With so many products to have to manage getting ready every morning, Twilight decides to fix the problem with a little magic.
Original version submitted as part of the January 2015 Writeoff — All In
Cover art by Yakovlev-vad
Just a little, old baby kitty...
With so many products to have to manage getting ready every morning, Twilight decides to fix the problem with a little magic.
Original version submitted as part of the January 2015 Writeoff — All In
Cover art by Yakovlev-vad
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Sucks being a mare with horns and wings. Twilight, better get a research team on an all-purpose body spray, stat.
I'm sure Zecora can whip something up.
And then charge you for the cure when your feathers fall off.
Look on the bright side.
Mane, tail, wings, coat, hooves, and teeth (Possibly horn if horns have continually growing enamel/keratin outer layers and/or are vulnerable to infections) are the various facets of hygiene that an alicorn has to deal with, and that is just what I could come up with off the top of my head.
Perhaps the princesses have large baths, the size of a backyard swimming pool, that they use in conjunction with a small legion of bath attendants.
I remember this one from the writeoff. It expanded out pretty smoothly!
Interesting that it's now got an explicit moral. I think I remember the original ending on a punchline?
The ending was always the weak point, especially when I had the word limit to contend with. I think it gives a better ending now without having to rely on the punchline style finish.
- Near-godlike magical powers
- Can fly
- Automatically comes with royal throne
- Super cute
- Fingers
- Can shower in ten minutes with half an ounce of Dr. Bronner's
It's a close call.
Possibly tipping it over to favour the humans.....
- Can also use Fingers and also shoulders to give pet chihuahua a bath while having a shower.
(dog seems calmer this way, as though I'm sharing the burden of a bath rather than inflicting it. Also the apple fragranced dog shampoo seems to work fine for human hair.)