• Published 18th Nov 2016
  • 19,002 Views, 43 Comments

Aftermath - badassgrunt

What happens after Jason Wright killed himself?

  • ...


Author's Note:

No happy ending.


Applejack stood in shock at the limp body, slowly swaying. The thing had just killed herself. Right in front of her. She couldn't believe it. Suicide was unthinkable in Equestria. And Applejack just saw something commit it. Applejack shook her head. No, that can't have happened. He had to be alive. She moved to the front of him.

He wasn't alive. His eyes were already starting to glaze over, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. Applejack opened and closed her mouth. His last words ran through her mind. What he said...that hadn't happened to him, right? He...he couldn't have been resorted to eating from the trash. Ponies couldn't be that cruel. He had to be lying.

She stared at his grimy, unkempt beard. At his horribly skinny body. At the hair that had started to fall out. Applejack put a hoof to her mouth, tears appearing at the corners of her eyes. He didn't lie. She...she had to get him down. She reared up on her hind legs, struggling to undo the knot. She eventually succeeded, and the body fell limply to the ground with a disheartening thud.

She could still save him. She could still fix this. All she had to do was get him breathing again. She turned the cooling body over onto its back. She struggled to remember how to do CPR. She pressed on his chest, "C-c'mon. D-don't do this..."

She stopped her compressions and looked to the human's face. His neck was tilted at an unnatural angle. She couldn't save him. And it all was her fault. She let out shuddering sobs as she realized that they did this to him. Ponies made him kill himself.

She...she had to get out of here. Before anyone saw. She got up and started to trot away. She looked back at the deceased human. She couldn't just leave him there. That was horrible. How could she think of just running away, leaving him to rot?

She went back. Tears dripped down her cheeks as she struggled to lift him up over onto her back. She managed to succeed, but it was awful to feel someone's dead weight on their back. His legs dragged on the ground. She had to get him to the hospital. They would knew what to do with the body.

Her body felt numb. She just made someone kill themselves. The human's last words kept bouncing around her head. Why? Why didn't they be friendly? What had been so bad about him? The more she thought back, she couldn't think of a single reason why they acted that way. He didn't do a single thing that was hostile to them. She remembered the first time she saw. Applejack stumbled to her knees and let out another sob. She said such horrible things to him for no good reason. They all treated him like an animal.

She struggled to get back up. She went out of the farm, thankful that she didn't see her family. She didn't, no couldn't, deal with them now. She reached town, and tried to ignore the whispers and pointing as she walked to the hospital. She passed the door. She collapsed in the waiting room, more out of sheer sadness than exhaustion.

Applejack looked up at a nurse that was nervously approaching, "P-please do somethin' wit' him..."

"We...don't put animals in the morgue."

Something sparked in Applejack. Rage, "HE'S NOT AN ANIMAL!" she screamed at the nurse, cowing her. Applejack put her head back down on the floor, crying, "He's not an animal..."

The nurse reluctantly took the human's body in her magic and went away. Applejack didn't know how long she laid there, crying. She was thankful nopony tried to talk to her. She didn't think she could. She eventually found that she couldn't cry anymore. She got up and numbly walked back to her farm. She needed to do something. Anything. So she did what she did best, besides making someone kill themselves: buck apples.

Her mind wasn't really there as she robotically did the motions. That's why she didn't hear Twilight Sparkle speaking to her, "Applejack!"

Applejack shook and looked at her. She was too tired to be angry, "Whut?"

"Are...you alright? You've been bucking the same tree for the past minute," Twilight looked at her worriedly. That ticked Applejack off to no end. She was worried about her friends but couldn't worry about what possibly could be the loneliest thing in Equestria. Was.

"Ah'm fine."

Twilight stared at her for a few moments, "Celestia is coming to Ponyville today to visit. Remember?"

Applejack remembered. And she wondered what their ruler would say at the human's death. "Ya want meh ta come?"

"Of course. She likes you. She likes all of us,"

Again Applejack wondered if Celestia would if she learned of the human's death. Would she execute them? That was unheard of. Then again, so was suicide, "'kay."

Applejack followed Twilight. They followed her to the library. She saw the others were already there. Applejack noted that they were oblivious as to what Applejack saw. Applejack sat down and quietly waited. Rarity noticed this, "What ever is the matter, dear?"

"Nothin'," Applejack couldn't help but snap at Rarity.

Rarity was about to open her mouth again when the door knocked. Twilight rushed to let Celestia in. Celestia smiled warmly at them all, "It's good to see you all again."

Celestia sat down with them and they started to have tea. Applejack took a swig from her cup, not really caring at how hot it was going down her throat. It needed alcohol. Celestia looked around, "Where's Jason? Will he not be joining us?"

