• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago


I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?


It all went wrong. She was supposed to take over the world and rule as the Empress of Friendship. Instead, she was trapped in stone with her conspirators. However, Princess Twilight loves giving people more chances...

Maybe she shouldn't have.

Written for the Cozy Glow contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Non-Brony

Before the bat pony filly Comet Screech was adopted by TD Powell and his wife Cheerilee, She lived for several years in a Canterlot orphanage. Every day is a crushing reminder that her differences means that she is unlikely to be adopted, and as each day passes and she gets older and older, the chances become even slimmer.

She'll never get out. She'll age out of the system. She knows it. Nopony would want a freak like her...

Chapters (9)

Clear. Fly. Fall. Complete. Despite the failures, despite the distractions of Aurora Dawn and Orion, Scootaloo passes her flight test and becomes worthy of the Flock. Torn away from her closest friend, she turns to the only pony in Cloudsdale she has left.

Written for AuroraDawn's Rainbow Factory contest!

Chapters (2)

Life has been difficult since what happened with Katie. I want to be a good father to Em, I really do, but it hurts. I need something to take the edge off. All that makes Em feel better is her pony doll. Although, there are talks of a game...

Written for the Friendship is Optimal Contest

Edited by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron, SQA, Georg, MisterEdd, TheAncientPolitzanian, Babroniedad

Chapters (3)

Running a school can be hard. That's why every Saturday, Twilight and Cheerilee meet for breakfast to exchange stories and difficulties regarding their respective schools. Black markets, angry parents, cranky superintendents... both know nopony else in Ponyville understands it more than the other.

Written for No Raisin for Jinglemas 2020! For more info, check the group out here!

Chapters (1)

Ever since Grogar brought Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis together, they haven't spent a lot of time doing evil like they wanted. In fact, Grogar mostly has them hanging out in a cave underground. With the boredom that comes with it, the three of them have to find ways to pass the time.

Written for the Cozy Glow contest.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow loves games. She has as long as she can remember. The pony she plays with most often is her father. They play a lot of games together, but her favorite is chess. She's never beaten him, but she will someday, right?

Honorable mention in the Cozy Glow contest.

Edited wonderfully by Rated Ponystar, Georg, Babroniedad, Professor Hyde White, Double R Forrest, TheAncientPolitzanian, and MisterEdd!

Chapters (1)

One night as Apple Bloom is trying to sleep, she thinks she hears... something in the distance. A light is on in the CMC Clubhouse. She goes to investigate, and what she finds shivering in the snow will change her life forever.

Runner-up for the Halloween in April horror contest.

Edited wonderfully by Professor Hyde White, Horse Voice, Cyanhyde, Titanium Dragon, Georg, Babroniedad, Ponibius, and Comma-Kazie

... wow, I had a lot of editors. Lots of great people on this site.

Featured on EQD 06/11/2020

Now with an amazing reading by FaolanCortez!

Chapters (1)

A supervillain who strives to better her city. A scammer with higher aspirations. A bully given one last chance. A defeated villain at a crossroads. A human-turned-pony with one last desperate attempt. A candy maker trying to stop a mailmare. All have multiple paths before them. Will they help, or will they hurt? Will they improve, or will they descend into a worse state than before?

These are pseudo-sequels to several of my one-shots and short stories portraying possible endings or continuations. None of them are canon. Or are they? They could be. They could not be.
I Think I Maybe Want to be a Scammer, I Promise?
One Word
Broken Gladiator
Don't Go Into the Everfree Forest, TD
Stop the Derpy!

Forewarning: not all of these are going to be dark drama.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to I Think I Maybe Want to be a Scammer, I Promise?

It has been three months since Hard Head has joined the Equestrian government as a white hat hacker, and in that time he has found success and done real good. Unfortunately, one day he goes too far, and the pony he catches might place him in over his head...

Chapters (1)