• Member Since 25th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


The moment is the moment when you have to answer the moment that is in that moment, but in the end does that moment even makes sense?

Blog Posts

  • 19 weeks
    Bad News!

    The Upstream Problems are happening again, it's pissing me off folks, I will have to get help from the moderation or Admins unless yall have ideas on a solution to the upstream problems I will have to resort to getting help from server resources.

    Update: So I've been using Discord Links and it would seem they're useless, so I will be converting to ImgBB, will take a while to convert

    0 comments · 68 views
  • 21 weeks
    Great news!

    Giving a status update, the upstream error has been resolved in the main story of The New World, now atm other stories were probably affected.

    Also for some fucking reason the most of the story art in the Crystal Empire story had been takened down and replaced with this shit message.

    Read More

    0 comments · 107 views
  • 22 weeks
    A issue

    So Apparently I don't know why but Fimfictions Upstream has kicked the story in the balls because we're now having to fix a situation regarding our images, this will potentially take up a entire week to fix this depending if Fimfiction would jack off at us again.

    So if there's a upstream error after reading this you may now know, me and my artist are working to fix this, unfortunately this means that the chapter for this story will be delayed significantly.

    0 comments · 112 views
  • 22 weeks
    News for Equestrian at War Fans

    Equestria at war now has a tag (yay) so uhh, yeah not much to say lol, but other than that new tag for TNW. (yay X2)

    Also, I decided to put a new title for the story, that's why I renamed the story, every other story has a title I might as well.

    0 comments · 109 views
  • 26 weeks
    Hello Star wars fans!

    After a painstaking year I am back to do the Corvette, the Prologue has been remastered, and to keep it on the main Star Wars canon as possible new characters from the star wars Ahsoka Series would have their appearance.

    If you had watched Ahsoka good for you because I think it is great!

    If you haven't even better! Because then it'll be a surprise! (Unless you watched spoilers, then shame on you! :D)

    Read More

    0 comments · 84 views

My profile

Creator of the New World stories.

I am currently working on The New World Series

The Beginnings and Corvette are postponed

Love Star Wars.

Babylon 5.

And anything related to military action

Remastering the Terminator story

Twitter Page here: (expect sneak peek content!): Le' Twitter

Editor for Hire

I do my work free. But when I have free time.

Discord: escalator_1


Bad News! · 11:58pm March 10th

The Upstream Problems are happening again, it's pissing me off folks, I will have to get help from the moderation or Admins unless yall have ideas on a solution to the upstream problems I will have to resort to getting help from server resources.

Update: So I've been using Discord Links and it would seem they're useless, so I will be converting to ImgBB, will take a while to convert

Comments ( 5 )
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This is a very gamer moment

Anytime! You deserve it!

Always here if you need a friend. 😇

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

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Side note: not a bot, just a nerd, lol

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