Jimmy was currently at the library. He wanted to buy some new books for reading. He had books at home, which he already read, but he wanted more.
Rainbow Dash's mane inspired him, so he decided to buy multicolored books. And he was lucky: the library was full of those kind of books.
"This... is beautiful..." Jimmy said, looking at all the books.
He got some before heading to pay for them. As he was arriving where the counter was located, he noticed something: there was a purple book on one of the shelves.
No, not purple. It was... lavender.
"Wow..." Jimmy said, adjusting his glasses. "That must be a Twilight Book." He chuckled at his own joke.
He got in front of the counter for asking Fred, the cashier.
"Hi there, Fred! How much does that book cost?" Jimmy asked, pointing at the lavender book.
"Oh, that one? It costs thirty dollars, Jimmy." Fred replied.
"Thirty dollars? How's that possible?" Jimmy asked.
"Well, that's one of the most rare books. The most expensive one in this library costs one hundred dollars." Fred explained.
"Oh... Well, glad that one is not the most expensive one. Anyways, I'll take it." Jimmy said, giving Fred the thirty dollars.
"No problem. There you have." Fred grabbed the money and gave Jimmy the lavender book.
"I think I'm gonna enjoy reading it. Have a nice day, Fred!" Jimmy said, as he left the library.
"You too, Jimmy!" Fred replied, waving at him.
Back inside his home, Jimmy left the books on a shelf in his room, in a way that they resembled Rainbow's mane colors.
"This looks good! And now, time to read!" He said.
Everytime he got a book from the shelf and finished reading it, he put it on the place it was before. Between all of those books, there were some like one about Daring Do, one about Star Swirl The Bearded, one about Nightmare Rarity and one that was a recopilation of the legends of Equestria.
An hour or so after reading them, he remembered the lavender book.
"I'm feeling an urge. It tells me to read more books! But first, I'm gonna read this one!" Jimmy said, grabbing the book.
He seated in his bed and started reading the book, tightening his black hairtie to his wrist so it didn't fell off.
The book told the story of a female pony who wanted to be the Christmas present for a little girl, but she couldn't find a way to make his wish be real.
Jimmy kept reading, although he was feeling a bit strange. He didn't even notice his glasses slowly vanishing, and his sight changed.
When he had read half of the book, he stood up, putting a hand on his forehead.
"Something is happening, but what?" Jimmy said. As he put his hand off, he made a surprising discovery: his skin color was changing, turning into the same lavender tone as the book.
"W-What!?" Jimmy exclaimed, running to the bathroom.
Looking at the mirror, he saw that not only his skin, but his hair was also changing to a dark sapphire blue tone, with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks forming on it. His eyes had also changed to a moderate violet, and eyelashes appeared around them.
"Oh, wow! I didn't think this could happen with a book!" Jimmy said.
His fingers pressed to his hands, the fists turning into hooves. The same thing happened with his feet. A horn also emerged from his forehead as his nose and mouth changed to form a pony snout, and his entire skin got covered in lavender fur.
"Heh, I should have known that book was special." Jimmy said, his voice now sounding like Twilight's.
His body bended down as his ears turned into the ones from a pony. Finally, a tail grew from his backside as Twilight's Cutie Mark appeared and a pair of wings emerged from his body.
"Well, I'm glad this has finished. And now, time to read more books!" Twilight said.
It was then when she saw the hair tie on her hoof.
"Oh, this could work as a bookmark!" She said, putting it between the pages from a book she started reading. And she had even more for spending some time...
The End
*Does an Adorkable Smile like Twilight Sparkle*
Can't wait for tomorrow's chapter X3
Heh, okie.
yep =3
Oh course.
Or, you may be turning into Twilight herself.
Your turning into Twi!
First the mane.
Then the voice.
And the wings, tail, and ears, and Cutie Mark!!!