• Member Since 17th Feb, 2024
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Sunset x Twilight truther, Rarijack enjoyer. All arts drawn here are made by me! Follow me on tumblr or whatever!



As a thank you, and upon seeing the potential in her, Twilight Sparkle has invited Sunset Shimmer to be a part of her team. Sunset has absolutely no idea what she's doing and she does not feel like she belongs; Whether if its from her regrets of trying to pursue power desperately and being corrupted by it, or her immense failure as Celestia's first pupil, or even her general inexperience with friendship, Sunset Shimmer has been humbled into nothingness, and has to rebuild her life from scratch.

And most complicated of all, Sunset Shimmer is now in love with Twilight Sparkle, the girl that changed her life for the better, and saved her from herself. She will keep these feelings extremely close to the chest; but her heart is on her sleeve now.

Can Sunset Shimmer improve? Can she be worthy and deserving of the friends that were imposed upon her? Could she possibly ever deserve to be side by side with a princess? Can she earn Twilight Sparkle's love?

Can she belong? Or is all of this temporary... And eventually she will have to move on, to anywhere more fitting of her insignificance? Are things destined to go wrong around her?

Will Midnight Sparkle return?

This story is a prequel of Across the Shimmerverse!

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 44 )

I died with Celestia embarasing Sunset :rainbowlaugh:
help me!

Genuinely one of the most fun depictions of Sunset and Twilight I've ever seen. This is a great read.



I love this idea very much. Keep up the good work.

Cadance giggled some more. “Dear Sunset, you were just about to attack an Alicorn Princess, just for the chance to keep loving Twilight Sparkle. Need I say more?”

Yeah. You do need to say more.
Because it seems completely irrelevant. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time Sunset tried to incinerate an alicorn princess - hey, it wouldn't even be the second time!


midnight sparkle like: why is sunset with that wimp twilight? she should be with a real mare, like me

also this being inspired by a dream just reminds me of also having sunset shimmer dreams TWICE ( both were mostly about her relationship with celestia and one also had multiversal nonsense in that i think sunset was mad at an evil and fucked up celestia saying she's nothing like her mentor) her power

The regular MLP universe Sunset idea is very interesting and i've never seen it before. The other half though:"And also what if it was really gay" has been answered many a times and will likley be answered a many more. Even so I can't wait to see your answer.

“Y’know if you ever wanna be hooked up with someone, Rarity’s a pretty good match maker just sayi—”

And then she woke up.

Sunset:I'll take that as a no then.

Oh yeah, i'm absolutely doing an pretty diffrent take on it. there is no EG universe, but i'm absolutely writing more sunset shimmer centric stories on this canon! And absolutely will be very gay

Thanks for reading!!

Finally we got what we bargained for

For a moment i thought Sunset was actually going to accept the deal. Looks like the friendship lessons had been working after all.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I too would love to hang out again once more, and I'm glad that we can learn to mend our mistkaes. I do not know what you are the princess of yet, but I do believe that the princess of punk rock isn't taken so that might be a chance. You have my blessing, and I think that maybe you could set Luna up next? Or maybe Discord. Though he's good friends with Fluttershy, he's more into stallions.

Love, Your Former Teacher and Forever Parent
Mom Princess Celestia."

Found the story through your art, and while some of the world-building choices were curious—more the way you jammed the worlds together than any individual characterization choices—overall this was a very fun hyperactive romp through a long dark night of the soul. Thank you for a most engaging read.

My absolute pleasure! It was indeed a mish mash, heheh. Glad you liked it 💖💖

Cute story. I loved the buildup to Twilight and Sunset's relationship. I was a bit worried about the Midnight Sparkle stuff but I think you justified it well. She was tired and overworked on top of everything else so it makes sense she would have trouble resisting.

I was confused about how Sunset would actually beat her in a fight so her just winning by kissing her made me laugh. Starlight is conspicuously absent but I can hardly blame you given she's overpowered to such a degree it just makes me roll my eyes. Only real complaint is Sunset becoming an Alicorn since it's a bit of a cliche at this point. That's more of a personal preference though.

Thank you very much for enjoying the read!

In all honesty, Starlight was absent because of her lack of adition to the themes, any scene i wrote with her felt forced, if i put her in any story i would have nerfed her big time; I was never fond of her overpoweredness either. (Queue her cameo in the princess and the peasant lmao.)

Spoiler for this story:
And the Alicorn thing is here particularly 'cause I plan on writing a sequel where these two are inheriting the night and day, and honestly, I think she earned it, heh. I essentially plan to write more stories with this canon, and I wanted Sunset to be at her peak for it! And everyone else, for that matter.

Either way, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for readin =v=

I wasn't saying she hasn't earned it just feels like every Sunset story ends that way lol. I mean Twilight's Ascension was just completing some spell. I've always felt doing it during the Tirek fight would have made much more sense.

Okay, got around to this. So far, its cute and I like where this is going.

A couple of things to help out. When you refer to an individual with a generic description, in this case "The Unicorn" it does not need capitalization. It is simply Sunset the unicorn unless it is a title not a description.

On to the next chapter!

