(Before I say anything else I'd better issue this warning, yes I am considering the events of "Revenge of Diaboromon" to be in continuity with the rest of the series. In my head cannon it takes place after the events of episode 50 but before the epilouge given 25 years later. Also the epliogue is a little different for me even though it won't be mentioned here because I obviously ship Takari.)
With Armaggeddemon defeated and Mimi back in Japan the digidestined believe they'll finally be able to kick back and relax without the threat of their world or the digital world hanging in the balance.
That belief is soon crushed however when Gennai calls them back into the digital world to investigate a mysterious energy reading.
The energy reading leads our heros (and their partners) to a portal that sucks them all in.
Where does this portal lead to you ask? Why the land of Equestria of course.
After crash landing and discovering they have no way of getting home the digidestined decide to make Equestria their new home at least for right now.
Not long after settling in Tai, recenlty recovering from having his heart broken finds himself falling in love with Twilight of all ponies.
Little do he or Twilight know that their new relationship is going to go through trails that no other couple has ever had to face as old evils from the digidestined's past return to haunt them.
Where are all these evil digimon coming from? And is just the digidestined's imagination or are their enemies getting stronger?
Rated teen for suggestive theming, mild cussing, and somewhat graphic fantasy violence.
Well here it is my super special awesome 5th fanfic!
Hopefully you've already read the notice posted in the fic description. If not then I'll try my best to explain anything that confuses you.
And yes I'm aware that the first chapter doesn't really involve Equestria or the digimon. Well not to worry the end of the second chapter will offically start the "Crossover" portion of this fic and the digimon will indeed be involved in this fic.
Also as you've seen here there will be cussing, it won't be often but it will still be in there. If you don't like it then don't read.
One question: Where are the Digimon in all of this?
1831221 Oh they will appear. Sorry if I didn't write any lines but they are present. I promise you they'll make an appearance within the next few chapters. I just couldn't think of dialogue for them and I didn't want to go into descrpitive detail and drag the first chapter out.
1831238 That could be a fatal mistake. A lot of people might assume that this is all about the Digidestined and Equestrians, with no Digimon. That'll be bad.
1831249 Don't worry, as a mater of fact within the next chapter I'll be sure to include the digimon. Also Gatomon did get a quick speaking role towards the end of chapter 1.
i have to agree with Friend of Bronies. Not giving the digimon partners any dialogue in the first chapter was a BIG mistake. It's like they didn't exist. I say rewrite the chapter a bit and added in the the dialogue. You won't drag the chapter if you're just introducing the characters. So just add the extra dialogue in.
1834517 Well I'll see what I can do, like I said I couldn't really think of any dialouge for them. Also I made sure to give them speaking roles in chapter 3 as well as confirm they were indeed in Equestria as well.
And here we have chapter 4 in which all of the digimon finally get a speaking role.
Now then just a quick little heads up I will try to get 2 to 3 more chapters up before Christmas. After Christmas comes and goes I'll likely be absorbed with my holiday gifts as well as spending time with my grandfather. He and I are planning to go see the new Lincoln movie in theaters the day after Christmas. So I'll likely put this story on haitus on Christmas Day. Hopefully within a week I'll be able to return to this fic and upload more chapters.
As for the next chapter a quick little spoiler, we finally delve into some romance. Only a little for right now because one does not simply rush into romance unless one has a princess of love or a love potion which I do not have. Also the ships among the digidestined will T.K.+Kari, Yolei+Ken, and Matt+Sora. Mimi will not be shipped with Joe in case you're wondering, considering that there's nothing at any point in 02 that confirms their relationship or gives hints towards it.
Lastly if you're looking for something to do Check this out. Be warned it's highly addictive.
Hey everyone I decided to revise chapter 5 and remove the big old wall of text. I hope you enjoy the new and improved verision.
A couple nitpicks: It's Ponyville, not Ponyvillie, and with Applejack, it should be Ah, not I'h.
Just a heads up: expierence is not a word, and also:
Red letter is missing.
I guess I'm giving you *sunglasses* a red letter day!
YEAAAHHH!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Rainbow_dealwithit.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_Scratch.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Cloudchaser_dealwithit.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_dealwithit.png
And here is my Christmas gift to all of you, chapter six. Enjoy it.
I do believe that Kari is Tai's little sister.
