• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Twilight Velvet gave birth to two kids and didn't expect much out of the ordinary. But when your kids grow up to save Equestria multiple times, it becomes very clear to the rest of the world that they are extraordinary. That means a lot of fame for her kids.

And a heck of a lot of irritation for her.

FEATURED April 30 - May 3!

Chapters (1)

"When are you going to stop?"

It's the question Twilight Velvet loathes the most. She usually doesn't like giving a reason for it to neighsayers, but she wanted to now.

Written as a submission for Secret Moon’s Self-Isolation Writing Contest

Coverart by CyanLightning

Rated T for mentions of death, just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

After the defeat of Tirek, Twilight has been struggling with grieving the loss of The Golden Oak Library, and simultaneously being expected to accept The Castle Of Friendship as her new home. She doesn't feel like any pony understands what she's feeling. Luckily, Spike does, and he gives her a new perspective on the matter.

Fluff abounds.

Written for Secret Moon’s Self-Isolation Writing Contest

Chapters (1)

"There's a creature in my closet
I can hear him rumbling 'round
The demons screaming in the distance
Creates such a humbling sound
The monster that's outside my window
He's like family to me now
The things that people are afraid of
Never let me down." -"Creature" by Jelly Roll

If you aren't careful, you can get too at home in the darkness of your own mind and forget that the light exists. Discord knows this all too well.

Inspired by the song "Creature" by Jelly Roll.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Velvet went into labor with her son Shining Armor, it was two and a half months too soon. Her husband began to pick up ten hour shifts at work to try and pay the hospital bills. After being in the NICU for a long time, Shining was at last declared well enough to go home, but still needed tubes to help him eat and breathe. Twilight Velvet stays with him day and night, never leaving home.

But she knows that someday, they'll both be on the other side of the window.

Written as a submission for Secret Moon’s Self-Isolation Writing Contest


Rated T for mentions of breastfeeding.

Chapters (1)

Spike and Gabby are penpals. These are the letters they wrote to each other. Spans seasons 6-9

Commission for Yosh E-0

Chapters (1)

Sometimes love doesn't come wrapped up in another pony. Sometimes it comes from the hurt another pony causes you that helps you to love yourself.

Inspired by and titled from the song "Lose You To Love Me" By Selena Gomez.

Stand alone fic in the "A Mother's Comfort" Series.

Chapters (1)

"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate ponies from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, love is stronger than death." -Anonymous

Death changes everything. Some things will never go back to the way they were. The Apple Family knows this well, and has to relearn that lesson.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor is an average four year old colt, who loves his Mama and has heard about angels before. He's also never seen his Mama cry.

When he hears crying one night, he thinks it's an angel. He's not entirely wrong, since that's exactly what his Mama is to him. It's his mission to help her be happy again.

AU tag is used because it's a somewhat altered telling of my usual canon.

Chapters (1)

Another day, another million things to do. The At-Home mother's life was a race with no finish line. Twilight Velvet knows this well.

All she wants is sleep. Her children don't allow it.

Rated T for mention of breastfeeding.

Chapters (1)