A Glimmer of Hope, Updated · 10:59pm Jan 31st, 2020
Update: A Glimmer of Hope is now featured on Equestria Daily.
Well, I won’t say it’s perfect, but it’s done. Here’s announcing the completion of A Glimmer of Hope, Third Edition.
Here are the major changes to the story:
- It seems to be commonly agreed that Roaring Storm was a poorly-conceived and poorly-written antagonist. So he’s gone now.
I think most people just go with the whole "mother" thing because of the dialogue from Fiendship #1 with Rabia (or whoever was talking from the crystal on this occasion) claiming to be Sombra's mother. It doesn't really gel with what happens in Siege, what with Rabia and Sombra never acting like a mother and son (even a dysfunctional one) or acknowledging their supposed relation once they meet face to face.
It does leave a mystery as to who Sombra's mother really was, which the comic never gets around to addressing. I wonder if there were plans for a subplot that ended up getting jettisoned when Siege was written. The whole arc was, if nothing else, far too ambitious for what was possible in four issues of a standard-sized American comic. It's why it would have been nice to see the story play out somewhere else, too. I mean, we got the adaptation of Siege in the Gameloft game, but that's not exactly an expansive storytelling medium. (Of course, I'm not complaining about Gameloft doing the story in their game. It was a fun retelling.)
I’ve heard a lot of talk around Fables over the years, most of it good. I’ve considered checking it out from time to time, but never actually got around to it. Sadly, I’ve fallen out of reading comics (even the MLP ones) since the comic shop I used to go to moved away a couple of years ago.
That’s cool, though, that there’s a resemblance between Sombra and that character.
I’m happy to hear you liked this story. I thought it might offer a different and interesting perspective on how the comics turned out.
I honestly did not plan to have a princess have such a large part in this. But Cadance’s role evolved and ended up changing the whole story. By having her come along with Sombra, it allowed some sort of conclusion to her interactions with Hope in the comic and gave a structure to Sombra’s rescue attempt. Of course, it also provided a means to keep Hope and Sombra separate at the end.
It was fun writing the scene with Rabia. I don’t think I’ve ever written a substantial scene for her before, and it was nice to be able to address the whole thing about her being Sombra’s “mother,” and let Sombra finally get some sort of closure there. I never really thought of doing anything with Ira until you mentioned it, but she would make a very interesting character, having gone a different path than Sombra. Especially, if we assume Rabia is in fact Sombra’s mother, Ira would be Sombra’s sister.
I’m glad this story was able to meet your expectations. It was great to get back into writing for Hope and also to have a chance to tell things a little more from Sombra’s perspective.
I'm glad you liked the stories. I had plans for a few stories after A Glimmer of Hope that would have focused on Sombra and Hope together. I wrote half of the first sequel before dropping it and writing The Light of Despair instead. I still think there is a lot of potential there with them trying to figure out the next stage of life and their relationship.
I'd love to write a true Sombra/Hope story though. There's a lot I still want to do and my Hope "series" (for lack of a better term) does feel incomplete without at least one story of them together. If I am ever able to write fanfics again, I think it would be the first thing on my list.
Thank you for commenting. I appreciated hearing your thoughts. My apologies for taking so long to respond. I haven't been around the site much lately.
Thanks again. I’ll be following your works as well, with great interest.