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As might be ascertained, this work was inspired in part by Vavacung's lovely (if too naughty for this site's) art, which was a commission for another (much shorter) story.
I took pains to make them not-at-all the same, however, and hope everypony who reads both will see that things are different here. I do plan for there to be more to this, and the awesome commissioner who asked for this (I think) plans to keep me at it. It is a monthly commission, so you have some time to wait.
Oh, and yes, the cover art is by Vavacung.
2nd to rock and roll with it. 'Wonder' if they meet up with Diana of Themisire?? I thought it might be Amorous Amarezons?
Wow. ~hug
where the hell did you get that cover pic? I didn't see it on Derpi or dA.
That coverart look like it was from vavacung....
7570267 Yup, custom made pic from Vavacung
Phwaw. Very good~!
7570365 yeah, i know it's by him, but is it just on his patreon or will it show up on Derpi soon?
7570395 No idea, my commissioner is one of their patrons, not sure if they asked for it to be private or what.
I only released a low-rez version here so that they don't get upset about it.luck would have fell - luck would have it fell
Wings got sprained, legs broken, and a fracture in one hoof that still made her limp in the winter. - Wings had gotten sprained, legs broken, and a fracture in one hoof that still made her limp in the winter.
is myvoice like - is my voice like
It him feel strange - It made him feel strange
Daring off herself - Daring off of herself
I'm liking things so far. There's no time wasted moving on to the hot and steamy bits...
Ahui's little dream world she was in. - Ahui's little dream world that she was in. --or-- the little dream world that Ahui was in.
aware, and once - aware, but once
what she wanted, she wanted - what she wanted; she wanted
efforts wore paying off - efforts were paying off
he inhaled deep - he inhaled deeply
The action grows heavier with each chapter!
That's correct. The only one going down so far is Ahuizotl.
Give it too me - Give it to me
Be bucked hard - He bucked hard
Daring heard herself - Ahui heard herself
every withdraw - every withdrawal
in his rear tension - in his rear tense
I cannot wait to see where this will lead.
High-rez image up now, enjoy!
Congrats on being featured! This was quite the steamy little fic
is that a sequel to that other story where they found an artefact that makes them bang?
7571437 Unless it is the story accompanied by Vavacung's work, then probably not.
And even then, the only similarity is that their genders are flipped (that story had their genders already 63ed, this progresses through a TGing.)
This story has only begun. What will me and Damaged cum up with. Romance or maybe they will run into a monster or 2, Track and find out if you Dare.
Almost scared to ask which hole released? ....ummm.....yeah!
7571498 Yes we 'DO'!
So cute
7572184 I was hoping someone would catch on to that and respond thx.
Am I the only person who thinks of how adorable that cover art is? It's so cute!
7573427 You are aren't; I posted it on Derpibooru and had to hand out metformin.
7573393 Said this one way back and no-one has clicked yet?
If I suggest her real home 'Themyscira' that might help.
7573433 What you said sounded weird to me oddly...
7573446 Metformin is a common drug used by Type2 Diabetics to manage absorption of sugar into their blood.
7573640 Oh! Well, now I know... Learn something new everyday
Well, Daring's next book is going to be... interesting
7573959 You can bet Dash isn't going to want to read it with Twilight.
Or maybe she will...


Love the story though. You get on my tracking and loved
7574013 What's wrong with the cover art?
Nothing with the cover art.
I love it.
It's too cute for my feels. They're broken. :D
7574035 Ah. Well, we are working toward an end where they find themselves living that picture, not that there won't be a lot more fun along the way.
Three Hours Later
I got here from sofurry where this pic is posted. The adorableness if the art is just too much, gonna have to read the story now!
I'm more than okay with this.
I've read all four chapters and I like it. Let me give you some pointers. You are rushing, badly. The explicit content is fine, but when you get to the story, you rush it too much. I suggest you slow it down a bit, and think it through some. It lacks a bit of detail and gives off a scatterbrained effect. Good luck, I hope to see more.
Still a better and much, much less confusing love story than Twilight.
8.7/10 looking forward to more chapters
Ha that took up fast. Couldn't even make it out of the temple!
Phew! Let's see if that cooled the fires enough for them to at least get somewhere more comfortable... ;)
It's a good pairing, not because they're nemesis, but because their motivations will ensure competition that won't ever really spread to outright hatred.
Keep going! ;)
I kinda love how smooshy they are.
More smooshy please.
7573433 Can Daring turn back into a mare and have hot lesbian sex?
Yay! Snare traps
Alright! Bonding experience get!
Poor Daring got blue balled, but I'm sure he'll get back at her for that.
Keep going! ;)
7583890 Thanks, all fixed!
She just finished - She had just finished
could be just - could just be
Ahui new the voice anywhere. - Ahui knew the voice anywhere. --or-- Ahui would know that voice anywhere.
trailed up, along his sack and - trailed up, along his sack, and
but not as an enemy but - but not as an enemy but
stop him tumbling - stop him from tumbling
but we let it get momentum, it will jerk - but if we let it get momentum, it will jerk --or-- but we let it get momentum, and it will jerk
marching down the trail the little group of stallions marched - marching down the trail the little group of stallions moved
I don't know precisely why this story tickles me so. I think it must be the playful passionate romance and the discovery of true feelings underneath the initial magic-fueled lustiness.
Does it say anything about how accustomed I am to reading your stories that my first thought before continuing to read was, "Eggs?"