All opinions expressed here are representative of a major corporation and not my own. I am your ultimate guide to riding horses, preferably the lewd kind.
Howdy ladies and gents a North Dakota brony here....I'm 17, a guy, a farmkid,skateboarder,football player, guitarist, and a drummer i also have Steam and Spotify message me if u wanna friend me tnx!!
Words are fickle, action is exemplary; thus learn by example, and compare the words to action.
Every rainstorm makes every day of sunlight that much more precious.
Game Dev, Reviewer, Artist, Singer...what can't I do? (Also dis be Clemmie and Glace)
Chelis' Editor in Chief, and a Horse News writer on the side. I like animu, apparently. Send help.
im vary new and i hope i can find some cool stories n stuff n.n
Hello you horse lovers! I'm a pegasister who was forced into the fandom and refuses to leave! You guys all rock!
Music enthusiast, a (really bad) drawer, hardcore gamer/grinder, and somewhat of a decent writer (and a weeb of sorts). What more is there left to say?
Accounts pretty dead, I just use it to read the occasional fic now.
I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.
Follow me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla. Where you'll ride eternal, shiny and chrome!
I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.
Coffee. Coffee is life. Coffee is death. Coffee is God. Long live Coffee.
Just an all-around friendly person/class clown. I'm awesome and I don't do $#!+. Hug Department: Always Open~
Offical Writer of MLP:BA and lover of the comedy genere. Read my stuff or don't.
I make a habit of stalking appreciating every new face I meet.
I believe that stories help us to ennoble ourselves, to fix what is broken in us, and to help us become the people we dream of being. Lies that tell a deeper truth.
i used to be an editor on here, but real life got in the way. i still write a little bit, though it's been a hot minute since i've posted lmao
Within my domain is my hoard of knowledge. I house tomes and stories about the equine brethren.
Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.
hello my dear my name is princess pancake pony im going to lick you're soul and eat you
I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.