• Member Since 1st Aug, 2013


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Pretty Good 18 stories
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Everyone knows Pinkie Pie is the opposite of depressed. After all, she's been trying to make it crystal clear to everyone, especially her friends.

❤️‍🩹 for anyone who needs a pick-me-up story 💗

Chapters (1)

While traveling, Wallflower teases her girlfriend, and plays a little prank.

Read this message if you're Bicyclette: This story contains at least fifty words of "fluffy Sunflower cuddlefic" content, per your contest prize selection.

Thanks for well-timed concept discussions (mostly about the properties and methods of cuddlefic) to:
TeamSpen210 (fimfiction.net)
Lofty Withers (fimfiction.net, offprint)

#custom-story-commission #commission

Chapters (1)

Wallflower Blush is feeling bad about herself. Sunset Shimmer passes by and decided to talk to her about it.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.

Chapters (1)

December twenty-third: perfect timing. Sunset can deliver gifts to her friends then get out of their way as they celebrate with their families. No car and no home, but Applejack is nice enough to help out for just a few hours before moving on.

Applejack has something else in mind.

This was written for Sane Marbles as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)

One of Luna's many duties is to act as a guide for the souls of the dead.

In their eyes, they see their final dream.

In her eyes, she sees beauty.

Second place in a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest. The theme was: Luna Ascendant; the prompt was "A Final Dream". Special thanks to Shaslan for the wonderful cover art - I could not have asked for a better representation of my story.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Implied self-harm, implied suicide, death.

Chapters (1)

Being a unicorn pony, a high school student, a magical girl that fights with the power of friendship, and an artist, Sunset Shimmer thought she was ready for anything the world could throw at her.

What she never expected was to be called by the principal, saying that her mother was looking for her.

Written for A Most Delightful Ponidox.

Not even a day and it already got featured! Hurray!

Note: If you're a reader of my story, Seeking My Purpose In The World, consider this an alternate timeline where Sunset went through the mirror to the human world.
If you haven't read the story, don't worry it's not necessary

Chapters (1)

In life, Wallflower always questioned why Sunset stayed by her side. Now in death, she decides to get an answer.

Extreme thanks to my editor: My Little Pastafarian
Go check his work!

Reviewed by applezombi: Review

Chapters (1)

While jogging through a lakeside forest, a busy Wallflower Blush discovers something unusual that'll change her life forever.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's going through a lot after everything that happened in wake of the Fall Formal. She's struggling, and she finds less than desirable ways to cope.

Takes place in between EQG and Rainbow Rocks. Not the journal Sunset talks to Twilight with, just a regular journal.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer just wanted a quiet evening along, to forget the pains of the past and be content with the peaceful solitude. But one rainy night, who should arrive than Sonata Dusk, a member of The Dazzlings, among her oldest enemies... Alone. Sunset feels something is up but upon inviting her in they soon start relating over their connections to their misdeeds and a startling secret that will show an unexpected layer beneath the image.

Edited by Dramamaster829

Chapters (3)