Discord knows Fluttershy and Rarity go off without him all the time.
The real question is where they go, and why?
And why is seaweed involved?
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Short, sweet and adorable. You nail Discord’s bizarre petulant character perfectly, and having Aloe and Lotus be perfectly in control was excellent! A very fun read!
Impressive. Discord was... tolerable, here. ;)
Discord i want to pat him
This was an adorable piece of fluff.
I'm a bit surprised he only has the one.
Proportions of a supermodel. She just hunches so her Flash model looks the same.
For chaos incarnate, there are few things worse than being predictable.
Delightful stuff. Wonderful to watch Discord expand his boundaries in relative peace, especially since you still made him feel like Discord in the process Thank you for it.
This was so cute! I’ve never read a story that portrayed Discord so sweet, innocent and curious. He was adorable.
(Then again, it makes sense. Last time Discord was alive (so to speak), which was way back in Old Equestria, spas weren’t a thing.)
Don't trust in yourself, trust me who trusts you.
you've got an excellent grasp on Discord's character, but why do i keep getting these vague vibes of shipping from this?
Because frindshipping is shipping, too. That is what makes the story so neat.
That was a good story.
An oddball ghost happened across your fic and read it. Have a review!
Discord is ticklish?
That's cute. 
He keeps the other in a jar on his desk. For heart emergencies.
Discord: Fluttershy, could you be a dear and not tell Spike and Big Mac about this? I do have a reputation as a rough-and-tumble guy to maintain after all.
: Now, Discord. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You almost remind me of the time Rainbow Dash was reluctant to tell us she developed a love of reading.
: Besides, didn't Big Mac ever tell you what happened at the last Sisterhooves Social?
Discord: Well, I can understand her not wanting to be seen as an egghead.