Okay, so a number of things. First, perhaps cookie dough instead of clay? The idea of eating clay, even Pinkie's edible clay seems odd. Secondly. I want you to read through this again and see the grammatical errors with upper and lower case.

Also, did Sunset say she had a phone? I like this concept it just needs a little polish.

Formatting wise, this could have been two chapters. Cadence and Shining broke up? Given that and her striking behavior I would have bet coin that had been Chrysalis. Again, a few spelling errors that a second read through would fix. Still good.

Finally starting this one! I wanna first state that this is such a good tone setter and its got me hooked pretty well. But also you established their voices incredibl here. There's a moment here of just dialogue that I really felt was super engaging, even though there was no descriptors to indicate the speaker, your words were enough to convey that. Without getting repetitive or confusing either, which can be a pitfall when doing dialogue like that but I loved that portion especially here

What a cool way to explore how Sunset interacts with the rest of the girls! I'm kinda tied between having Raritys/Cutie mark crusaders be my favorite of them. I absolutely love detective Rarity and her having sussed out sunset so well was incredibly entertaining to read. Then with the kids, I just love those guys, but especially because sunsets cutie mark is a subject I find real intriguing.

A misunderstanding conflict is something a little tough to nail well without having it just be a little contrived (i.e. shrek overhearing Fiona talking about herself and internalizing it to jump to an uncharacteristic conclusion and make rash decisions). But this chapter has really laid out this conflict between them well. Through all this earning to be beside twilight and her new friends, she's done a great job with connecting to everyone BUT Twilight. No wonder twilight would feel distanced and draw it back to a well-established problem she's had with being an alicorn.

Tyvm!!! I figured that the best way to start would be with two characters that have a lot of common ground-- and Luna is essentially a therapist, with her role of staving off nightmares. and its the best kind of interaction to have heheh. Oposite opinions shared without antagonization!

Oh for sure, misunderstandings are really hard to pin down without being utterly frustrating-- Id say i did a decent job; Because Sunset's worst enemy is herself, in this story. She's actively sabotaging herself often, due to not considering herself worthy, but she cant deny her desire, cant deny being near what she wants. And that half-ass two-step is noticable by twilight-- who has zero experience with romance, and couldnt suss it out like rarity, heh.

A GOOD READ, thumbs way up!

You've turned me to an honest to god sunlight shipper and thank you for that. There's so much that may be in store for these characters and I'm excited to see whatever comes of it from your end.

I do feel this story had a very satisfying end, I knew where it was headed and despite that the journey to it had me invested thoroughly. Making the finale all that sweeter for it. Something I wasn't expecting to be one of my favorite aspects of the story is just sunset being friends with everyone. Extremely enjoyable to see her work alongside the ponys here especially with her absence in fim. With sunset being the protagonist of this story and main focus, I understand Twilight getting less focus especially as Sunset is avoiding her. But I'd love to see Twilights pov in some moments. (Especially curious about the moment she discovered her feelings for sunset)

I personally thought the themes of redemption and forgiveness would apply to Sunset the best. Just as the sun must fall, it shall continue to rise in the morning and that whole shabang. (Princess of Absolution sounds sick af) However with the angle of protection, perhaps Princess of Providence would be a nice fit? (Also sounds sick af)

Thank you for sharing this! I'm very happy to have given it all a read, your works are always a pleasure to behold. Fantastic job!

TYVM!!!! I'm so glad you like it!! My sunlight agenda is pushed forth o7

Will Midnight Sparkle return?

Doesn’t the title kind of give that away?

No, it's clearly a red herring and this is actually about the return of the dark lady Granny Smith, smiter of unruly apples.

Loved it, and loved the art! Way to go!

UHWQed I loved this so much :3 I read this part by part for 3 days mostly for a good 1 hour per day I may or may not have an obsession.



Gawd dayum your art style is awesome. Eh the story’s good too, but that art tho. ;-)

For real tho this is one of those stories I could totally see being turned into a proper paperback book.

oh mi god relly??

(ok but this reply was so funny)

STOPPP i love this idea sm my heart is actually screaming rn




my poor gay heart cant handle this bjkvmlwq,

ok but this is so cute

I gotta saying love the cadence part a lot fdvdvefvfev

Pinkie facepalmed. “I'm so stupid dumb augh you were using me like a smokescreen against the babe you wanna romance and I was just there cluelessly helping you not get closer to her!!! I THREW CONFETTI BETWEEN YOU LIKE A DUMBASS WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!” She got on her knees realizing the severity of her lapse of judgment.


Midnight teleported and stumbled, dodging the move, Twitching her head. “Oof… Get out of my HEAD, MONSTER! Urgh. GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE, NERD. And YOU. We’re not DONE.” she looked angrily at her love.



ok um but ahhhshshshsAHHHHHHH this was such a good idea to write

twilight going kaboom just to see sunset


I'm really glad you liked the story!!! Just so you know, the sequel's out already, it's called "Across the Shimmerverse" It's got a bunch of callbacks to this one heheh

Lmao I saw this as I was reading it !!

But didn’t human Twilight Sparkle overcome her issues with Midnight Sparkle in Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree?

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