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In the city of Manehattan, everything is ridiculously expensive, so it's hard to live on one's own. Which is exactly why coworkers and friends, Grace Manewitz and Coco Pommel, share a flat. In this mini-series that shows a day in the life of these two mares, misadventures are sure to occur.

After all, what they say is true: "Anything can happen in Manehattan!"

Chapters (10)

After a bad date with Trenderhoof, Rarity returns home to her sister. Before long they are joined by an unexpected visitor. Said visitor turns out to be none other than Spike, the dragon that has been infatuated with Rarity for years now. He has come to give her a little speech, and ask her for the only thing he wishes more than anything else—

—just one chance, one opportunity, to take her on a date.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Description fixed by The Descendant, Thanks buddy*
*This is a Sparity One-Shot done for the very talented Pia-Sama*
*Cover Artwork done by Pia-sama, as well as some minor references inside*

Chapters (1)

Rumble left Ponyville when he was old enough to. First place he went: Cloudsdale, the place any right minded pegasus would go. Rumble was tired of the ground, and was ready for things to start looking up, so to speak. The past is in the past, and he only wants the future.

However, after a few months of living there, he finds something behind his apartment building that makes him think he didn't put quite enough distance between himself and Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

Sweetie Belle doesn't really understand why she decided to spend the day with the young colt. Most ponies saw him as a bit eccentric, but Sweetie sees something far more familiar and comforting in his odd-ball behavior.

Based on the Button's Adventures Pilot, produced by JanAnimations. I'd advise taking five minutes to watch it if you haven't seen it yet.

Now on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

After leaving on a second pilgrimage to find himself, Spike returns to Ponyville, physically larger and sporting an impressive array of skills and powers.

His plans for a calm life in Ponyville, however, takes a different path as he soon finds himself the desire of several ponies interests, friends old and new included.

Change breeds benefits, as the saying goes. Spike has yet to hear it ring true.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to "A Twisted Crush". Reading the original is not completely necessary, but 100% recommended.

Featherweight and Twist are now in high school, which means tons of drama, tons of homework and tons of... love? The two foals decide they are now old enough to date, so they, of course, do so. They have an upper-hoof over other couples, considering they've loved each other since foalhood. Or at least, that's what it seems...

Story inspiration by *hahasauce on deviantart. Cover by ~IcyInuYoukai on deviantart

Chapters (1)

In an alternate universe, the brony community takes on a new level of wonder and mockery in the eyes of the media as bronies and pegasisters are blessed with their own little pony friends who magically appear before them. However, Erik, a newcomer to the herd, is too afraid to show off his pony, hiding her away. However, despite the fear of ridicule and ostracism, Erik must learn that he should not have to hide his love for the show, and it gets easier when you have a pony that will stick with you through every step of the way.

The picture belongs to Gamma Delta from Equestria Daily. It can be found under Drawfriend #379.

Chapters (1)

Featherweight has had a crush on Scootaloo for as long as he can remember, but he never did anything about it. That is, until the fateful day where he is given the challenge to kiss her before nightfall.

Chapters (15)