• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2023



OC's again · 1:59am Mar 30th, 2012

Okay so i've been reading like crazy on this site. Star Spinner and his friends are in a little trouble. Also im accepting OC's in Redo but you gotta follow the guidelines that i put out.
Description(eyes, coat, mane, tail, no crazy stuff... wait yes crazy is allowed, nothing to extreme though)
Quirks(like twiching wings, circling hooves in the dirt)
Race(Only Pegisi, unicorn, or earth pony's for now)

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Comments ( 8 )
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Thanks for the favorite on Not Another Good Guy! It means a lot to me that you enjoy it.:twilightsmile:

Cheers for the fav big man.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much for faving the worst story I've ever written :twilightsheepish:

Thank you kindly for the fave on A Cog in the Machine! I hope you will enjoy the future chapters as well :raritywink:

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