• Member Since 4th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Monday


The eternally in-progress writer


The Book of All Stories has been opened. Fizzy Glitch, a kirin in crisis, has opened a box that cannot be closed. And all of this has unraveled at the site of Ponyville Ciderfest 2023. You are now part of an effort to find the scattered pages, each containing the power to change the narrative. Will you restore the past, reshape the present, or control the future?

A series of short vignettes—app stories written for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

Included are all the endings to each story as well as the code word associated with the story in the app.

The stories were structured to be bite-sized interactions for consumption by attendees. Attendees were then meant to select endings for each scenario, furthering a faction of their choosing.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Substitute

A great evil is destroyed and its wards are so too. But now a fragment of that evil is on the loose and is unchecked.

Between an awakened seal threatening to soak up Equestria's magic, a long-dormant thorn now budding, and changes to once well-understood rules, the final pieces of a partially solved puzzle are in place and are ready to be filled in.

The greatest trials may produce the biggest revelations, transform the tightest bonds, and perhaps even lead to salvation. The cost, however, is first the breaking of everything.

Feedback - Substitute - Divergence

The Crystal Ball Trilogy is a series of stories which deal with time travel, parallel universes, and other manipulations of time and space. Divergence is the last story; it is preceded by Feedback and Substitute.

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Featured on 2/6/19!

Edited by James Fire

Chapters (18)

[Co-written by Onyx Archer]

The Memory Stone is gone, and Sunset Shimmer’s friends have regained their lost memories... but her own memory has not returned.

Faced with the reality that her friends would lose their memories of one another, Sunset Shimmer dove in front of the magic shot forth from the Memory Stone, and watched as her memories of her closest friends left her bit by bit. In the end, this act allowed her friends to come out on top, and regain what Wallflower had taken from them in her quest for revenge.

With the memory stone destroyed, the question now is how to restore her memories. After all, who was she without the memories of the events that had defined her? Could she still be the same Sunset Shimmer that her friends remembered, or is that Sunset Shimmer gone forever?

Twilight Sparkle of Equestria certainly doesn’t want to lose a dear friend. But, perhaps, some things really are forever; some things once done cannot be undone.

Digital pdf version here

Featured on 2/18/18!
Coverart by overlordneon

Chapters (12)

"My name is Crystal Faire, but your reality knows me as Flurry Heart. You may call me that if you wish.

"In some places, I am a monarch all of my own in my prime, I am aged and retired in other places, and I am deceased in others still. I go by many names in each of those realities. I have been to them.

"My mission is to travel the multiverse and save it one timeline at a time. But the multiverse is breaking down and timelines are collapsing and I do not know why. I have always been a master of time and I have always been on my own, but the past has a habit of catching up and I fear that my lonesome may no longer be enough..."

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Crystal Faire vector art by Little Tigress / moonlightfan (dA)
Edited by PoisonClaw
Preread by Onyx Archer

Featured on 4/26/17!
Featured on Equestria Daily! 7/26/17
Goodreads entry~

Ask Me Anything 7/5/17
Ask Me Anything 2/4/18

Official FimFiction group

Chapters (33)

I have met many ponies in my travels but none so singular as Rease, a consulting detective. A simple interview with him, in which I meant to document his techniques, secured my involvement in what had to be the most unique series of events that I had ever been a part of up until that point.

A curious case, involving the Brush Sisters' strange behavior, the maddening of a frosty pegasus, the rumored grudge of a charming unicorn, an amulet of unknown significance, and a Canis Minor.

I now, after all these years, bring these events to publication. This chronicling of one of the most peculiar of cases and the only pony, the most peculiar pony, who could resolve it.

- Parchment Pusher

Digital pdf version here

Edited by PoisonClaw
Cover art amulet texture by Baby Boo circa 2012
Goodreads entry~

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Feedback

A terrible loss has been averted, but even that has a price.

Between the disappearance of several hundred ponies from around the world, strange portals leading to alternate versions of Equestria, an unknown alicorn frequenting Ponyville for secretive reasons, and the arrival of a new race of ponies bringing some ulterior motives, the pieces sowed by Twilight’s fight with the Nameless are set to crash back down.

What happens when friendship fails? Who will take Twilight’s place within the grave?

Feedback - Substitute - Divergence

The Crystal Ball Trilogy is a series of stories which deal with time travel, parallel universes, and other manipulations of time and space. Substitute is the middle story; it is preceded by Feedback and is succeeded by Divergence.

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Featured on 7/19/2016!
Goodreads entry~

Ask Me Anything 10/22/16
Ask Me Anything 1/18/17

Edited (with varying degress of contribution) by
sourichan, Kuairu, Thought Prism, Orion Caelum, Corejo, and AlicornPriest

Chapters (17)

This is the story of a mare named Pinkie Pie.

At least, it would be, if she would allow such a story to be told. But she may end up disregarding the narrative... or worse.

Originally featured on 8/28/15!
Goodreads entry~

Chapters (5)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has died a hero, but no one knows why.

Between an ancient evil that had not even existed until she struck it down, a mysterious crystal ball that bears some unknown significance, and a set of cryptic notes and behaviors from the princess during her final days, the circumstances behind it all are murky at best and suspect at worst.

And the rabbit hole only grows deeper from there.



Feedback - Substitute - Divergence

The Crystal Ball Trilogy is a series of stories which deal with time travel, parallel universes, and other manipulations of time and space. Feedback is the first story; it is succeeded by Substitute and Divergence.

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Featured on 7/19/2015!
Featured on Equestria Daily! 8/21/2015
Featured by Everfree Northwest! 3/11/2016
Featured by Seattle's Angels! 9/27/2016
Goodreads entry~

Edited by

Live reading by Alchemystudent
Fan-art by Miss Hoot

Chapters (15)