• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.

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This story is a sequel to Finding Sunburst

Its been a week since Sunburst was turned into a foal. He's enjoying himself playing with Flurry Heart, and when Shining armor and Cadence return from vacation. They fall in love with the colt and allow him to be a foal for a few more days. But trouble strikes as Shining is suddenly turned to a foal himself. As Twilight and Cadence search for the culprit Shining vanishes, and Sunburst and Flurry Heart set off on a new adventure to find him.

Editor: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (9)


Late one night, Mrs. Cake found Pinkie Pie staring intently at her two babies, a look on her face that she could not recognize. She watches her charge over time, trying to understand what is causing her to do this. And Mrs. Cake realizes that it might be Pinkie being Pinkie, but Pinkie is something more important and precious than she first realized, and that herself, Mrs. Cake, is a bit more, too.

The first chapter of the first babyfur story I've written. At the gentle insistence of a friend, I have posted on this site for somebody's enjoyment. I hope you like it, and please tell me if there is anyway I can improve this. Also, why isn't there a family or friendship option for the tags?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's weekend had started out great, however, after taking part in Trixie's magic show, Rainbow started acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there was more to this change then just a random coincidence.

Story contains: Adult Foal themes, hypnosis

Chapters (10)

Sweetie Belle starts having something many ponies her age go through: Nightmares. The only problem is, these nightmares are causing something else to happen. Sweetie is wetting the bed.
In order to solve this problem, Rarity finds a rather unusual solution to help her little sister.

Big thanks to Wandering Pigeon who helped me writing some chapters and SuperPinkBrony for editing and proofreading my story.

Warning: This story contains diapers, light usage of them, accidents, childish behaviour and a lot of innocence. If you don't like stories that focuses on these kind of subjects, I advise you to not read the story, but if you want to see new things, enjoy the story! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (16)

On the night of Mothers Day, A special dream is given to the parents of the Elements of Harmony. Each being able to experience when their children were all foals happy and carefree.

contains regression and foal like themes but mostly harmless cute fun. Just rated it teen to be on the safe side.
Cover art used with permission by : EvilFrenzy
Co-writer: Foal Star

Chapters (7)

*Just in case the cover picture didn't give it away, this is a babyfur story. If you don't like snuggles and ponies acting like foals, then please, click back.*

Twilight and Rarity go to a rather... interesting spa. They both come back refreshed, though.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twily's Alone Time

Twilight's stress relief activity had worked like a charm, but after a few weeks, she wanted to take it a step further. With a quick trip to Canterlot, she hopes to feel like her mom's litte filly. Even if it would only be for a night.

Chapters (1)

This story takes place after the events of: "The Ticket Master."

Twilight and Spike are new to Ponyville and are getting settled in. As Twilight helps her new friends and Spike tries to get golden oaks organized for business. He notices that a strange pacifer and foal bonnet keep appearing out of nowhere, and he slowly starts to use the strange foal items and even starts acting like a baby. Twilight notices his strange behavior and has to find a way to remove the curse from these items, and prevent Spike from becoming an actual, "baby dragon."

Edited by Superpinkbrony12

Edited by: Shadowmane PX-41

Chapters (7)

If the cover isn't enough of a dead giveaway, there are ponies in diapers in this fic. There will also be some elements of wetting and age-play involved. I hope you aren't offended by this.

Applejack is invited by Rarity to a special youth club for ponies to forget about their troubles and their stress.

However, once Applejack is about to join the group inside, she realizes there's an emphasis on the word 'Youth' in this youth club.

This fic was inspired by Twilight And Rarity Go To The Spa, by TheConflictedWriter. Be sure to check him out as well when you have the time.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's day had ended up being very stressfull and by the time she got home she felt very drained. In her unsettled state, Her thoughts drift to her home in Canterlot and she ends up picking the perfect way to help unwind before bed.

Innocent litte age play ensues.

Editing thanks to Vector Scamp

Chapters (1)