1852287 Corrected thanks for noticing.
Hey everyone I'm hoping to get back into this fic after the episode tomorrow.
Speaking of which unless I start extending the time the digidestined stay chances are they won't be involved in the events of "Spike at Your Service" and/or even be around to hear about it or observe it. Actually forget that. "Spike at Your Service" was originally going to be before "Apple Family Reunion" and since the events of this fic take place starting the day after that episode I don't think it will be an issue.
I'm also not going to make any guesses about "Keep Calm and Flutter On". I will neither confirm nor deny that Celestia is planing to reform Discord even after the events of this fic.
Chapter 7 will be the digidestined learning more about the pony types and then it's party time. And then chapter 8 will really start to delve into the darker aspects as the villians start showing up and things escalate quickly. Each villian will be stronger than the last and each one will be harder for the digidestined to take down.
Happy New Year Everypony!
And here is Chapter 7 all set and ready for your reading pleasure.
Next chapter will be our first battle 'Devimon v.s. The Digidestined'
Whoa, so many Chekhov's Guns...it's a Chekhov's Armoury!!!

Edit: The Chekhov's Armoury consists of: The one weakness that all unicorns share (which probably also applies to alicorns), the Equestria-Earth connection, pegasi tornadoes, Biyomon wishing she could create tornadoes the same way pegasi can, AND the alternate methods for creating an alicorn!
1883332 Well I do plan on Rainbow Dash's ability to create tornados coming into play later and the Equestria-Earth thing I guess I can work that in, as for all the others I don't really plan on using them, they are just my headcannon although the horn thing will appear in a nightmare.
Also quick heads up, next chapter is where this fic earns the "gore" tag, it won't be really descriptive but well it's not like the digidestined can kill with kindness.
And here we have chapter 8 our first major battle and now we see why this fic has the gore tag.
Before anyone asks the names of the attacks come from THE DIGIMON ENCYCLOPEDIA.
As always please comment on what you like and what you don't like.
I'll try to keep this pace going for the rest of the week.
Wasn't it a bit overkill to use Wargreymon AND Metalgarurumon, both Megas, against Devimon, a lowly Champion? I mean, unless he got some sort of massive power-up, they should have been able to take him with their Champions and Armor Digimon.
By the way, on the subject of Armor, any plans involving a certain Golden Radiance?
1888779 The way I see it two Megas were more than enough, Tai didn't want to exhaust the whole team for no reason. Granted MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon could've tackled him but Mega is easier to acess than Ultimate.
As for the Golden Armor digivolution more than likely no since the movie verision is non-cannon although Angemon and Angewomon will gain thier new forms they doned in said movie and they will last for longer, and the show verision appeared to be a one-time only thing that was converted from the Crest of Kindness to save its owner.
Also there's no way to know how powerful Devimon really was, considering that he was able to convince Ogremon a fellow Champion to serve him and brainwash Leomon another fellow Champion. And since he only fought the digidestined after powering up with the black gears we never get to see him fight on his power. That's why I specifically used The Encyclopedia because otherwise to my knowledge he never used his attacks in the series.
The Armor Digivolution's are believed to have faded away following episode 49 of 02 because in Japan it was called "The Last Armor Evolution" and the only reason the eggs were created was so the digidestined could bypass the control spires and the power of the black D-3.
You'll see eventually that each opponet is significantlly stronger than they were last time the digidestined battled them. But the next chapter will be a breather chapter to help us simir down and it involves my favorite digidestined of them all Kari. Then next chapter will feature the Princess' of Equestria. And the chapter after that will be the set up for another battle against a fellow Mega, and here's a hint he probably reminds you of a famous rock and roll singer because of his Southern accent in the Dub.
In actuality, the movies were canon, I believe, and as for the eggs, they were used again in it, so they should still be able to use them. The reason i say that the movie is canon is because of what happened in highton, kari recognizes agumon from the first part of the movie signifying that it did happen
1889271 Actually, the term Golden Radiance is canon, because Wizardmon's ghost said, and I quote, "Kindness will release the Golden Radiance."(Season 2, episode 17, "Ghost Of A Chance") As for the movies not being canon, I refer to you the fact that when Kari met Agumon in season 1, she recognized him.
Any chance you might at least be able to restore their ability to Jogress/DNA Digivolve?
So in their next battle they'll have to face Etemon? Damn.

