• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen July 18th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.


It's late · 6:06am May 17th, 2023

But my brain isn't quiet. I'm stoned out of my goddamn gourd. Don't worry, it is just my usual regimen of drugs. That's how I spent a lot of my time now. Wasted. Doesn't really help with the pain much, but makes it a bit more tolerable. All of my drugs cost over 5 grand a month. That's what it takes to keep me going. I'm in somewhat better shape because of all of it, and there's a few bright spots. My chest pains are mostly gone now, thanks to the heart med. Not having crippling chest pains all

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Cyborgification is potentially a-go · 7:15pm Mar 5th, 2023

Finally found a doctor that didn't run screaming upon seeing my spine images and xrays. The team is coming together. Met with the neurosurgeon the other day, and he thinks I am an ideal candidate for augmentation. The transition is happening, I think. I still have to pass a psych evaluation and other steps, but I am closer now than ever. First I'll have the trial run; they'll sink electrodes into my spinal cord and the hardware will be external. We'll see how that goes. If all goes well and

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Today, life changes forever. · 12:17am Aug 11th, 2022

It's been a long, long road to get to this point. A big thank you to everyone who has been with me during this journey.

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Big changes are happening · 4:51pm Aug 8th, 2022

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I suppose it is time for an update · 3:22am Feb 27th, 2022

Been meaning to this, and I've become the King of Pro-Crasty Nation. I kept wanting to report, but there was nothing to report, no good news at all, so I just... didn't. Sorry. Went a bit silent on my end. It just sorta happened.

I finally got a lawyer willing to take up my case. After that, things started happening.

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I'm not dead. · 8:54pm Jul 3rd, 2021

And I haven't given up on ponies.

I've been laid low by this kidney stone.

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Early chapter preview · 7:51pm Apr 2nd, 2021

The late afternoon sun was golden in hue and warm upon the withers. Luna, a giant, stood upon the train platform surrounded by those most precious to her, little ponies. Of course, the little ponies came in all sizes, with some of them almost as large as she, so calling them little ponies felt strange at times. Amidst the chaos, there were four small little ponies, who stood in a neat row from tiniest to largest. Almanac Avocado, the tiniest, remained close to Overcast, who was but a

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Another one of those blog posts · 5:37pm Apr 1st, 2021

The cost of power was grief. In a moment of terrible clarity, Luna understood this. To be the creature she was—an alicorn—was to invite grief. She was a lightning rod for calamity. How her sister dealt with this dreadful state of being was unknown to Luna, but as she sat there, staring at Wednesday Waterkey and Top Notch, she had an inkling, an intimation of how Celestia endured. Bringing these two together, helping them, providing for their needs—this had brought her joy, and what

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Discord Digests · 12:59am Mar 29th, 2021

"Miss Avocado… might I please be open with you for a moment? May I please speak to you in an adult manner?" 

"You may?" The filly blinked owlishly behind her oversized and chunky spectacles. "I thought we were already speaking like adults, but whatever." 

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