• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.

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  • Featured 23740 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rainbow Dash is pregnant, but hasn't told any of her friends. As the months progress and it becomes more obvious, she can't keep it a secret forever...can she?

Chapters (6)

Former Princess Celestia of Equestria leaves an encouraging and comforting note for you.

Chapters (1)

Being Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard is a tough job be it from dealing with the public or, more often than not, the boredom. In those times, one's own past and thoughts may be a greater adversary than any attempt on the Princess's life.

Gallus comes home after one such mental battle, hoping to find refuge in the one place he knows the enemy can't touch him.

Spoilers for Season 9 Finale and Epilogue

Chapters (1)

My Little Pony is over. Gen 4. The Show has ended. As they stand together before the gate into what awaits them next, Twilight asks "Did we matter? Did we make a difference?" The answer is not what she expected.

Based on a True story

EDIT: I encourage anyone interested in being interviewed for an anthology branch of this tale to hmu on discord. dougtheloremaster . Your story matters too!

Someone did an audio reading of my chapter without asking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ohzcvjzBi0

Chapters (7)

Personal discovery is a wonderful thing. In Silverstream's case, five words softly uttered from a certain distraught friend was all it took to ignite a furious fire in her heart.

Unfortunately for Grampa Gruff, he was flammable.

*Spoilers for Season 9 Episode: A Horse Shoe-In*

Chapters (1)

"Starlight, if you misuse your magic one more time, I'll have to spank you." Firelight thought the threat was enough. He never thought he'd really have to do it.

(Yes, this story has spanking in it. If this bothers you, don't click on it. I'd like to see comments about the story's content, not about the morality of spanking children.)

Chapters (1)

After weeks of dealing with a fussy filly's bedtime ritual, Shining Armor finds the perfect story for his daughter.

Chapters (1)

A broken-spirited Spike waits for news of Twilight after an accident lands her in the hospital, dancing on the fine line between recovery and the unspeakable.

Chapters (1)

At a coffee shop, there is a stallion. He orders nothing but a coffee and a bagel everyday, without fail, and never gives the reason why.

Here is his story.

((Featured around 8/4/19!))

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst have been dating for four years, and living together in the Crystal Empire for two of them. But when Starlight fears the past may repeat itself, Sunburst asks her one very serious question.

Chapters (1)