• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pegasus

Earth-pony inventor Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover a world unlike any they've seen before -- a world of fire. And it may offer clues to the history of all the varied worlds of the Space Beyond. But only if they can manage to escape its dangerously powerful inhabitants...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future story set-up. REALLY loved Rainbow and Pinkie's dialogue before the adventure officially began. Also appreciated Twilight being just as motivated by helping Spike learn where he came from as on exploring in general. And, yeah, the Mythology Gags are pretty well done (such as the "Number One Assistant" deal, the reference to magic being gone (for the dragons, like it was gone for a while for the ponies [other than "magnetic hooves" and the ability to still get Cutie Marks] in the ACTUAL G5 [though the dragons weren't as hindered by the loss of magic as the ponies were] and Spike briefly becoming the Dragon Lord only to give it up to somebody just as deserving), the Blood Scepter and Dragon Lord references. Also really liked the exchanges with Sear (concerning Spike, Rainbow and Pinkie) and Rage (concerning Twilight). Definitely liked how Twilight used her smarts to help restore the Dragons' magic AND appreciated the stuff about Grogar being the Dragon Mage AND the stuff about Spike's egg disappearing from this world. Also liked Sear showing the more sensitive side despite initial reluctance AND the little joking-to-prove-a-point. Also liked the stuff with Rarity and Fluttershy also helping out from a distance and getting briefed on the adventure. And the epilogue where the ending of the story was described by narration to the dragons was another beautiful touch.

REALLY looking forward to more of this series. Especially the possibility of meeting other species like Alicorns, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Changelings etc. and possibly even having a crossover adventure with Sunny and her friends. I wonder how Opaline would take meeting Grogar and how the two Mane Sixes would take meeting each other. But that's for another time.

Yes! Another story in this universe! Always so excited to see another one of these! :raritystarry:

"I'm tellin' ya, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash, "it's all comin' together. Just like Commander Bronzehoof said. I play my cards right, I'm in the Wonderbolts for sure."

Yeah, well...as I recall, that's probably not happening (at least not THAT way) precisely because Commander Bronzehoof's involved.

But more on that another time!

"There's like, a zillion of 'em down there, Pinkie. This must be a world full of dragons."

Well, Spike should be glad to hear this, if nothing else. :ajsmug:

"Those lights on the sky at night? Well, those aren't it actually, so forget about 'em."

Off to a great start there, Pinks. :trixieshiftleft:

"Interesting..." Rage stroked his chin with a claw. "Might be something to this, then. These ponies, they're like... collectors' items?"

"Oh yeah," Pinkie nodded. "Gotta catch us all! Hee hee hee!"

Well, just so long as this doesn't end in a d-d-d-duel!

"Right." The orange dragon nodded. "I bet Sparky here --"

No, no, not that dragon--he's in the next generation of MLP. :trollestia:

"The Mage... the one who gave the first Dragon Lord the Sceptre. And his power over dragons..."

Hmm...I wonder...

"The Sceptre's power, the spell that drives it, it has a kind of accumulating curse associated with it. That means that if any dragon tries to keep its power for too long... uh, I'm not quite clear on exactly what happens, but I can't imagine it'd be pleasant."

Ah...last one got a bit too greedy with the power, huh?

"I hear and obey, Oh, Wise and Powerful Mage of the Hoofed Ones."

Keep this up, Twi, and you're going to have a title on all of the worlds you visit. :raritywink:

"Me?" Spike goggled. "You mean... it was Grogar?"

Thought so!

It was a rainy night, deep in the dark and chill of the cold season, when not even the pools and rivers of fire could fully drive away the uncomfortable chill in the air.

Oh...OH! I thought these dragons you were describing seemed familiar! :raritystarry: And here I was about to bemoan how you had seemingly passed up the chance of just using Ember and the such. Silly me! :derpytongue2:

As always, I hope there will be more entries in this universe still to come! :pinkiehappy:

cant wait to discover more spheres yay. this one smells funny.

I LOVE this AU!!

A large blue dragoness with curling horns nodded. "It went away with the last of the Dragon Lords," she said viciously. "And it's not coming back. Certainly not for the likes of you, Rage."

Ember, that you?

"What I need right now," growled a burnt-orange dragoness who'd been lying with a foreclaw draped over her face, "is a little less noise around here. I'm trying to sleep off an emerald hangover. So go find someplace else to relive the glory days, Rage. And let us ordinary dragons get on with being dragons, huh? Just let us be!"


Pinkie Pie grinned, giving her best You-Don't-Have-To-Be-Crazy-To-Be-Me-But-It-Helps look.

:pinkiecrazy: That or? Or this one? :pinkiehappy:

Looking up, the dragons and ponies all saw a large, deep purple dragoness, with green-and-yellow horns and shining green eyes. She descended on the group like Doom incarnate, and landed on the rocky plain with a thump that shook the entire island.

I'm sensing a bit of family resemblance

"Well, pony, you're in luck. Because history happens to be a pet subject of mine. I can tell you anything you want to know."

Oh no, Twilight found his hobby

But tempting as it was, the heap of gemstones and gold wasn't the thing that immediately caught Spike's eye. Instead, it was the library. It filled a smaller nook to one side. On tables and shelves and in large open chests, there were books and scrolls, plus a variety of artifacts: crystals and talismans and jewelry and mysterious-looking devices.

