• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen November 18th

Discord The Narrator

Hey guys! It's me, Discord!


Hello! Yeah, you're probably asking yourself: what happens here? What's this? Who's Jimmy Hook?

In this story, follow Jimmy Hook as he transforms into so many Female Characters from MLP, be it FIM, EG, MLP Movie, IDW Comics, a few MLP books, or any other material related to G4 of MLP.

Anyways, let me know what you think about it on the comments. Hope you like it!

PS: May contain small references to certain parts from the body.

EDIT: I'm republishing this story after having made a few changes on some things which went against the rules of FimFiction. I hope nothing else happens, because I don't like having problems from this kind.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 209 )

And we're off to a Fantastic start! <3 :heart:

Plus I can solve the clue easily: Twilight Sparkle :3

Shit is happening, and also interesting idea.

I sure did <3 :heart:

And I'm ready for tomorrow's chapter <3 :heart:

Shit is happening?:derpytongue2:

Also, glad you like the story. And it's just the first chapter!:twilightsmile:

Being turned into 1,000 different mares isn't exactly nothing you know.

Unless you are me of course :yay:

And I have a good idea on who number 1,000 is.

Base on what I know about your favorite ponies are, I say it's Sweet Belle.

Oh, it's ok. Gonna fix it now. Thanks.:twilightsmile:

Or is it going to be your least favorite pony?


Or is it going to be your least favorite pony?

You don't know my list really well... do you? I don't have a single character that isn't my least favorite!

Oh, I changed the Equestria thing you told me earlier, so I don't know what sentence you mean,sorry.:twilightsheepish:

Oh really, very single character? Male or Female, even Flash Sentry?




And yes, that's true. But as the long summary says, this will be just on the Female Characters.

yep. And besides.... I have a liking to the Male turning into Female Transformations X3

Oh... Well it's not permit and it's a non sex story so I'm not hating it.

I think it would be because Jimmy didn't think his hair would keep changing, but I'll change it.

hmm seem like this is going neat to read will have to keep an eye on this

Twilight Sparkle (or Sci-Twi, maybe).

I can smell the cringe. I can smell it. I can cut it with a knife.
But this actually does look good.
I have my eye on you!

*Does an Adorkable Smile like Twilight Sparkle*

Can't wait for tomorrow's chapter X3

"I'm coming for you Discord >:)


(Anyways, get a few things set up, such as the getting the story submitted again... and then... on to chapter 4 tomorrow!!!!! <3 :heart:)

Yeah baby! We are back in action! :D


"Hmmm... I suppose I could take a nap. Maybe I could do something else later." He said.

He lay down on his bed, getting comfortable before finally closing his eyes, a plush of Sunset between his arms.


"What is that!?"

His hair looked a bit different. The color changed on some strands so now, instead of brown, it was a combination of red and yellow.

"How did this happen?" Jimmy thought, still looking at his reflection. "Maybe the plushie?"

He went back inside his room and grabbed the Sunset plushie.

"I don't think this did it, but..."

Jimmy rubbed the plushie over his hair and his clothes, but nothing happened. The plushie stayed the same as always.

He looked on the bath's mirror again, noticing a surprising thing: his hair kept changing its colors...

And it was also growing longer...

Jimmy shook his head. "It has to be some hallucination."

Sorry Jimmy, but it ain't:rainbowlaugh:!!!

"A house is burning! We're going to see if the owners need help." The man said. "Also, what's wrong with your hair?"

"Huh?" Jimmy remembered. "Oh, I don't know, I just woke up after a nap and it was like this."

"All red and yellow? That's odd. Anyways, gotta go!" The man said, running away.

Uh-oh, the house is burning:pinkiegasp:! Also love how he noticed the hair change:rainbowlaugh:!!!

"Oh, wow... This is really weird." Jimmy thought.


"I called the firefighters! They're coming now!" A guy said.

"My daughter is still inside!" A woman exclaimed with a scared expression. "We have to save her!"

"It's too dangerous, Alice!" An older woman said.

With those flames, nobody wanted to risk their lifes before the firefighters arrived. Jimmy stared at the fire, unsure of what to do.

"Should I try to rescue her?" He thought, feeling nervous.

Who wouldn't:twilightoops:?!

"Hello!? Where are you!?" Jimmy yelled, without response. Did she faint? Was she...?

No, she couldn't be dead. She wouldn't be. Jimmy would get her before the fire did.

Opening a door, a few flames touched his right arm, and he got back while checking it.

"Wait... what?" His arm was intact, with no burn marks on it.

He looked at his entire body, seeing his right arm, his legs and his left hoof.

Wait, left hoof?

"Whoa! What's this?" He exclaimed.

First the limbs...:twilightsmile:.

"Whoa! What's this?" He exclaimed.

Not only that, but his left leg was also starting to change, and his clothes were vanishing.

"Oh, wait, I think I got it. The Sunset plushie didn't leave any strands of hair on me, but maybe..." Jimmy said as his body kept changing, his skin turning yellow.

"Maybe it did this when I touched it..."

The remnants of his clothes scattered on the floor, revealing his ponified body.

I think the more appropriate term would be, ponifying body:ajsmug:.

."I suppose it had some magic, and that would be what's causing this."

A horn emerged from his forehead and a Cutie Mark appeared on his flanks, as a tail also appeared behind him. His ears also turned into pony ears.

Then the horn:scootangel:!

"So, if I'm not wrong, I'm transforming..." He closed his eyes.

Into the Golden Phoenix:yay:!!!

"...into Sunset Shimmer."

In the middle of the fire, Sunset went inside the house's kitchen. Avoiding a chunk of the ceiling falling down, she reached the faucet used for cleaning the dishes, activating it and looking at the running water.

"Ok, I still remember one spell for this. Let's see..." She said, staring at the water.

You go Jimmy/Sunset:rainbowdetermined2:!!!

"Sarah!" Alice ran and hugged her daughter. "This is a miracle..."

She felt surprised when she saw Sunset.

"But you... are..." She said.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you." She extended her hoof, which Alice shook carefully.

Yay for Sunny:yay:!!!

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