• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.


This story is a sequel to Crystal Camaraderie

A working wizard's work is never done. Chartreuse faces difficult tea times, keeping her two friends looked after and well behaved, and a growing monster-beneath-the-bed problem that plagues the Empire.

Oh, and one visiting mother that sends her poor housemate Nomination into a neurotic downward spiral from which there may be no recovery. The arrival of the Major is a crisis unlike any other.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 183 )

Oh good! I was hoping to see more of these guys!

*looks at the Author's Note*

MINE EYES :fluttershbad:

Die Farbe! Der Schmerz in den Augen! Der Schmerz im Gehirn!

You son of a mother! Why would you do this to us?

kudzu, I thought we were friends, kudzu. Why have you done this?

Do the regulations say anything about dodging? Surely it's not threatening to just duck an weave until your opponent wears themselves out.


It looks like a lemon meringue pie that’s gone off Kudzuhaiku. Is that what you want? I don’t like lemon meringue pie as it is, and here you are making me think about spoiled ones. You’re a cruel boy.

loving this chapter, poor nom, i wonder what kind of talk snow dust will get

That is one bright filly. She clearly does need to be weaponized.

My eyes my eyes no wonder Dim was complaining even wearing a welding mask

It occurs to me that "Charty" would be pronounced as "Sharty." It gave me a good giggle :P

Bring on the sunglasses!

“They call us night terrors.” Nomination slumped over a bit more, whimpered, and shifted the makeshift ice pack around. “Ponies live in fear and terror of us. We are bigger, stronger, faster, we are superiour to them in every way. We must never, ever hurt them, no matter what they do to us. We must bear any and all abuse with good grace and gentleness, so that ponies might one day learn that we mean them no harm and that we only wish to protect them. For one of us to break the regulations, for one of us to bring harm to what we protect, it does a great disservice, as well as great harm, to all of us.”

As before I still completely understand the position that Nom's people have to take. Ponies are natural xenophobes. Something has to be around them all the time, completely non-threatening, helpful/useful for awhile with no negative qualities before they'll accept it. Ponies are LOOKING for a reason, any reason at all, for them to be labeled as your everyday monster and fully ejected from any hope of joining society. Nothing the Crown says can change that. It may not be fair but it is a hurdle they must overcome for the future. Let's be real, ponies would have a field day if Nom had hurt Snow in defending himself. Not to mention with his testimony I can see them trying to work in that Nom was trying to rape Snow or something, aggressive sexual advances and such. Because as things stand ponies are afraid of them and want them gone so they no longer have to be afraid.

The entire tribe/species has bet all their hopes, dreams, the future of their whole race on becoming accepted by pony society. Every single one of them, and every future whelp, will lose everything if they give the right ponies the wrong idea, and the wrong ponies ammunition to use against them. The herd structure is, by nature, alarmist as a survival mechanism. Which means that like all cultures starting out, terrible sacrifices have to be made. It was the same for every culture for everyone reading this - we enjoy our luxuries and everything we take for granted because people worked impossible and unfair means, because children were had by the bushel knowing half or more would die - just so there'd be enough left to carry on. Every culture is built on the sacrifices of those who looked to the future and gave up their whole life to make the smallest advances towards it, every culture is built on the dead who never had a choice in the matter.

Rather than labeling the regulations evil at this point and all the "how dare they" outrage sure to come once we meet Nom's mother who I am expecting to be a severe hardass, for now I'm going to hope they can find a way for Nom to be useful to their society without placing him in harm's way and forcing him to come up against his regulations like this again. All so that future Noms will never have to know what it was like to make his sacrifices.

not bad

nominated for best mom letter reaction 2018, nomination


Unless this was intentional due to her misreading or mispronouncing, it should probably be hatchling, with an L in it.

If you need a disagreement settled, you get Chartreuse to settle it. She has a way with words, and also with actions. Especially when the disagreement turns physical, because she will instinctively know exactly what to hit and with how much force to make all sides see reason.

And that's why whenever two or more parties agree to bring their disagreement to a peaceful end before they all get a real walloping, they call it a treuse.

If he's the first to be sent to an outsider school it's worse than I thought. He's got eyes on him - he's not someone who can just fade into the background of history and live entirely as he wants, disconnected. He's an Important Figure. Folks who're responsible for life and death have to be watching him to see how his life turns out, to see what advancements he might make, to see if there's another path open for his people - or one that he can open for them. They can use his actions and reactions and the way ponies respond to him to help gauge certain integration factors, whether it's too soon to try something more or not.

Responsibility is an iron cloak. The future's (possibly) counting on you, Lil' Nom. His situation's not TOO dissimilar from Ruby Bridges'. Which oddly enough actually sounds like a crystal pony name now that I think about it.

Ah, geez. I just realized.

Nomination’s the first one to be sent to a outside school.

You might say he was nominated for the role, goddammit kudzu!

