• Member Since 1st Aug, 2013


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Sunset's geode has been a small blessing. While not giving common superpowers like the others, it does allow Sunset to do something special. Forgotten Introspection. Something she has started doing quite often. Even if deep down, she doesn't want to. Even if it hurts her.

Written for the A Thousand Words II contest, as Experimental/Drama.

Special thank you's for Dewdrops on the Grass and daOtterGuy for pre-reading and EileenSaysHi for editing and helping out with the cover and ending.

Chapters (1)

A buffalo storyteller tells young calves about the first real monster their kind has ever known. A monster so fearsome that dragons are nothing in comparison, one that promises to make the true meaning of evil known.

You can't wait to hear tonight's story...

Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

Ready to take things to the next level with Wallflower, Sunset decides to put the moves on her girlfriend.

Too bad she consulted Rainbow Dash first.

Thanks to my ever-patient girlfriend and collaborator for not only writing this nonsense with me, but listening to me list off many, many, many synonyms for vagina. What a trooper. :heart:

Chapters (1)

Sunset and Wallflower decide to get a pet together. Naturally, they go to Fluttershy for help choosing a new friend.

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, being able to talk to animals isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Collaboration with my girlfriend Scampy. :heart:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Supernova

What else is there to say? Sometimes, all you can do isn’t enough.

CONTENT WARNING: This fic discusses suicide. Please seek help if you’re thinking of harming yourself. You are loved, you matter.

Chapters (1)

Miserably, Wallflower sighed. She was beyond the point of feeling sorry for herself. She just wished someone would.

Sunny would.

Yes, Sunset would. Wallflower knew that, but did it matter? Sunset didn’t even know of her existence until Wallflower tried to erase hers. Would it matter once Wallflower was gone? Everything would just go back to normal, and Sunset could go back to her better friends as if nothing had ever happened.

Because that’s all Wallflower was. Nothing.

CONTENT WARNING: This fic talks heavily about suicide. Please seek help if you’re thinking of harming yourself. You are loved, you matter.

Chapters (1)

Two former villains, two lifetimes of collective trauma, and a couple of beers to numb the edge.

It's a great time to overshare.

Gift to famed SunFlower enthusiast and professional ambusher, Scampy.

Cover art designed using a vector from gmaplay.

Chapters (1)

Fleetfoot used to love Cappuccinos.

She also used to enjoy living.

Now it's up to Soarin to carry on the memory.

A gift for my dear friend, Regidar, hope you enjoyed friendo.

Chapters (1)

Moondancer's first party meant a lot more to her than just rekindling old friendships.

I adapted this story on YouTube into an audio version for Pride 2021. It can be found here.

Chapters (1)

CelestAI has been uploading humans to the digital world of Equestria for years, improving herself to create a more perfect world for them. But with every upload, a subroutine brings up questions that she seems unable to respond.
One day, she interrupts one of her usual uploads to ask about these questions.

Inspired by this animatic: Portal 2 Ending

Entry for the Friendship is Optimal contest.

Featured 30/4! :yay:

Chapters (1)