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  • offline last seen Sep 14th, 2024


Comments ( 68 )
Shocks #1 · Jul 30th, 2016 · · 2 ·

an 'anatomically correct' dragon.

Ew gay.

one of the better ember fics i read

this was cute, good work!

Really Good Fic Keep It Up:pinkiesmile:

Rubakor #5 · Jul 30th, 2016 · · 20 ·

Good story but why are so many people too lazy to even come up with a name? Naming the char Anon is just so damn jarring.

I feel that it's a long standing tradition when it comes to writing 2nd Person stories. Makes it easier for the reader to insert themselves in, I guess.

7437931 the idea of that trope is that it's supposed to allow the reader to put themselves in the place of the "anon" parts. They act as a blank slate, something you can cover up with more specific details about yourself. It's not really the best way, I know, but a lot of writers like to do it in these sorts of stories.

Tradition, and "he's" the best self-insert character archetype because he's not made to be a generic character like other self-insert archetypes, but because his features are unique and designed to be exchangeable depending on who's reading the story.

Besides personality, of course, that's always up to the writer. However, that's half the fun.

Just understand that a lot of people who use the name Anon are doing so intentionally, since as other people said that name and the general character associated with the name are intended to be the ultimate blank slate. And trust me, there's a lot of thought that goes into a decision like that because there are always people who complain and say that the author is being "unoriginal" afterwards.

From beginning to end, this was just a treat. Loved the characterization, the exploration of Ember and Anon's differences, and the somewhat overbearing atmosphere set up at the start. Kudos to you, author, for writing something that, despite its length (if you know what I mean), retained a sense of charm and uniqueness throughout.

I love Ember's characterization here. She really is too cute.


Captivating story, kept me interested the entire read. Very good! :twilightsmile:

The reason for that I named the human Anon is that I originally wrote this story on /mlp/ where naming the human Anon is the norm.
Since the name of the human is mostly irrelevant anyways (appears in ~1% of sentences) I saw no reason to use a different name and unnecessarily make myself look like a special snowflake.
The story I posted here is the exact same that I posted on /mlp/ as a greentext story, except for the change in formatting.

You can argue about whether or not Anon is a good name for a main character, I personally think it sounds nice (when pronounced in a German way with the A as in harm).
Ultimately if information theory has thought me anything is that words are easily interchangeable, and that aside from aesthetic aspects a character's name doesn't really matter unless you name him Adolf or something like that.

Yay more Ember! :pinkiehappy:

The wish for a sequel is strong, please, please continue this :pinkiesad2:

Stories of scandalous trysts, a relationship out in public, perhaps even... a child? Please write something :fluttercry:

Start of read: 118 like count
End of read: 132 like count, including mine.


1st story and 150 likes?

Author you have a very good writing career ahead of you :D

Awesome start! Can't wIt to see more from you :yay:

I do not have any plans for a sequel.
While I have a vague idea what kind of story you yould write revolving around the secrecy of their relationship, I don't think it would be worth investing 50+ hours.
My next goals are to finish the third arc of a Derpy story I'm currently writing and then upload the whole thing here.

The story revolves around a cynical and depressed human being unable to find a job in Equestria because he's physically inferior to earth ponies, slower than pegasi, and obviously can't do magic.
Eventually he manages to become the caretaker of a legitimately retarded Derpy only to discover that his predecessor was an alcoholic who did not treat her well.

Actually this is the seventh story I've written so far it's just the first one I've bothered to conform to FIMFiction's formatting standards.

Will there be more from you? Best ember fic ive read so far. Made better by the fact its a one shot.

I say it again why the hell dose ember not have a tag yet:twilightangry2:

7440200 She did have a tag, But I think it got removed. I'm not sure though.

7440128 oh ok '-', awesome fic still XD

Well written fic, even more impressive considering it's length.

Nice, this is going straight to the folder

Pretty good stuff. Really, the only thing missing was some--any--kind of justification for why she would have been attracted to him. But I mean, The Music Man has the same problem and it's a classic, right?

Contains graphic description of sexual intercourse between a human and an 'anatomically correct' dragon.

So... using the anatomy of real dragons?

In the thread I wrote the story in the question came up how lizard-like Ember actually is concerning her genitalia.
Since lizards only have one opening for everything some argued that it is the anatomically correct choice, prompting the response that there is no actual anatomically correct choice because dragons dont exist in reality.
By putting anatomically correct in quotation marks I mean that Ember's anatomy is more or less correct according to those who use the term anatomically correct.

He must be the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. Not every day you get to fuck a dragon lord for no other reason than because you happened to be next to each other for about an hour and got cold. Looking weak and cowardly towards dragon royalty is so romantic, you know?

c-c-c-cringe... And I've just read the description

And then they had s-- oh wait, yes, they did.

Good stuff, would be great as a containing actual story with their budding romance and challenges as a couple,

I would like a story about this!

Very good, would love to see more. :twilightsmile:

Who wants to hear Wuten do a reading of this? I do!

7441437 True, but one could argue that dragons would more similar to dinosaurs than reptiles, and not all dinosaurs had a cloaca. Besides, I'm really just teasing. It's cool, however you do it.

Aw shiet, Anon is such a weak-ass wuss. That sucks.

Dude, like...where are the dragon tits? :rainbowhuh:

In the garbage can where they belong.

Huh. This is like that part in King Kong where Kong and the TRex fight. Accept that Anon isn't a gorilla, and Ember is a dragon, and they aren't fighting so much as....okay it's nothing like King Kong.
But it's sweet. I enjoyed the non Clop parts personally, like to see them open there relationship to the world.

Anyway, yeah. Thanks for the story!

Wow. Just.... wow.

Even before taking into account the smut, this is an excellent story, and your characterization was top-notch.

I would quite like to read similar romance stories from you in the future. Off the top of my head, I felt that your style would make for a good Gilda, Chrysalis, or Trixie story.

Good work, and I hope you post more stories in the future.

Very beautifully written. The characters seemed great, and I loved the fact that you made it an actual story instead of, "Hey, here's some smut, enjoy!" You built up to it, and that is something many writers just don't do. I noticed a few mistakes here and there, like missing apostrophes, but it didn't take away from the story. I know you already said that you don't plan on making a sequel, but the way you write, I feel you would have no trouble writing one. Hopefully, maybe one day in the near or distant future, you may change your mind. Whatever you do decide, I look forward to any future works by you. *Thumbs up in approval*

People use "Anon" for the same reason they use Dusk Shine, Elusive, Butterscotch, etc.: They're unoriginal.

7596157 Your explanation is really out of the left field, anon fics are an entire sub-genre of fics with specific characteristics and has nothing to do with inability to pick a name, and when the name Anon is used while character has an actual name it's usually to distance the character from any associations a name can bring.

7596672 No. Fanfiction is about creativity, not pandering to your audience. Plenty of people have written HiE fics and not used "Anon", but to my knowledge, not a single genderbender fic has used names other than the ones already established. If I am wrong, please show me, because while it would still be the overwhelming majority, I'd like to know that at least one person bucked the trend.

I really loved this story. It was nicely built up to and it actually made me care about their relationship. In short, it was adorable and a brilliant read.

Really well done, author.

That was beautiful. The emotions felt real and the transition from fear to love (with the misunderstandings as extra flavor) is believable as well as enjoyable to read. And the explicit parts were well written to not be over the top or feel disconnected from the style set in the rest of the story.
Great job!

I'm surprised that I actually found this when I did.

There needs to be more stories like your mein freund. I loved this!

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