Twilight Sparkle was cursed, imprisoned into a castle. The only way for her to be freed was for her True Love to kill the great dragon guarding her. For years, suitors lined up in front of her castle. Today, she is waiting for her love to come.
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That was refreshingly different, I really liked this story! Honestly, it was very nice and well written, congrats! 10/10!
Thank you
... Nope. They will go and murder them like they're supposed to. Because parents like this don't deserve to live.
Rainbow Dash probably would have gobbled them up or incinerated them if she could have
I like the premise, but the pacing is awful. The beginning is rambling paragraph after paragraph of repeating the same thing over and over, and the ending is weirdly abrupt.
"Moona," huh? Well then, note to self--Luna isn't especially clever at naming things.
Way to live up to my very low expectations, prince.
So though I still have to concede a bit more polish probably wouldn't hurt this fic any...this was a nice twist on the usual "rescue the princess from the dragon" troupe.
Thank you. And yes, unfortunately, Luna has the very famous disease that just makes it impossible to come up with good names (which I absolutely can't relate to because I sure have a super easy time naming things
Huh, I definitely didn't see that ending coming. I kinda like it thought.
its okay. I think the pacing is alright, and the repeats add some dramatic effect, at least to me. As for the ending, it was a little abrupt in my opinion.
The real question is, how did Rainbow Dash become a dragon?
Thank you
Always has been in this universe, and thank you
I shall be the 100th person who upvoted this.
Nice story
Thank you
She should have for sure.
At least it didn't devolve into a Nightmare Moon situation. Celestia isn't much better at naming though. Daybreak is a dumb name. Not as bad as Moona. But still.
They should turned the prison into floating fortress and conquer the world with their cheat magic abandonned in the library.
People would viewed them as goddess, for level of magic had degraded after ten of milleniums.
Twiggle and Dashie would rescure a loli/merchant from goblins first, then registered as adventurers.....
Ok this was fun, maybe at some point they can find a loophole and explore the world together.
Always finding a way to conquer the world, now that's something I can respect!
How is this part of "Make Blueblood a Good Guy"?!
No idea, I'm not the one that added the story to that group
Very cute fun. an excellent tale. n_n
Thank you