• Member Since 10th Feb, 2015


Working on pony themed stories since... 2017.

My Stories 14 stories
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This story is a sequel to MLP G5 but it's written by me

The title is pretty self-explanatory.

After the events of the story this is a sequel to, Sunny Starscout and her Friends are kids once again after the 'Great Reset'. Their whole world of Equestria is now shaped as how they want it to be.

But, unknowingly, they had also brought back a familiar trio of villains (plus one unknown pony).

And after one day of 'grapefruit market stall terror', it's up to Sunny and her Friends to try and find a 'certain' pony that can help save the town of Maritime Bay (more specifically the grapefruit market stall producer).

But there's also some random happenings on the way.

(NOTE: I should probably put this as an A/U, an alternate universe, 'cause really basically this is a whole lot different than what was already released for MLP G5. A whole different story, that is.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to 26 Short Stories of Equestria

It’s Parents' Day at the School, but for Gallus, today sadly reminds him of how he doesn’t have parents of his own.

Meanwhile, Cozy Glow is out to strike her revenge.

(You like, prob don’t have to read the story this is a sequel to just to understand this story.)

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to 26 Short Stories of EQG

Set after the events of the movie, Sunny Starscout and Friends experience all kinds of things in Equestria.

But it's written by me.

Why is this story a sequel to '26 Short Stories of EQG', when only the final chapter of that has any semblance to this story?

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Random Thoughts of EQG

Life at CHS can be great.
Unless there's an ancient, old magical threat from Equestria that comes and tries to take over not just the whole school but the whole city.

Besides that, life can be pretty awesome.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to 26 Short Stories of Equestria

A lot of random experiences happen in this story.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to In Between The Dusk And The Dawn

This story is also a sequel to: A Pink Odyssey, Pinkie Goes To The Dentist, 26 Short Stories of Equestria, Random Thoughts of Pony, Random Thoughts of EQG and the whole ‘Toras’ Trilogy. (This story is basically connected to all of the stories I’ve written on this site.)

Starswirl and Galbus warn Princess Twilight of an impending doom that’s set to happen. Big problem is that there’s only one 'certain’ pony who can stop it.

Somepony who no one really knows much about. Somepony who isn’t that much special as the next pony.

Chapters (13)

In this story, Rainbow Dash tries to get the top high score in the newest mobile game, Twilight and Fluttershy get the latest in tech, and Applejack looks for Rarity's hat.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Everything Is Perfect, Everything Is Fine

Life in Equestria shimmers and shines.

Prince Kyle spends his time with the Mane Six.

(You prob should read the story this is a sequel to. Like, I don't know.)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to 26 Short Stories of EQG

Throughout CHS, almost anything can happen.
Like, for instance, Flash Sentry could finally get his head straight and finally realize that he has feelings for a particular someone.
Or Micro Chips could learn to be more cool.
Who knows what the possibilities are!

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie is a really strange, unique pony.
One day, she's happy, the next day, she's sad.

One day, when Twilight goes to take Pinkie Pie to the dentist, she learns something about her friend that nopony else ever even knows.

Chapters (2)