Sonata Dusk has never really experienced Christmas, and this might be her first time. What makes it even better is... She is spending this Christmas with Sunset Shimmer.
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They say it's cold outside. I'm in pennsylvaina, it usually is cold, but it's 70 degrees. Help.
this is awesome
Very good, a tiny bit rushed at the end. It seems to jump to them sitting without saying why Sunset likes her or them saying out loud they're together. Other then that a very cute story that gets the spirit within me.
Way too short for my standards but, sweet nonetheless.
Aw, that was cute.
Thank you very much everyone.
That was beautiful
6733354 Thank you so much.
6734665 your welcome
Very cute story, Kate
6740244 Thank you.
Very cute. Maybe a bit short and rushed at the end but still cute and heartwarming for this time of the year
6781691 Thank you!
Very nice! I did like this story, it was brilliant.
I am so, so sorry. But.. *takes out badge* Yes, I am one of the Grammar and Spelling Police. It's hard for me to enjoy a story if I see a small error every few paragraphs.
Sadly, the Muffin Rating for this is a mere seven muffins out of ten, for one reason and one reason alone.
Grammar and spelling.
I'd be more than happy to help you iron them out, though!
Aside from those small errors, I loved this fic! ^-^ Brilliant work, I love Sonata, and I love Sunset ^-^
7000637 hello fellow grammar nazi!
7000637 That would be very nice.
Woohoo ^-^ I'll get right on it.
To war!
Ngl, out of the 3 sirens most of the time I think sonata is the least evil one.
Huh, sonata has feelings for sunset. Didn't see that one coming but I can understand why she would after what she went through after the BOTB.
Wow. 😨