Nom's mom is "the Major", eh? I suspect this is going to be a very imposing woman. The fact that she apparently fought for Nom to come to the Empire in spite of not personally agreeing with the idea makes me predisposed to like her.

I can just imagine Chartreuse writing a letter to Rarity for help with Nomination.

Dear Rarity,

I need help getting my gay roommate straightened out.
Nomination, my gay roommate, needs to be set straight on colts.

Nomination is having serious self-image and self-esteem issues. He could probably use your particular brand of sympathy and encouragement. Do you think you could find the time to visit?


I feel like these Regulations are kind of self-defeating to their desire to get the other tribes to accept them into Equestria. Isolating your youth from interacting with the other tribes' youth basically keeps the youth of the other tribes from thinking of them as equal. Then when they do grow up, this 4th tribe would be seen as alien since they never interacted with them as foals.

The regulations also force them to act differently around others, further making them them seem alien, and thus 'others'. The fact Nom chose to take special classes to understand how to socialize with others shows just how different his tribe's interpersonal communication is, or lack thereof.


And this story is about to deal with that very issue. I'm glad that somebody is being rational about this and seeing issues. :pinkiehappy:

“Those ice orcs were rude and I had to go sort them out. They arrive uninvited and start wrecking things after the Crystal Cotillion. Just rude!

I find this to be incredibly reminiscent of my impressions of Rarity. I don't know if that's what you intended, but either way, it's funny to see how her one-time idol has shaped her.

odd ending and interesting cheese references

Makes me worry that Miss Oddbody is being kept pregnant and bare-hoofed in the kitchen so she can produce more milk to feed her colt-friends cheese addiction. :pinkiesad2:

Um... that Oddbody makes butter.

Her mother makes cheese.

I.. I’m not sure that’s quite correct....

rather odd worry

Oh god, that song. I did not expect it. Also did not expect Sunburst to join in

It's interesting......... BUT WHY

she heard Nomination say, “Some of us are born with Janus-organs..."

Nom, are absolutely sure THAT isn't the reason why Snow Dust got ... slightly mad?

Spike didn't... pose for that, did he?

Remember everyone; the crystal ponies are still about a thousand years behind everyone else.

I'm not convinced being a thousand years behind everyone else explains any of this, though....

Clearly, taking the piss in the Crystal Empire is far more serious than the Bittish Isles.

For Spike the Dragon, being a hero was as natural as breathing, but then again, so was setting things on fire. In that aspect, Spike and Dim shared something in common, as both were nature’s natural arsonists. While Chartreuse herself was also fire aligned, she was also polite and settings things—or others—on fire was rather rude. Rarity, who owned a very fashionable flamethrower that she kept beneath the counter in her Canterlot boutique, said that rudeness should be a last resort, what one fell back upon when being a lady had failed. Sometimes, a lady just had to burn things down, but Chartreuse wasn’t grown up enough to be a lady just yet.

Rarity is the best.

Huh. That is quite a statue.

Spike was smiling down at her; never again would she be able to look him in the eye.

No kidding.

Something tells me that with the veneration and utter, slavish worship of an entire nation, to the point they have his statue piss on their babies, Spike's either fully or burgeoning on becoming enshrined.

If a character says something, and believes in it hard enough, does that make it true? :unsuresweetie:

Well, according to your story “Aggro-Culture,” the answer is yes.

Eyes narrowed, Chartreuse peered through her glasses, still annoyed, and from upstairs she could hear Chalcedony’s laboured breathing, which was a dreadful distraction. Her eyes traveled the length of the iron rod that Dim held and after a moment, she remarked, “That’s a fireplace poker.”

It'll be great for poking things at the very least.

“Mine apprentice?” Dim removed his hat, put his pipe away, and cast a sneering glance in Chartreuse’s general direction. “Mine apprentice is very safety coloured. Look at her and tell me that is not the colour of safety. We are the ones in danger, for we do not have the colour of safety.”

Huh, yeah, no kidding.

And Chartreuse, in a moment of great pain, admitted to herself that she had a crush upon her former employer. For all she knew, her crush on the fabulous fashionista Rarity might have made her gay, but she had no understanding of how these things worked. Everything was just a jumbled, confusing sense of attraction, just as the night had its own glamour and allure. No more delusions, no more denial, it was time to face life on her own terms… and make a choice.

Everyone is Rarity-sexual.

Tea or coffee? Colts or fillies? Night or day?

All of the above of course. As much as you can get away with.
There is a limit to how long you can stay awake.


Everyone is Rarity-sexual.

Nope. Twi-/Jackie-/Dash- sexual, maybe, but not the pink or white horrors.

Dash-sexuals: always finished in 10 seconds flat.

Well, I always that these three in friends had their own weird sexual thing. Chartreuse finds Chalacedony attractive, Chalacedony finds Nomination attractive, Nomination finds attraction for a stallion that likely thinks Chartreuse attractive. No pony has any chance of getting lucky

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