to... release my mother, aren't you?"

Silence overtook the two fillies after those words were heard. Cozy Glow blinked questionably but stood her ground. She felt as if she couldn't move. It wasn't until her throat had become dry, and she had to gulp that she finally replied with a question of her own. "You... d-don't... want me to release Queen Chrysalis?"

Ocellus shook her head, and confessed, "I absolutely don't want you to do that."

Again, there was a brief silence. Cozy Glow began to have an odd sensation that her every word was like her chess pieces. Each and every one of them needed to be used carefully, and strategically. Her lips parted after a brief thought, but no words came out. She just started to stare at Ocellus in disbelief.

"Do you even have a plan?" Ocellus suddenly asked.

Cozy didn't respond right away, but a thought soon came into her mind. "That's... why we're talking. Ocellus, I... I would never go around telling you huge, mean lies, or anypony else for that matter. Releasing Queen Chrysalis is exactly what I intend to do. I also plan on reforming her just the way I'm reforming Tirek right now, and... I kinda really need you for this."

Ocellus appeared worried. "I... just don't know... Most of the changelings feel that Queen Chrysalis should probably just stay the way she is now." Cozy gasped, and Ocellus continued, "There's a few that miss her enough that they want her out, and of course also want her to... change, but for the most part, most of the changelings still fear her."

Cozy nodded, and for a second more, she stood in thought. Slowly, she then said, "I know that you don't want... your dark queen back. Perhaps... if she comes to understand some kind of way to freely give love..."

Despite Cozy's gestures, Ocellus carefully interrupted her by saying, "We've technically already tried that. Most of the time, she's just out for love, and never willing to offer it at all. Don't you see Cozy Glow? This isn't you trying to talk me up into helping you out. It's me trying to discourage you from ever even attempting to let Queen Chrysalis out." Her eyes looked stressed, and even though Ocellus wished deeply for Cozy Glow to give up this pursuit, she was also beginning to see just how resolute this new Cozy Glow could really be.

Cozy Glow's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she said quite clearly, "You're... wrong." She blinked at Ocellus, and said further, "It's neither... This is all about... simply doing the right thing." It fell even more silent because the rain had finally stopped. Ocellus and Cozy Glow could both hear each other's tense breathing. Cozy's breath sounded confident, and stern whereas Ocellus sounded all too nervous. Soon enough, Cozy Glow calmed down, and pointed out, "I'm not trying to bully you into this. It's up to you... If you really don't want to do this, I get it."

"N-no!" Ocellus sheepishly blurted out. Cozy Glow simply stared, and then, Ocellus said, "You... You're right. Letting her out... It really is the right thing to do, Cozy Glow, and if you're this determined, then... I'll be right behind you the whole time."

Ocellus began to smile, and Cozy came closer, smiling as well. They hugged one another, and Cozy Glow felt a warmth inside of her that she had never felt before. As the embrace ended, she looked into the silky eyes that belonged to Ocellus, and said with distinct appreciation in her tone, "Th-thank you, Ocellus... Do you think that you might be able to help me with getting through to Thorax? He's... one of the changelings that wants to keep her imprisoned, isn't he?"

Ocellus held her tongue for just a few seconds, but while tilting her head disappointingly, she admitted, "Yes, he is... unfortunately."

Ocellus stared at the floor, but in very little time at all, Cozy Glow redirected her attention back upwards by grabbing hold of her soft hoof. Cozy Glow then said to her, "The rain's cleared up in case you haven't noticed." Ocellus merely stared into those glistening eyes belonging to her friend, and then heard Cozy gleefully voice, "Let's go."