The ponies looked at each other, "Who's Jason?" asked Pinkie.

Applejack grew cold. Jason. That was the human's name. She didn't even bother to get his name before his death. It made Applejack sick to her stomach.

"The big tall thing? Why would you want a monster at tea?" asked Rainbow.

Celestia blinked at the sudden hostility directed at the human. She was about to ask to clarify when Applejack spoke, "He's dead."

Celestia slowly turned her head to Applejack, "What?"

"He killed himself," Applejack replied in a hollow tone.

Celestia blinked at her disbelievingly, "Why-"

"'cuz o' us," Applejack didn't care if she was killing herself. As long as she took her so called friends down with her, "He killed himself 'cuz o' us."

Celestia shook her head, "This is not a very funny joke, Apple-"

"Ah ain't jokin'. He's in th' hospital morgue. Hopefully."

Celestia stared at her before suddenly standing up, "Come with me. All of you."

The ponies looked at each other before hesitantly following. Applejack was right behind Celestia. They reached the hospital quickly because of Celestia's pace. She went to the front desk, "I need to see Jason Wright's body."


"Th' human," said Applejack. The mare blinked, still understanding. Applejack huffed, feeling anger, "Th' 'animal' Ah brought in last night."

"Oh. That thing," the mare said before motioning them to follow. They reached the morgue and the mare showed them Jason's body, which was in the middle of the room. His legs hung over the edge because of his size, "We were about to bury him because he was too big.

"Leave us," said Celestia as she looked at the covered human. The mare flinched at the cold tone and quickly did what she was told. Celestia lit her horn and removed the covers on Jason's face. He was pale, lips blue. Celestia stared at him for what seemed like hours before finally speaking, "Why?"

"Wh-why what?" stammered Twilight.

"Why is Jason Wright dead?"

Rainbow Dash leaned towards Applejack, "That thing has a name?"

Applejack had to restrain herself from caving Rainbow's face in. Instead she spoke, "Like Ah said: 'cuz o' us."

"That's preposterous. While as...horrible as this thing's death is, I fail to see how we are responsible," said Rarity.

Applejack gritted her teeth, "That's 'cuz we treated him horribly. We made him kill himself."

A shocked silence ran through the ponies. Fluttershy, amazingly, was the first to recover, "Wh-what?"

"Ya'll heard meh. Ah watched him die. An' Ah didn't do a buckin' thang."

Celestia stared at Jason's body while this conversation occurred. Once Applejack was done speaking, she herself spoke, "I need to Applejack to come with me."

Celestia strode out of the room, Applejack following. They walked down the hallway for a few feet before Celestia suddenly stopped, "You saw this happen?"


"Then you seem to be the best pony for me to tell this. I am beyond disappointed. I sent Jason to Ponyville to have you all make friends with him. And what did you do?"

When Celestia didn't continue, Applejack answered, "We alienated him."

"This was beyond alienation, Applejack. This was hatred, pure and simple. Are you happy with how things turned out?"

Applejack started to cry, "N-no..."

"Really? With how you treated him, I'm surprised to see you say otherwise. Did you know he couldn't go back to his home? He left his friends and family for what he thought was a better life. They had a show about us, the humans. It was about you girls and all your adventures. Understandably Luna and I didn't believe him at first. But then he told us about your adventures, adventures he couldn't possibly have known about. He was so eager to be your friends. And you turned him away in the worst way possible."

Celestia stiffened before sighing, "I don't want to hear from you or your friends ever again. Don't try to contact me or my sister; I'm cutting off all ties to you girls. Don't worry about your reputation, I won't say anything. It'll be like Jason never came here. You can tell your friends, " Celestia spat that last word, "of my judgement. If any of you try to come to Canterlot, you will be arrested and sent back home. Goodbye, Applejack."

With that Celestia left. Applejack stared blankly ahead, mulling over the conversation. Applejack heard Twilight's voice behind her, "Applejack? What did Celestia want to talk to you about? Where is she?"

"She don't want ta see us none," Applejack slowly said, "An' neither do Ah."

Applejack walked out, leaving her friends confused. Maybe they would understand what they did. Maybe not. Applejack didn't care either way. She went home and did what she did best: buck apples.

Comments ( 43 )

What happens after I killed myself?

Seriously. That's my actual name you used. Not that I'm complaining. Just laughing about it.

I hate short one-shots like this, they end just as soon as they get good. I want to see how this ends up effecting the others, and the long-term effects.

I think the story ends a bit prematurely, and also I feel like Celestia severing all ties with the Elements is too extreme especially since they still don't get what they did wrong because neither pony explained it to them.

Other than that it was okay.

