Like dislike ratio · 8:26pm Oct 13th, 2020
Not sure if the mass dislikes On my latest story are legit or from people I hear are disliking anything LGTB themed, hard to tell without anyone saying anything :/
Not sure if the mass dislikes On my latest story are legit or from people I hear are disliking anything LGTB themed, hard to tell without anyone saying anything :/
Not sure if anybody is reading this, but the endgame of Melody Orchard is in sight. I have the last two chapters and epilogue finished, also exspect some More sexy transformation next chapter
While I’m far from being in the red, for now, I’m re-amping my KoFi to try and make some extra money while I struggle to find a stable income. Every dollar help, and you can get your name at the end of my next four videos and request me to make a video on something. OR for those of you here on FIM, suggest I write a story or get your name in the A/N on future chapters. Just be sure to let me know in the comments below
Welp, I just finished the first draft of both Melody Orchard and The Farmer and the Mermaid. Both still have a ways to go before they’re ready to be published, but it still feels like a nice accomplishment
I’m going to sit down and write some a short, meaningless clop story that’s will probably just be sex because the one I wrote that’s more story than sex isn’t doing too well *eye starts to twitch*
GIVE ME SOME IDEAS/SHIPS/SHIT TO THROW AT THE WALL! Consider this a request opening!! :D 😭
Not sure if the mass dislikes On my latest story are legit or from people I hear are disliking anything LGTB themed, hard to tell without anyone saying anything :/
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Oh! It was for a story I was editing for a friend ^^’ no idea why it wasn’t published :/
The name of the story is right there in the end of the link. That is how links to stories work on this site right? The title is hyphenated at the end of the link.
Well that’s me, but still no idea what story you’re talking about
??? :/ ... send me a link to this link?