1891744 I'm saying that the movie verision of the Golden Digiegg is not cannon because that part is actually a seperate movie in Japan. "Digimon The Movie" was taking the first three movies in Japan, including the pilot movie which is cannon, "Our War Game" which is alos cannon because of Onimon, and then the third is I believe "Touch Down Hurricane Evolution" which is suppose to out of contuity with the series, combining them into one, and giving them a new plot line to link them all together. Naturally the third part had the most edits made as the Dubbers had to shoe horn it in. The other two are offically cannon. "Revenge of Diabormon" has fans divded, some like me claim is in contuity and others claim it isn't.
DNA Digivolution will return soon although Etemon will not allow for fusion. Also he will be MetalEtemon because if you'll recall he returned late in Adventure as a Mega level digimon called MetalEtemon, his armor was made of chrome digizoid which could only be broken by something made of the same material like Zudmon's hammer.
1892847 I see. Now tell me, do you have any plans for any of the other Digidestined to gain the power to allow their Digimon to reach the Mega Level?
Also, I've got a name for the shipping of Tai and Twilight: Tailight!
1892942 Probably not since I'd more than likely have to make up digimon for them and doing so might provoke a lot of anger. It's like making the mane six become Alicorns just because they can, it's a bad idea and a surefire way to encourage thumbs down.
1892967 I see. But what do you think of the name I came up with for the shipping?
1893153 Genuis my friend, genuis! Or as Izzy would say "Prodigous".
1893185 Well, then, here's an idea! Given the habit Pinkie Pie has of breaking the fourth wall, why not have her notice the signs of how Tai and Twilight feel about each other at some point when the gang's all together? You could then have her point it out to the others and call it by the name I just gave it!
1893222 I'd rather not although I could have Pinkie Pie be aware of it, in all honesty I want to give Twilight more spotlight this time around since all of my previous ones have had Pinkie Pie play a major role.
Loved the scene where the Tailight was established! Especially with Pinkie Pie calling it that!
And Kari got to live her dream AND catch Diamond Tiara red-hoofed! Although something tells me that DT isn't done being a bully.
My reaction to that ending:
1899370 Thanks oh and you do realize that appearantly now you can be banned for saying first.
1901008 I've yet to see anyone actually be banned for it but you might want to refrain from doing it in the future just in case.
Also if this fic had a T.V. tropes page Pinkie Pie would be a "Shipper on Deck" and the Tailight scene would be a "Crowning Moment of Heartwarming". Hm sounds like I'm suggesting this fic should have a T.V. tropes page. Does anyone know if they can make it happen?
1899370 What can I say some ponies just never learn. I guess that's why Hasbro's never even looked into trying to redeem her. They want her to stay a bully so the CMC have a reocurring rival.
And of course as I said earlier Kari is my favorite digidestined. she's sweet, cheerful, funny, kind, gentle, rarely gets angry, and she's just a nice person to hang out with in general. Too bad she's already taken by T.K. for obvious reasons. (Shiping. Shiping everywhere.)
1901021 FELLOW TROPER!!!
Here's an epic brohoof for you!
1901049 Thank you for that generous gift.
1901030 One bit of advice for Applejack: Instead of butchering the English language with Ih, have her use I or Ah.
1901060 I personally think it comes out as I'h. Then again I've never really had much expierence with southern accents in truth or in fiction so it's kind of hard for me to write.
Also I figured I'd go back and put out a warning about chapter 9, you know so no one is blaiming me for giving them diabetes or heart attacks due to the adorableness.
And here it is, Chapter 10. I intentionally refrained from guessing on "Keep Calm and Flutter On". You can draw your own conclusions about whether or not Celestia was already planing to free him.
Sorry if this chapter took a little longer to be published but a lack of free time and some intrest in other things got in the way. I'll still try to get at least two more chapters published before my winter break ends. After that I don't know when I'll be able to upload the next chapter although I'm still hoping to finish this fic before the end of the month. Only time will tell.
Will we get to see Vinyl Scratch and Octavia help out with MetalEtemon?dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_Scratch.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_O_O.png
Nice touch using Lauren Faust's and John De Lancie names as Celestia's and Luna's parents even though you intentionally spelt them backwards to confuse the readers.
1906866:Confusion was not part of the plan but I'm glad to see that you caught the names.