• Member Since 10th Feb, 2015


Working on pony themed stories since... 2017.

Stories That Makes Me Anxious Of My Crush 100 stories
Found 92 stories in 41ms

Total Words: 349,664
Estimated Reading: 23 hours



  • Featured 23743 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Twilight breathes in some air so that her body can get oxygen.

Now with a dramatic reading by Lotus Moon! Check it out here.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash pose as Sweetie Belle’s parents in the age-old story of I-can’t-let-my-parents-talk-to-my-teacher-they’ll-ground-me-for-life.

But things, of course, get worse in the not-so-sensible way before they get better – the good better.

Up ahead: Shenanigans of the Less Sensible Variety; Things, Just Things; Something Heartfelt, Hopefully.

Chapters (1)

Minty hangs up her Hearth's Warming lights. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that... Right?

Chapters (1)

GEICO has achieved a complete monopoly over the world's car insurance. Afraid that he might soon be out of a job, the GEICO Gecko takes drastic measures.

A GEICO Gecko crossover.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Virgin Princess

"I won't forgive you," Flurry Heart said, moments before she turned Cheval to stone. She didn't think about what she would do with Cheval after.

Years later, Cheval has come back to life, and Flurry must decide if she meant what she said.

The last story in the Third Wheel series. Thanks for sticking with me everyone. It's been a great ride.

Chapters (17)

Some realize that Trixie is not the first to bear the title of The Great And Powerful.

Few realize that it is less a title and more a curse.

The one who kills The Great And Powerful shall ever after be cursed to become The Great And Powerful.

On a related note, Twilight Sparkle is having a very bad week.

Featured, 12/04/19-12/06/19, and 12/09/19-12/12/19!

Reviewed by PaulAsaran, with a rating of Pretty Good!.

Also reviewed by Titanium Dragon with a rating of Not Recommended.

Listed in Equestria Daily's 21 of the Best Trixie Fanfics for Trixie Day on 10/31/2021!

Chapters (5)

Feather Bangs was enjoying the Nightmare Night festival in Ponyville. He tries to make it better by flirting with a mare by the name of Inky Rose. When Inky denies Feather, he tries a new approach by dressing up and pretending to be a goth pony like her.

Chapters (1)

All Twilight Sparkle wanted was a nice teatime with Starswirl, her idol. And then Trixie Lulamoon had to show up, cast a spell, and rip yet another hole in space-time.

This is becoming distressingly common...

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Now has a reading by the Poniverse channel. Super-special thanks for doing me such a kindness!

Now has a Russian translation by GrandCat!

Chapters (1)

Ponyville Mare's Excessive Pranking Leads To Zombie Outbreak

Ponyville Mare Hijacks Parade Float And Careens Into Lake

You can find headlines like this in any newspaper. Crammed somewhere in the back, bought from a smaller publication for a few bits to fill space. Most ponies laugh, if they spot them at all, and then move on. But one stallion took a particular interest in these strange stories and especially their protagonist.

After years of research and study, he's determined to track her down. One way or another, he will find this mysterious Ponyville Mare.

Chapters (1)

Golden Harvest found out she was getting married after a party. Problem is, her soon to be has a twin, and which one is him is anypony's guess.

Even the Twin's themselves.

Teen rating for mild language, and a couple implications.


This story makes no sense, and was written in about two hours. Rushed, unedited, and probably bad.
Written for the Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest with only three days before the deadline.

Cover art done in 30 minutes via MS Paint, the best art platform there is. Random vectors are by people on Derpibooru. Rest of image is from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Chapters (1)