Eternal Nightmare 44 stories
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The fight between the sisters happens differently, the variables are different. For once, Luna has a daughter.

Twilight Sparkle is Luna's daughter, send a millennia into the future. She does not know that. However she is well aware Celestia is hiding something.

Celestia is afraid of what may happen in the near future due to the past.

Chapters (23)

In another timeline, created by the meddling of Starlight Glimmer, Nightmare Moon's plot to return and overthrow Princess Celestia has succeeded. Now Rarity is at her mercy, and finds that the lonely banished princess has taken a liking to her beauty and fighting spirit. Rarity must fight with every ounce of her mental prowess to retain her independence and her sanity.

Rated T for torture and suggestive dialogue

Chapters (1)

As a thank you, and upon seeing the potential in her, Twilight Sparkle has invited Sunset Shimmer to be a part of her team. Sunset has absolutely no idea what she's doing and she does not feel like she belongs; Whether if its from her regrets of trying to pursue power desperately and being corrupted by it, or her immense failure as Celestia's first pupil, or even her general inexperience with friendship, Sunset Shimmer has been humbled into nothingness, and has to rebuild her life from scratch.

And most complicated of all, Sunset Shimmer is now in love with Twilight Sparkle, the girl that changed her life for the better, and saved her from herself. She will keep these feelings extremely close to the chest; but her heart is on her sleeve now.

Can Sunset Shimmer improve? Can she be worthy and deserving of the friends that were imposed upon her? Could she possibly ever deserve to be side by side with a princess? Can she earn Twilight Sparkle's love?

Can she belong? Or is all of this temporary... And eventually she will have to move on, to anywhere more fitting of her insignificance? Are things destined to go wrong around her?

Will Midnight Sparkle return?

This story is a prequel of Across the Shimmerverse!

Chapters (8)

A story about a night life DJ being transformed into Nightmare Moon, figuring out why and how this happened, and learning to live life as a big alicorn.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Luna was subjected to the Elements of Harmony for the second time, she thought her troubles were over. When her sister forgave her and brought her to live in Canterlot, she thought she would finally be able to move on.

Months have passed since then, but her life has done nothing but stagnate. Worse, her old problems continue to haunt her. A voice lurks inside her thoughts, tormenting her with its vitriol and arrogance. It promises her a new beginning, but she has heard that lie before. She is done with Nightmare Moon.

Unfortunately, it isn't easy so easily removed. Luna wants to move on, to be her own pony once again, but the beast insists she can't do it alone.

She prays it is wrong.

Chapters (16)

To make things short, two years ago, I was transported from Earth to Equus. The first contact was less than preferable but some of the ponies have gotten use to me, though some are still on the edge. Tonight is something they call Summer Sun Celebration. The longest day on Equus.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Appointment with Evil

This takes place decades after the end of FIM Season 9 Episode 26 with Twilight established as monarch of Equestria, and can be read as a sequel to Appointment with Evil or as a stand alone story.

An unexpected visitor crashes Day Court, alerting Twilight to something being seriously wrong in the Crystal Empire ...

Chapters (14)

This story follows the lives of Princess Luna’s two daughters. Cover picture by ILIKELUNA. Playlist for the soundtrack is here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2eYripN3BnnewYwtb434b4?si=7gwLgRU_Qr6I8c2lBh2ogw

Chapters (15)

The Nightmare that helped Princess Luna to become Nightmare Moon didn't just appear from nowhere. This is the story of where it came from and just how it entered Luna's mind.
One hour speed writing story for a music prompt contest in the Quills and Sofas group.
Prompt was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewvWoDGKm0U
Coverart by Omni87 with permission. Look them up on deviantart.com, it's worth it!

Chapters (1)

The Pony of Shadows is back and one of the first things he does is use his dark magic to take over one of the ponies who freed him from his 1000 year long imprisonment.

Chapters (1)