7730064 I agree a bonus chapter would be good, like a few years later or something not even that, maybe just a month or a week

I also want the others to understand and I would have rather had twilight hear that conversation being the student and all not to mention that even when applejack said celestia didn't want them she was just confused instead of the devestation I would think she'd feel

Well, that was fairly pointless. After a deeply OOC story, some Ponies start acting IC so some sort of "justice" can take place.

(Why is it that the Ponies need punishment when it's the authorwhich has turned them into assholes and tormented Jason?I mean, the anti-Conversion Bureau stories out at least started out in part as attacks on Chatoyance and her views, but this story seems more angry at the Bad Ponies. :pinkiecrazy: )


Your concerns have been noted. I might write more chapters.

I wonder if twilight shall go on an insane quest to prove she did nothing wrong with some of the others a self-discovery journey to regain the princess favor but she really is in denial she did anything horrible and maybe start hating other species, cultures and ponies looking for faults and every "evils" to judge slowing going off the deep end to crusade to "fix" things with maybe for the final straw being the magic element realizing a new bearer/keeper is needed for it power.

7731157 I agree with the others, it needs more chapters.

After i saw the other stories (canon or not), I knew this story was going to appear sooner or later.
I'm just glad it did! :D

Celestia was probably too horrified about what she just learned to really process it all at once. She sent a friend of hers to go make friends with 6 ponies she cherishes and trusts completely, in order to make him feel welcome. Then she finds out that they treated him like a monster, didn't bother to learn his name, and caused him to commit suicide. The revelation that she misjudged them THAT severely, and it caused a friend of hers to lose the will to live, probably was too much for her to take. She also probably feels that it's partially her fault for sending him there in the first place. Makes sense that she wants nothing to do with them anymore, and she's probably too emotionally devastated to respond to the situation in character.

Applejack is probably feeling similar. She also says at the end that she doesn't even care if her friends know where they made a mistake.

7731577 It also doesn't help the fact that celestia took YEARS just to get a visit and check on him.
being royalty must suck, a lot....

Honestly that seemed like a plot hole in the original story.

7731844 True, it was never explained WHY she never even look for him, considering they were "friends"

Or considering that she has indeed visited Ponyville several times in the show itself. The idea that she never bothered to ask "Oh by the way Twilight, how's Jason? You know, the alien.", is a bit far fetched. However that's a plot hole from the original story, so it's kind of grandfathered in.

Celestia is in pure shock, just as much as Applejack is. Good chance in time she will return and confront the girls and pull them up by the short hairs and demand explanations. But it just wasn't them, it was the whole town.

I wish you made sequels from eatch of the ponies views after they got "banned" by celestia.

Well. I can certainly say you helped spark me out of my writer's block.

Nothing against you or the story, but I'm starting to get sick of all these sequels with their "Jason's back for revenge!" or "oh no, now that I see that he's dead, I'm going to suddenly realize all my sins and regret everything." I mean, the first couple were alright, and there's some pretty good ones out there. But let me ask you, what happens when we put down a dog? Nothing. Maybe the owners will cry for a bit, but life moves on. And that's what should happen here.

I don't believe (emphasis on I) that the original author intended for the ponies to be interpreted as ponies, but rather as humans--and so their thoughts should be treated as such. So now I'm going to go write my own short little sequel, and nobody's going to notice because it doesn't pander to any edgelord fanboys such as myself, and it's going to get 50 views and a 3:1 dislike/like ratio and I'm going to love it.

Once again, nothing against your story, this was just the most convenient location for me to rant right now.

I'd love to see a follow up to this. just a taste of how Twilight's suffering at such abject failure would be so, so sweet...

I can't see Celestia finishing the story this way. Yes, she would be horrendously offended, but she is too much a teacher to leave it at this.

Not to mention that Twilight and the others are the Element Bearers, the nation's greatest weapons. Cutting off all ties to your WMD stockpile is honestly not terribly smart.

seems a bit of a sudden end, not a real follow through, the rest of the story was awesome but the ending feels like it needs more.

7730064 i drink to that.

This. It felt rushed, and excessively harsh on the part of Celly. I mean, there was no investigation, just a cut and drop.

8049664 an investigation would publicly ruin the mane 6 and likely put them on criminal charges.

And if that happened, so be it, no? She obviously was disgusted with the behaviour, so if the investigation turned up nothing but their own apparent prejudices (and the fact that the whole town was just as bad), then bad reputation deserved.

But what if there were factors at play? Mind altering magic?

So, in summation:

Result A - Turns out the ponies of Ponyville are a bunch of Xenophobes, with Princess Xenophobe in charge. Princess possibly stripped of her title, and the town becomes a cautionary tale of the evils of xenophobia.

