• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

Comments ( 55 )

This was so amazing that I started crying. After four hellish days enduring my family yelling at each other, this was exactly the kind of story I needed to get me out of my head and make me want to power through it. Thank you. Thank you so much for taking on this request for me. It really means so much to me that I have such good friends willing to give me the cuteness I need to sustain myself from time to time. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such a beautiful piece of art for me. Thank you so much for everything.


Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

What I see is somebody who has no works of their own and is deliberately shaming others for their personal choices. And you can sit there behind your computer and feel smug for a minute thinking you’ve taken the rest of us down a peg, but guess what? You haven’t. This story was a beautiful gift to me from a friend during an exceptionally difficult time in my life, and you can’t take that kindness away no matter how hard you try. So go ahead. Say whatever you want. It won’t change the fact that this story was built on what this very fandom thrives on- friendship. If all you have to do with your time is criticize other people and talk trash about them instead of making something of yourself, then I feel very sorry for you.

So why did you read this if you did not like it? Do you not like diaper fics at all? Could you not tell what it was going to be like from the description?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020
Poppy8 #7 · May 6th, 2020 · · 1 ·

I have one thing to say to you: don't like don't read.

It's that simple.

If you thought that this story (despite being a diaper fic) might not be something you like read something you would like.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

So how did you find this story? are you actively searching for diaper stories?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

So here are some words of wisdom you should follow. "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." I am not sure why you would follow someone then complain when they write about something you don't like knowing full well what they write.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

Why don't you follow my advice?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

How do you feel you are effecting change? You mentions fetish tags and fetish specific tag filtering. Can you explain what that is?

how can you not know?
by tag filtration, i mean a static filter assigned to a user's profile, a la an image booru, derpibooru for instance
and by specific fetish tags, i mean instead of a blanket "fetish" tag, there be a tag for most fetishes(the ones common enough to warrant such, as it'd be ludicrous to ask for every fetish to be taggable as there's countless fetishes)

I do not use such things. I do not use derpibooru. Even on this website I only read diapers stories that get posted to groups I am in or a story I like in the featured box. So if I understand with this tagging system in place you could select to never see a diaper story and you would never see stories tagged with diaper. Correct?

Understood but you should follow my advice. If you really want to effect change you should offer to code a system for this website.

dunno how to code, have no desire to learn

Then how do you expect to effect change? Why should the mods listen to you? Is this a common complaint?

i've suggested it to a mod, they said they'd take it under advisement
my complaints are directed at the author right now

Why complain to an author who has no control over fetish specific tags?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

Why complain about something that you know the author writes?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

Why do the have to listen? How many people follow them and do not like diapers?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

If you don't like it, then ignore it. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you have any right to tell other people not to like it or that people you just happen to follow shouldn't write it. They don't have to listen to you and it's clear by how you act that you're not worth listening to. The author doesn't work for you, they don't need you. So stop thinking you can just order people around like they are beholden to your whim.

So why can;t you act like am adult and ignore the stuff you don't like?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

how does it do the opposite?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

But if this guy stops how does this stop other people writing? How does complaining to this one guy get him to stop?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

How does complaining get this guy to stop?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

Why are you trying to coerce someone? I am confused. isn't that a bad thing?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

If you are truely done talking to me that is fine. I don't understand why you need this thing to happen? Maybe if you could explain in simple language then I could understand.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

I have to go shopping soon. I will be back in around 45 minutes. I would love to understand this more.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted May 6th, 2020

Unstoppable Force vs the Immovable Object, this cracks me up.

Rather than tell a writer to stop writing something they like, an outlet they use to hone their craft, perhaps suggest they move their more niche content to a nsfw profile. then you wouldn't have to complain about it. granted the writer would have to make that decision themselves, so if they don't, back to screaming at the brick wall my dude.

you're conversation was quite enjoyable.

Edit: though if most people who follow him don't care one way or the other, and or ignore the content outright, and you're the minority that is complaining about it, this will probably be even more difficult

that doesn't get rid of the issue, it merely moves it elsewhere

Alright, fair, fair.

Counter argument, tell all the the writers making human/pony sex, and vore fics to stop, it's gross and wrong, they should "keep it locked away in their mind." No one should have to see that kind of filth.

one point of contention there, human-on-pony is actually good

Why don't you like diapers? What about diapers makes you feel uncomfortable?

Why is that good and diapers bad?

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