• Member Since 25th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


All hail, Twilight Sparkle.


Sonata Dusk has never really experienced Christmas, and this might be her first time. What makes it even better is... She is spending this Christmas with Sunset Shimmer.

Chapters (1)

After Sour Sweet mentions, ''Kissing'', and how many times she has done it, Twilight felt curious on how it feels. To do that, she needs a date, and Lemon Zest will help her out on that.

Now Sunset has to help her new friend practice for kissing, as Twilight gets ready for her date. And even though both girls thought it would be gross and awkward, they soon found out it was a lot more enjoyable than they think.

Art by the talented PastelButtons on devinatART.

And Editing done by VitalSpark!

Chapters (1)

All Sunset needed to do and had planned, was to visit her friend, Rarity. Until, a mysterious person sobbing and crying in the rain, get's her attention. Sunset decided to help the person out, until she realized it was the blue siren, Sonata Dusk.

Chapters (1)

Aria Blaze was known from Adagio and Sonata, that she is a super grumpy person ever since they were banished to the human world. So what happens when someone asks her out? On an average day. in Canterlot High someone asks Aria out, and she isn't too happy about it, but accepts it and goes on the date.

Chapters (3)

The Dazzlings are back with new powers and Sunset Shimmer just doesn't give a buck.

Yeah. That's the story here.

Chapters (1)

I'm a ordinary guy at school, nothing special. As I moved into town, I had to go to Canterlot High school, where I met the most wonderful girl, Sunset Shimmer. There is a jerk named Flash Sentry, and some other five awesome gals. But what I want to do the most, is protect this girl.

At a ordinary day in class, Cheerilee signs up a task that involves two people to pretend to be a married couple and experience the feeling of how tough it is to be in a relationship with another person. I got to team up with my new crush, Sunset Shimmer. As I continued to hang out with Sunset more often, something more sparks between us.

Story edited by Seventh Heaven

Chapters (8)

A sequel to my story First Kiss

Now that Twilight and Sunset are officially together, they must reveal it to their friends.

Chapters (1)

A sequel to my other story. I Need You

Sunset and Twilight had never experienced this before. Twilight had just returned to the human world to meet Sunset again, and Twilight wanted to share something special with Sunset, a kiss.

Big thanks to Script for being the editor for this story.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been keeping in strong feelings for Twilight Sparkle. And she feels like it's the perfect time to confess them to her. It's a quite night when everyone is sleeping, and they both are all alone. Today is the day when Sunset confesses her true feelings to Twilight.

Reading of this Fanfiction by violentlyirrelevant
over here.

Chapters (1)