• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Birthday Month Update · 9:02am May 3rd

Hey Fimfiction. Sorry we left on depressing terms with the last blog post. I’m glad to say that’s shifted a bit in the months since. My depression was pretty brutal for most of the first three months of the year, but in April that really began turning around. I’m glad to say I’m doing much better than I was. I got a new therapist and I’m going to do EMDR and Trauma work with her. I’m hopeful that being able to work through that will help me prepare for a better future. I’m excited to say I’ve

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Screaming Into The Void · 10:42am February 14th

Hey guys. I know it hasn’t been long since I updated but I felt like posting on here since this is a safe place where I usually vent. Normally the life updates are pretty exciting but this one is a little sad, unfortunately. Not to bum anyone out. I just didn’t know where else to put all of this where I knew it would be safe.

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Happy 2024 from Florida! · 7:32pm January 2nd

Greetings Fimfictioners, and a happy 2024 to you all!

I'm writing to you all today from Florida on Vacation and it was much needed and has been so excellent. I know it's been a minute since I've been on here but I also feel comfortable here telling you guys about life stuff so I'm chronicling updates on this little blog since it's a safe space.

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Life updates · 7:06am Nov 5th, 2023

Hey fimfiction. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on here. Not since June. It’s wild how much things can actually change in five months. I decided to post on here because when it comes to spilling my non-story thoughts, this is definitely my safe place (thank you MLP fandom for that).

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Hello, Old Friends · 3:01am Jun 12th, 2023

Hello Fimfiction. Long time, no see. I realized I hadn't updated you all in over a year, so I thought I would take a little time today to let you all know how things are going.

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The Update: An Important Story · 10:25pm Mar 7th, 2022

Hey, Fimfiction. Long time, no see.

I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while. It's been a very crazy few months. I haven't really been able to talk about it with many people, so I figured I would talk about it with you all, since you are my people. As a heads up, there may be some triggering material in here. Proceed with caution.

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Help Please · 11:09pm Oct 29th, 2021

Hey folks. It's me. I haven't posted that much, and I'm sorry about that. But I need some help.

Story time:

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Adjustments · 9:11am Jul 31st, 2021

Greetings from Cali Fimfictioners!

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Finally Free · 9:15am Jul 22nd, 2021

Greetings Fimfiction!

I am very happy to report that I am officially moved out of my old house! I made it to California this past Saturday and have been busying myself with getting settled in and adjusted to a new life. My dog got to come with me and he’s having a bit of trouble adjusting to new people but for the most part he’s doing well.

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Burned · 8:28am May 21st, 2021

Hey fimfiction. I was hoping I wouldn’t post again for y’all until I moved out but today was so intense I needed to vent.

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