• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen February 5th

Immortan Joe

Follow me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla. Where you'll ride eternal, shiny and chrome!


Moving Onto Royal Road · 3:55pm Dec 12th, 2023

To all my old followers and viewers, I come to you with a heavy heart to say that I'm completely moving on from Fimfiction and starting new somewhere else. The reason being that I simply moved on from the MLP community; I have not stopped writing, so those of you who enjoyed my work for what it is and would like to see what else I make can follow me at Royal Road.

My Royal Road Story and Account

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How long has it been? · 4:38pm Nov 7th, 2023

I don't even recall the last time I dusted off this profile. It's been a while. I came on today after cleaning out my email to see if I was still getting notifications from this site. To see that they're still people who are reading my work is heartwarming.

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Gone a Year and Back on Front Page Okay....I dun get it · 4:52am Mar 12th, 2019

Been a year, I've been in hibernation. Yet when I come out I slam dunk back on...I dun get it. Why. I'm so happy, thanks everyone! You're the friggin super duper best!

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I Hath Updatedth! · 4:43am Mar 12th, 2019

I bring to you, a chapter long in the waiting. Hope you all enjoy it.

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Progress Being Made! (Lazarus) · 5:10am Mar 9th, 2019

It's happening! Slowly, but surely!

It's hard, having been away from MLP for so long. I have to refresh myself on all the show characters :twilightblush:

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*Coughs and Sputters* · 5:22pm Jan 27th, 2019

Stumbling and falling over repeatedly. I wonder to myself is it even worth it? Should I honestly keep trying, or should I just quit while I'm ahead? Is reaching for that fourth slice of pizza really worth the effort of moving from my chair, especially when my ass is positioned in the most perfect spot? Maybe.

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The Lost has been Featured??!! · 3:09am Apr 28th, 2018

To think a new story I've been planning for ages would get thrown up on the front page.

After so long of being gone I'm surprised anything of mine would get thrown up there again. Thank you for anyone who has read the story and rated it! I love you all! Uh well...maybe not love, but y'all get what I mean.

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New Story! · 3:16pm Apr 27th, 2018

My followers I have written a mew fic, "The Lost" a more dark and comedic take on meh usual HiEs. (Seeing I'm a sad and pathetic man that is all I can write...I joke, I'm perfect). Anyhow please, if you could, take a gander at the first chapters and let me know what you all think.

Meanwhile, I'll sit here and twiddle my thumbs while kicking this wall of writer's block in order to progress in my other works.


Last of My Kind Chapter 25 Update! · 7:26pm Mar 15th, 2018

Sadly I know its a short chapter, but I'm still trying to get my footing back and I don't want to leave everyone in the dark. Hopefully you'll appreciate what I have for you and will be patient enough to wait for the next one!

Report Immortan Joe · 343 views ·

Last of My Kind Chapter Draft Nearly Complete · 5:35pm Mar 10th, 2018

Just so you people don't think I'm dead, I'm about 2k words in the chapter. I'm thinking of keeping the next few chapters short for the sake of my own sanity as I believe the older and much longer chapters nearly killed me in some cases. In other words the chapter is being made! But please dun expect me to rapid fire stuff out any time soon as I'm still trying to regain my footing.

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