Result B - Some factors, magical or otherwise, were at work to turn the town against outsiders (perhaps specifically humans). If that is the case, and the situation is resolved, then so much the better for future potential victims. Also, Celestia will perhaps reconnect with Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6.

Seriously though, their out-of-proportion suspicion, to say nothing of the direct abuse, of the human warrants investigation as a matter of course. The only reason not to investigate would be the political embarrassment, which if it came out that it was basically covered up, wouldn't reflect well on Celestia.

A bit rushed to be honest. But it was okay

I really wanted to see Twilight's reaction to to Celestia's decision.

I must say i did enjoy the short story but i feel the punishment was not... worthy... it was to lenient... it leaves a sour teste but it works, I honestly want to know how Luna must have felt as she herself doesn't have many friends that i know of but I'm sure her devastation will be great, i feel the town got off easy, but at the same time... guilt... is a powerful and destructive emotion that if not fixed will spread like a mold rotting you to the very core and as they cannot fix this i feel the whole town should share the responsibility of there... black heart'ed actions... i pity the boy and honestly may he rest in peace, but to me thoughts pony's got off easy from a powerful raging storm

*wipes eyes*....I'm sad now...

I'm going to say this as a human. I HATE the ponies that all you love.

Why does this have so many dislikes? :/
He said a disclaimer from the beginning and the end of his rant. Sure it sucks that this story had to bite the bullet since the commenter has his limit with the same problem, it that doesn’t mean to receive the most disliked comment in this fimfic. It fascinates me on how easy it is to offend someone nowadays.

Where's the story you said was coming?

Yeah, this is a side that isn't explored all that much. Having friends and going on adventures is all cool, but what happens when you get saddled with a problem far outside of our narrow circle of interest? Most people react this way... and things usually don't go this badly, but then - it's a unique situation.

I'd see more, definitely. I'm pretty sure their little circle of friends would just disintegrate over a few months to a year. Serves them well, or... rather, I guess not. I mean, you have to understand what you did, in order to be really liable for it.

I'd like to be there, hovering in the air, chugging down Cherry Cokes and scarfing down popcorn, as realization hits every. last. one. of them. ;]

The story itself isn't bad. It's loaded to hell, but it ain't bad. On its own merits, I'd say 6/10.

This is peer pressure. So many people 'demanding ' another chapter.

Nice work on the story. There are not enough stories where an alicorn or the main 6 does something stupid and gets punished for it.

Good story, was just hoping to see how this effected the other's with Celestia's verdict towards them.

I can actually relat to this story, as I suffer through these same mental issues.

Her reaction is surprisingly tame, but a lot of people tend to react like that, and I guess it's not different for ponies either.

"'cuz o' us," Applejack didn't care if she was killing herself. As long as she took her so called friends down with her, "He killed himself 'cuz o' us."

Damn, that’s her mindset?

"Ya'll heard meh. Ah watched him die. An' Ah didn't do a buckin' thang."

That’s not 100% true.

Celestia stiffened before sighing, "I don't want to hear from you or your friends ever again. Don't try to contact me or my sister; I'm cutting off all ties to you girls. Don't worry about your reputation, I won't say anything. It'll be like Jason never came here. You can tell your friends, " Celestia spat that last word, "of my judgement. If any of you try to come to Canterlot, you will be arrested and sent back home. Goodbye, Applejack."

What if there’s an attack?

Your spelling is poor, your grammar is quite rough, and there is no resolution, thus making the story pointless. Did you put any effort into this?

She wants them to suffer like he did. She’s holding it back although barely

Applejack walked out, leaving her friends confused. Maybe they would understand what they did. Maybe not. Applejack didn't care either way. She went home and did what she did best: buck apples.

Applejack you did the right thing and everyone else except for the princess I hope all of you suffer and fluttershy I have to say I am very no extremely dissaponaint in you right now for shame.:ajsleepy:

Yeah me too since Twilight's birth home and family live there. Well minus Shining Armor

This ending is weird, and very ill thought out. No more contact with a fellow princess and the elements of harmony? Just like that. Atleast something official needs to be done.

The ending feels rushed or tacked on.

This is a oneshot off of another story that occured before Twilight's status was considered important outside of the Element of Magic and let's be honest her title as Princess didn't really mean or have much of an effect until later seasons. It's meant for people who have read that original story. There are other stories that came out later that further expanded on this type of aftermath but this was one of the first and as a oneshot this works just fine. What happens after this is meant to be left to our imaginations and I myself am grateful for it because it's one of the tales that inspired others to write stories further expanding on alternate endings and aftermath for the original. I know of at least 2 (one of which is a sequel to one of the variant sequels) that are fairly new and have updated in the last week

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