• Member Since 20th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2023

Kitsu da fierce


PONEH MUSIC NEEDED · 3:30pm Dec 4th, 2014

Somewhere, once upon a time, someone linked to a download of seasons one and two soundtracks. Anyone have links to three and four?

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Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45

Thank you for the fave :yay:

Hi, Kitsu! Thanks for checking out "Bluff," and if you've got any feedback, I'd love to hear it! :rainbowwild:

Thank you for the fav on Immortal Beginnings! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me some feedback in the comments!

I'm glad you liked "Beneath your Feet, what Treasures!" :moustache::raritywink:

Thank you to adding Conquest to favourites!

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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