(Rainbow Vs. Wild ---> Octavia Vs. Rave ---> Shyness Vs. Kindness ---> Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful
---> Generosity Vs. Laughter.)
Rarity and Pinkie Pie are too busy for love, everypony knows that! Rarity has her dress business, and Pinkie has her parties. But what happens when the two mares are offered a chance to throw one of the biggest and most important party's ever: Big Macintosh and Fluttershy's WEDDING!
Can Rarity handle the hyper behavior and randomness of the ecstatic Pink Party Pony she's sure to encounter, long enough to design and plan the perfect day for her timid friend? Can she handle the stress of such a massive task with such little time? Will she be able to get through to Pinkie Pie to make her understand that this isn't just 'some party?"
For Rarity, yes, it's no problem! She'll be able to do this, no sweat!
There's just one problem...something's happened to Pinkie Pie. Nopony knows what, and nopony knows why. Well, nopony except the Cake's, and they've been sworn by the formidable power of the Pinkie Promise not to tell!!!
The task falls upon Rarity to save Pinkie Pie from her depressing behavior, and to discover the truth of what has happened to the poor mare, and perhaps discover a few things about herself that she never would have thought existed!
To take a chance, to save a pony, to plan the most bad-ass party in Equestrian History,
and to take a Leap of Faith!!!