
Viewing 1 - 20 of 442 results

Hope and excitement for 2017 · 2:36am Jan 3rd, 2017

Happy New Year all and sundry who may pass by!

2016 certainly felt miserable at times. The horrors in Syria, Nigeria, South Sudan. Brexit. 2016 US election. Countless other little tragedies, some close and personal, others comfortingly distant images on the telly or a website.

It certainly was grim and not a little bit scary, but all in all, I am hopeful and excited to go into 2017.

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Report SIGAWESOME · 354 views · #hope

Hello · 3:58am May 6th, 2018

Heya and welcome to my user page!
I’m pretty new here so cut me some slack if i eff up on something.
Also i don’t curse unless I’m in a bad mood so don’t expect me to do that much.
Anyhow, just remember that 1. I’m a strict christian 2. Yes i’m young, deal with it. 3. I may type in red text sometimes so just ignore that.
Also, i have a VERY strong sense of justice so i wouldn’t recommend breaking the rules in front of me.

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Report Onyx_The_Wolf · 313 views · #HOPE

I hope this method of remastering will work · 1:04pm Jul 21st, 2021

What method? Well, I did some reflecting and realized what actually motivated me to post new chapters in the first place. And I realized that the key might be. Continuity of publication. What do I mean by that? You know, remasters... They go very hard for me, I practically don't know how to go about it. However... What if I tried to upload the remastered chapters only to wattpad for now? You know, I would keep a kind of placebo effect, a feeling that the story is moving forward instead of

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Report Wingy San · 188 views · #hope

Episode I weren't so good. So... How about remake? (A light in the dark tunnel of depression) · 11:45pm Aug 31st, 2021

It was time for me to probably finally admit it and finally come to terms with myself. The first episode of The Chosen One... It wasn't that good. What's more, even remastering didn't save it. Only now has it finally dawned on me that the story needs a proper remake. In the Polish version of the story itself, there is a terrible disparity in the style in which the story was written. Lots of inaccuracies, like... Remember when it said something like "A demon in the shape of a big black

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Report Wingy San · 179 views · #Hope?

a miracle · 9:59am Aug 21st, 2019

finally, after starting it last year, i finished chapter twenty-three of my skyrim fic today. it's nothing short of a miracle, as i haven't been able to write at all since my grandpa died.

i am hopeful that i'll be able to pick up one of the pony stories soon, likely in the land of dreams or crystal storm.

Report coyotethetrickster · 248 views · #hope

New Group: Hopeful · 8:27pm May 24th, 2016

I just posted "The Gathering", another one of those stories (like "Elpis", "Big Mac Reads Something Purple", "The Mailmare", "Moments", "Friends, With Occasional Magic", and the forthcoming "Anonymous Dreams") that go to a sad place but end on a hopeful or happy note. There's no way to tag that on fimfiction, because we don't have a "Hopeful" tag.

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Report Bad Horse · 634 views · #hope #hopeful #stories

Alive 15/11/2015 · 7:31am Nov 15th, 2015

I am alive.

Damn and double damn. Hadn't realized till recently that's it had been over a year since I've written Long Live the King...not to mention since I've updated it. Opps?

Been real busy. What with work and my head space taking up a lot of my time as of late I haven't had much of it to dedicate to writing. But umm, I've done some more. So yay for that, yeah?

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Report Morpheus Sandman · 333 views · #hopeful

Hope · 2:11am Apr 7th, 2020

I hope that everyone is doing well. I know staying at home it's hard right now but I know that we will get through this.

I also like to thanks to the first responses, the doctors, the store employees, volunteers for the food banks anywhere for putting themselves out there for everyone.

I myself sometimes have to go out to the food store for my family and neighbors, so I have my glove and mask every time.

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Report SPIKE2022 · 259 views · #Hope

When Things Fall Down... · 2:15am Jul 24th, 2015

You have to pick up the pieces...

1 hour

Report Calm Wind · 775 views · #Hope #MyHeadHurtsOwOw

The Overlords reapers: Reformation. · 9:12pm Nov 12th, 2022

New chapter is out for A General Destiny: The Overlords reapers It also has a new charactor which, you guessed it or not, Radiant Hope.

Anyways have fun.

Report Escalator · 81 views · #Radiant Hope

Lotsa Activity · 7:23pm Nov 16th, 2017

Well between four blog posts, getting insulted by an egotistical admin, enjoying having a story on the front page for nearly 24 hours, releasing a new chapter for Gag Reels Are Magic, assisting Saberking2012 with his latest chapter and working on an impromptu sequel, I'm worn out. Too bad I'm feeling better and have to go to work.

But seriously, thank you to everypony that helped keep Dark Sunset on the Popular Stories section as long as it was.

Next up... the Featured Box.

Report pabrony · 409 views · #feeling hopeful

Update…Again · 5:18am May 4th, 2023

As I said in my last post, I planned on working on a story idea I can’t get out of my head on my next day off…which THANKFULLY is for a long week break. I have from Saturday May 6th to Saturday May 13th. So I will spend one of those days working on that story idea.

Next up is the graphics card update…I’m getting one at the end of this month. Thank Sister’s above. And that was the earliest I can get one without stepping on the businesses toes too much.

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Getting down with the sickness! · 3:54pm Mar 11th, 2020

Hello and good morning every creature!

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Report ToMahkAros · 237 views · #Hoping to live.

Magnolia · 11:15pm Oct 16th, 2015

Hey everyone.

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Report HMXTaylorLee · 1,007 views · #hope #faith

I found new term! Hopepunk · 3:11pm Nov 29th, 2020

Well, I'm usually afraid of hopium. But this line of thinking sounds interesting:

When pressed by other Tumblr users to expand on her two-sentence Tumblr post that coined the term, Rowland elaborated on what she meant by “hopepunk,” touching on themes present in both her own psyche and in the spirit of resistance and political agitation all around her:

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Report Andrew-R · 141 views · #new hope

New Story Soon · 4:00am May 7th, 2016

Today, I finished writing a new story. Revision and formatting comes next, but it should be out in a few days.

Ever since writing A Glimmer of Hope, I have felt the need to explore Radiant Hope further. As one of the most fundamentally tragic characters this franchise has produced, Hope continues to fascinate me. Over the past few months, I have struggled with coming up with another story that allows for the same level of introspection. Now, I finally think I've come up with one.

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Report Gordon Pasha · 371 views · #Radiant Hope

Guess who's back! · 6:21pm Sep 30th, 2016

So yeah, it's been awhile, but after all the initial start of school, things have finally settled down, now for update!

The Search for Hope:
So for now i'm currently working on then next chapter for this and also working on getting the first chapters revised to be much better then they are now. That includes improving dialogue, giving much more detailed environments and just basic grammar needs.

Miss. Wizard:

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New Story · 9:07am Oct 22nd, 2017

I say new, but it is a rewrite of an old. Anyone curious, you can check below the break (if you aren't curious... scamper off?).

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Storm Irma · 8:09pm Sep 7th, 2017

I heard about the Storm Irma that is closing on on the US coast. I don't who of you live in the affected the Storm is to be expected, but I pray for anyone who lives there, that everything will be alright.


Feeling Giddy for my Big Bro; · 9:33am Sep 25th, 2017

At the end of the month, my big bro and his girlfriend are going on holiday to New York.

They've been together for ten years and, I'm honestly surprised and been waiting for it to happen, my mum let it slip he might pop the question.

The thought makes me giddy cause A) He's my big brother and I love him dearly and B) Him and his gf have been together since the end of secondary school, they were both 17 when they met, and they've built a life together.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 442 results