The actually valuable stuff


A large blue dragoness with curling horns nodded. "It went away with the last of the Dragon Lords," she said viciously. "And it's not coming back. Certainly not for the likes of you, Rage."

Ember, that you?

Nope, but keep reading -- the ending of the story is a big clue here.

Shame on You, Hasbro! Some ficwriter works better than You!

Hooray! I've been waiting for the next story in the series, and you delivered wonderfully! I'm glad it was a Spike-based story, and this was a nice alternative spiritual successor to The Gauntlet.

Huh, I would've thought there'd be Ember or Smolder in here somewhere...or Garble (was he the leader of the dragon gang?). But instead, it was all original dragon characters.

Also, I am abit surprised that, upon learning Spike's egg came from the Dragon World, that they didn't try and find out who his parents were. Did Grogar steal his egg? Or was his egg already abandoned? True, he loves his pony family now, but maybe Spike is still interested in whether he has dragon parents that are still mourning the loss of their egg? Maybe Twilight should follow up?

An amazingly short time later, pretty much just long enough for Twilight to load a small knapsack with notebooks and quills and other research gear, then grab her flight goggles, the cloud-gray airframe was dropping through the outer smoke-layer of the dragon world, then cautiously descending into the open, cloud-wreathed skies below.

Night Light: Don't forget your lunches!

Velvet: And be sure to take along coats and scarves!

Twilight: Moooom! It's a scorching hot lava world!

Velvet: ....Earmuffs too, then! And sunscreen!

"We're fine, thanks to Rainbow." Twilight grinned. "Sorry, I was a little too focused on geography and geology to watch out for little things like incipient geysers."

I mean, incipient geysers are kinda geography and geology themselves, so...

"Dragon Lord Sear," he acknowledged. "After all, you were willing to face the curse of the Lair, willing to risk your life. That... sounds like a fair test of courage to me."

Uhh, didn't Twilight call him out on doing the exact same thing and going into the lair to take the scepter in the first place? So he technically passed the challenge long before Sear did. But that's part of why she thought maybe he'd be an okay predecessor eventually anyways? That and he never gave up hope.

With the pegasi as as lookouts

Double word there.

Rainbow nodded. "There's an old pegasus saying: flame and feathers do not flock together."

Can't help but wonder what it says about pegasi that they apparently need a proverb to tell them 'Fire bad!'

"I can see that," the dragon rumbled. "But where'd they come from?"

"They're from... other worlds. Yeah! Worlds inhabited by ponies like them."

"Spike..." Twilight gently warned.

"Other worlds?" Rage's rumbling voice drowned her out. "Seriously?"

Er, getting the name a few paragraphs before we actually learn it there.

Twilight stared down the near-vertical face of the mountain below the cliff. Her foolproof escape plan now had two serious flaws. "Nope," she told herself firmly, "Definitely not. I am a pony, not a mountain-goat."

"and I prefer walking to any day. And I hate climbing!” (Don't care if no one gets the reference, it amused me.)

Nervous about the sudden aggression in her void, Spike tapped his claws together.


Unwillingly Rage did so. And Twilight reached up a hoof, feeling for -- yes, there was the barrier. She felt the tingling as her hoof passed right through it.

I think you mean 'reluctantly'. 'Unwillingly' would only apply if someone was literally forcing him to do so - this is still willing, just reluctant.

Just sort of... casually present, you know.

Mmn, no - the narrative's been appropriately impersonal this whole time; having a sudden informality just doesn't work without an active voice in the rest of it.

Apologies for all that, just the parts that stuck out to me, either as errors or just as amusing. Story was fun, though I'm still not a fan of Pinkie speaking in italics - I get the rationale, but I don't think it works in concept or execution. But still, very neat bit of reimagining and good character work.

One thing I will say, though, is that it'd probably be a good idea to figure out some way to allow more ponies to join these expeditions than just Twilight, Spike and the pegasi. Fun as they are, only allowing them on these trips feels pretty limiting. Don't even have to limit it to the canonical main characters... though I would be interested to see AJ's reaction to these kinds of adventures, even if I don't know that she would.

Wow, hard to believe that it was just about a year since the previous story in this little series. But this was a nice return, and with some excellent world building too.

The mirror to Equestria girls!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:pinkiehappy:

I hope that it continues and that all worlds become one in the end! Except Grogars!

I guess you could call this, MLP: A New Era. Because well, you know, if you know.

Typically, it's meant to be a hard-on reboot and let's just say beyond the OG Mane 6 and Spike the dragon, everyone else from G4 is not coming back. Well, in that case I still have a chance, just need permission from the author.


One thing I will say, though, is that it'd probably be a good idea to figure out some way to allow more ponies to join these expeditions than just Twilight, Spike and the pegasi. Fun as they are, only allowing them on these trips feels pretty limiting. Don't even have to limit it to the canonical main characters... though I would be interested to see AJ's reaction to these kinds of adventures, even if I don't know that she would.

They did just discover the equivalent of a Stargate network I think? Or did I read that wrong?

Can someone please explain the ending. I don't get it.

It's a reference to the Hearth's Warming story told by Smolder in season 8, EP 15! Id recommend giving it a watch to understand :)

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