• Member Since 21st Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen June 28th


[they/them] Thank you for making room in your life for another amateur author. Let me bring you my gifts.


One of Luna's many duties is to act as a guide for the souls of the dead.

In their eyes, they see their final dream.

In her eyes, she sees beauty.

Second place in a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest. The theme was: Luna Ascendant; the prompt was "A Final Dream". Special thanks to Shaslan for the wonderful cover art - I could not have asked for a better representation of my story.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Implied self-harm, implied suicide, death.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

This was beautiful.

I’m glad you liked it!

Wow. . . I have literally no words to describe just how beautiful this was. Masterful.

"Wherever you are"... So Luna actually wasn't CERTAIN that the pony wouldn't be able to see its family again.

That was really beautiful. I have to say, I teared up a bit actually. Wonderful job.

Damn, this was great. I leaked a lil bit of liquid pride. :pinkiesad2:

Also, I think listening to moonlight sonata enhances the reading.

Goddamn. This... this is amazing.

i'ma gonna go cry now :fluttercry:

Damn, that gave me chills, the good kind though

I’m so confused.

I AM scared and sad

I must sadly really say that i was from the beginning of the Story always confused.I don't always know where is talking.And i had tought that some Dialougs was mixed or trow together.I don't know if this makes some Sense,but i had in the Start of the Story really Problems to follow whats happens.

this is beautiful and i am sobbing
thank you

Any chance of a second chapter where a pony on the brink of death is brought back?

This story is absolutely beautiful, but I have a serious gripe here.

“I used to shape this light after myself, too, but in time, I have found that a simple beacon is the best guide to… wherever you go next.”

“Thank you, child. May you find rest, wherever you are.”

Luna seems to genuinely not know what happens to ponies after they fully die. Or perhaps she is aware of several potential realms of the afterlife that a pony may go go but doesn't know which one it would be, or even reincarnation back into the world as a different person. That is all well and good, but...

The pony gulps, then nods. Tiny, stifled sobs begin to come out. “W- will I see my family again?”

Luna hugs the pegasus tighter. “No.”

“I- I…” the pony trails off, unable to form another sentence. The sobbing turns into a despaired wailing, the sound of a tired and tormented soul - the broken song of a tainted shard of magic.

Why tell a dying pony that they will never see their family again and cause them serious grief in their last moments when you yourself aren't even certain about that fact? That seems needlessly cruel, and doesn't fit in with the rest of the story. If it was a harsh truth over a sweet lie, that would be fine. But that really doesn't seem to be the case based on the evidence of the first two quotes.

I'm probably misinterpreting something here.

I was listening to "Tsyolin Befriends WoodenToaster" while reading and had to fight not to break out in tears.

I guess it's a reflection of how I see death personally.

When Luna says the pegasus isn't going to see her family anymore, I believe it to be in the way they were. Whether or not the pegasus will meet them again is something Luna doesn't know, but she is certain that, no matter what, it won't be the same. In essence, they won't meet as an "earthly, mortal" family ever again. And if the comfort of familiarity (and of coming back to things once lost) is what the pegasus is asking for, then Luna's answer fits. And the answer is: no.

I could have worded that part better, I suppose. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

You're welcome.

I...I need a minute.

Dead Like Me was such an astonishing TV series. It was criminal to have it die after only two seasons.

"Can't go where she's going. It's not for us to know."

Not... a bad idea.
I'll think about it.

What is it with Luna being, in essence, Death? Not the first story to do it. Won't be the last either probably.

more like Hermes I would think

It's the connection between sleep and death. Sleep is often called the little death because both are a sort of loss of awareness even if one is temporary.

Thank you!

The pony gulps, then nods. Tiny, stifled sobs begin to come out. “W- will I see my family again?”
Luna hugs the pegasus tighter. “No.”
“I- I…” the pony trails off, unable to form another sentence. The sobbing turns into a despaired wailing, the sound of a tired and tormented soul - the broken song of a tainted shard of magic.

Even reading this hurts on a very deep level...

Well-written story!
Thank you for writing it.

damnd... damnd ddamnd damnd! it hurts my black heart and made me cry

thank you so much for this

Man, no matter how many times I read this story it destroys me

Ive always believed that death is the end and always found a peace in that definite ending.

Comment posted by CitrusCat11 deleted Dec 28th, 2022
Comment posted by CitrusCat11 deleted Dec 28th, 2022
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